When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

Correct me if I am wrong. Do you not live in a gated community and shealded from the mayheam?
So too did the lawyers in New Orleans that brandished their assault rifle and pistol trying to antagonize the peaceful protesters that walked nicely past their home while being threatened by the white supremacists neo nazis. My God man, look at the facts.
Since you asked , yes I actually do need you to explain something ..what does this mean ?

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I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.
I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.
They need to do a better job of policing themselves. Their complacency during the looting and crap allowed the criminals to be the face of the movement.
So this triggers you for a response, that people would defend themselves. Yet, when tge side causing all the trouble, making threats to come to our towns and destroy them, you have nothing to say? Do you support Antifa and what they do, and if so when are you guys coming to our small towns to see if we're full of crap or not? I've seen threats for months, yet the big mouth cowards who make threats that you apparently have no problems with, stay in their corner. It's honestly mind boggling that you get triggered enough about people declaring they'll defend themselves from these panty waste idiots, that you come on here to talk about their genitals. It's not that I'm trying to be ugly, I seriously don't get it. Antifa makes threats, crickets. People declare they'll defend themselves, and you lose it.

I'm triggered when you're vomiting a wall of text at me? Lol.

First off, joe, take a deep breath. I posted a few sentences and you take THAT as being triggered when you're the one spouting off on me? Listen here, little biscuit... I never said I support antifa. I think the actual movement standing against systemic racism and police brutality has been hijacked by a lot of people who are unemployed, being paid to not work, and exercising a lot of wanton destruction for the hell of it.

Now that I've said that to halt your baseless assumptions about me and calm your country ass down, the reason I came in here with my first post was because a lot of squirrel peter Billy Badass wannabes pop up in threads like this all the time as though they'd readily shoot some stupid kids coming onto their property as though A) any urban antifa rioters would actually give enough of a **** to come out to Soddy Daisy or whatever backwater hovel they live in or B) they actually have the gumption to go Rambo and shoot a person when, in reality, they probably get the shakes when attempting to shoot a squirrel. Honestly, get the **** out of here with that faux macho nonsense. Literally no one here with an iota of bullsh*t detection is gonna buy it.

Lastly, when anyone, and mean literally *anyone* pops into VN and says anything about supporting violent riots and destruction of public property, I'll be among many who will tell them to sit down, shut the **** up, and get a job.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, joe. Hope you learned something.
Legit protests are being hijacked by thugs looking to loot and create anarchy. I've got friends who live in what is supposed to be a pretty safe suburb of Chicago (Naperville.) I asked them if it was 'really' as bad as the media is making it out to be. They're telling me it's starting to get dicey even going out to dinner, opting to stay in than risk run-ins with folks looking to piggyback off of the BLM. Being prepared for trouble is better than not being prepared for trouble, alternatively - one could move or never venture outside.

Correct about Chicago.

Between that and the pandemic, going out to eat is a pretty stupid thing to do right now.

Nothing wrong with being armed for home defense. I am.
Everyone concerned about the mob showing up, hang this at your property line.

It definitely puts crossing the fence in perspective
I live in suburbia, Not too many choices here.

I guess I'll probably pour a drink, hook up the outside AV system to play the purge siren and Boots. Put it on repeat and enjoy the show.
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Sumner, Wilson, Williamson counties.....

Peaceful protest totally ok.

Violent rioters or looting?

It ends quickly and badly for the rioters.
I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.

I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.
That's the most I've ever agreed with you on anything. What does LEO stand for though, I guess I'm an idiot and can't think of it
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I'm triggered when you're vomiting a wall of text at me? Lol.

First off, joe, take a deep breath. I posted a few sentences and you take THAT as being triggered when you're the one spouting off on me? Listen here, little biscuit... I never said I support antifa. I think the actual movement standing against systemic racism and police brutality has been hijacked by a lot of people who are unemployed, being paid to not work, and exercising a lot of wanton destruction for the hell of it.

Now that I've said that to halt your baseless assumptions about me and calm your country ass down, the reason I came in here with my first post was because a lot of squirrel peter Billy Badass wannabes pop up in threads like this all the time as though they'd readily shoot some stupid kids coming onto their property as though A) any urban antifa rioters would actually give enough of a **** to come out to Soddy Daisy or whatever backwater hovel they live in or B) they actually have the gumption to go Rambo and shoot a person when, in reality, they probably get the shakes when attempting to shoot a squirrel. Honestly, get the **** out of here with that faux macho nonsense. Literally no one here with an iota of bullsh*t detection is gonna buy it.

Lastly, when anyone, and mean literally *anyone* pops into VN and says anything about supporting violent riots and destruction of public property, I'll be among many who will tell them to sit down, shut the **** up, and get a job.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, joe. Hope you learned something.
Then I apologize if I took it wrong, but it does come across as if you were offended that someone would shoot the idiots. Antifa are the ones who have made repeated threats to come to the country for us country bumpkins, so I'm sure that's why some are talking about it.
The are politically liberal. Nazis were not. Antifa fights fascism. Nazis were fascists.

Are there any other dumb a$$ ideas you have that we can clear up for you?
Explain how attacking old people, women, and ganging up on one guy is fighting fascists? I watched a video this morning where they attacked a single man trying to get away with a baseball bat. Antifa is a bunch of thugs who get out of their parents basement when they're out if town. They're cowards who are creating injustice, not fighting against it. They beat a gay reporter because his politics didn't line up with theirs, so yeah, they're closer to a nazi than Billy Bob with his rebel flag.
Explain how attacking old people, women, and ganging up on one guy is fighting fascists? I watched a video this morning where they attacked a single man trying to get away with a baseball bat. Antifa is a bunch of thugs who get out of their parents basement when they're out if town. They're cowards who are creating injustice, not fighting against it. They beat a gay reporter because his politics didn't line up with theirs, so yeah, they're closer to a nazi than Billy Bob with his rebel flag.

Except the facts and history don't line up with your pretend truth. But, of course, you are used to that.
They oppose capitalism, Christians, police, people with wealth, and anyone who disagrees with them is targeted as a “white supremacist nazi” whether they actually are or not. So no most normal Americans do not support antifa let alone most normal black Americans
Say it with me Ricky, Antifa. Anti-fascist. You'll get it soon enough.
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Then I apologize if I took it wrong, but it does come across as if you were offended that someone would shoot the idiots. Antifa are the ones who have made repeated threats to come to the country for us country bumpkins, so I'm sure that's why some are talking about it.

Offended? No.

Calling out people for huffing and puffing? Yes.
The are politically liberal. Nazis were not. Antifa fights fascism. Nazis were fascists.

Are there any other dumb a$$ ideas you have that we can clear up for you?
If you subtract the genocide and militant aspect, Hitler's policies were actually somewhat akin to the modern American Democrat party

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