When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

I didn't see that part. The Antifa sissies were trying to be tough, but the bikers had enough and started at them, and the cop haters were hiding behind the cops😂

There will be an industry made off of flyers for missing people in and around Sturgis before that town , that police dept . , that state and those people allow ANTIFA incels to destroy the town / bike rally / economic golden goose. That’s a no touchy zone.
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Some people call me the space cowboy
Some call me the gangster of love

Some people? Maybe, But the majority of us know that you have never been to "space" , and haven't had the company of a woman (without a precursory financial transaction) since H. W. Bush was in office.


Couldn't help myself, it was such a softball...
This is not coming to the vast majority of America.

It will only happen in places where the citizenry has a quasi interest in some sort of shared belief as the types looking to do whatever this movement is.

It takes, a real time on your hands lame type, to dedicate such time as these people do, and, there are only so many places they are and will be tolerated.
Hitler didn't turn their economy around so much as nationalize everything. I'm not sure why you think that Obama turned our economy around. If anything his regulatory approach would have had the opposite effect. Presidents get too much credit/ blame for the economy anyway. Most of the economic problems we have are a result of generations of short sighted policies

Under Hitler, Germany went from runaway inflation and worthless currency to full employment. That and West Germany's economic miracle are considered two of the biggest economic turnarounds in history.
Under Hitler, Germany went from runaway inflation and worthless currency to full employment. That and West Germany's economic miracle are considered two of the biggest economic turnarounds in history.
Wouldn't call it a miracle. All he did was nationalize everything the amount of wealth the citizens retained was still very low. He built a powerful government more than anything
Please please please. I hope they visit Samburg, Walnut Log, Skullbone, and Big Sandy in West TN.

I will pop popcorn.
Wouldn't call it a miracle. All he did was nationalize everything the amount of wealth the citizens retained was still very low. He built a powerful government more than anything

Hitler did not nationalize businesses such as I G Farben, Bosch, Krupp, et cetera.
Anti-fascist = Antifa; Anti-First Amendment = Antifi. There is a logic in my theory that is missing in yours.
Good Lord the way he did it is just as logical, maybe more so. The way you set it up it's only anti-first. The way he set it up it stands for anti- FA or first Amendment.

Why argue over this?
I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.
It's a bigger issue when a public service paid to protect citizens is the one responsible for the unnecessary loss of life.

Under Hitler, Germany went from runaway inflation and worthless currency to full employment. That and West Germany's economic miracle are considered two of the biggest economic turnarounds in history.
Full employment creating the Nazi death machine. Seriously you should sell whatever it is you’re smoking.

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