When is Hitlery going to be arrested?

There is no justice in America. All we do is arrest and hassle everyday working folks just trying to get by and stick it to The Man every now and then. The real criminals write the laws, know all the loopholes and can buy off any judges or cops that get in their way.

Yet you love Putin. GTFO. You are one of the biggest frauds in this site.
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Trump. You left him off. I am sure on accident
Just because Trump hurt your feelings being an arrogant A-hole doesn’t mean he’s guilty of any crime. As far as I know, he had the American people protected by strong boarders, other countries feared us as they always have, didn’t take your right to free speech, didn’t want your guns, didn’t aid an enemy, made no mention of wanting to see your bank account, wouldn’t have left Americans behind, didn’t get 13 marines killed, never fell asleep at the wheel, wasn’t the root cause of major inflation, didn’t promote CRT and didn’t f*** up literally everything he touched. All the above has been flipped 180 degrees in less than a year. You have to TRY to be that bad.
We will start with sexual assault
Sexual assault of who? (Not kidding because idk)

But I DID actually forget to include sexual assault for Biden. Thank you for reminding me. Smelling little kids, especially little girls on the side of their necks from behind is CREEEEEEPY! So IF what you claim about Trump is true, are we seriously going to accuse him of sexual assault on an adult (who was possibly willing) and forget about the KIDS for Joe?
For the same nonsense he's accusing Hillary, Fauci, and Biden of?

Fauci lied under oath about gain of function. You won’t be able to convict him of it because he was careful in what he said, but he still lied.

With Russia gate, someone needs to be held accountable. Idk if that someone is Hillary, Steele, members of the press, or another party.
Yea that's what dumb people think when trying to understand why he wasn't re-elected. Don't be dumb.
As far as the people were concerned, he WAS re-elected. To assume he wasn’t is to assume fraud investigations in multiple states take place for absolutely no reason at all.
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Fauci lied under oath about gain of function. You won’t be able to convict him of it because he was careful in what he said, but he still lied.

With Russia gate, someone needs to be held accountable. Idk if that someone is Hillary, Steele, members of the press, or another party.
Fauci did and is STILL lying about gain of function. He changed the definition of “gain of function” to cover his ass. Sen. Paul called him out on it and apparently he changed said definition the same day he learned that Congress learned of his gain of function research.
There is no justice in America. All we do is arrest and hassle everyday working folks (people of color at an even higher rate) just trying to get by and stick it to The Man every now and then. The real criminals write the laws, know all the loopholes and can buy off any judges or cops that get in their way.
Somehow I don't think that is what it says. If so, wouldn't it be called socioeconomic theory?
Sure it is. I added the bolded.......and you know it is true.
It's funny how all of the right wingers will adamantly agree with Rasputin's post (minus the bolded part I added) while claiming CRT and BLM is nonsense.

People should think for themselves a tad bit more.
Yet you love Putin. GTFO. You are one of the biggest frauds in this site.

Ras doesn't "love" Putin. What I get from his posts is that he admires the way Putin seems to put Russia above all else and I say appears because Putin just like our politicians puts themselves first. The difference is for the vast majority of our politicians they don't even bother with pretending to place Americans above all else.
Sure it is. I added the bolded.......and you know it is true.
It's funny how all of the right wingers will adamantly agree with Rasputin's post (minus the bolded part I added) while claiming CRT and BLM is nonsense.

People should think for themselves a tad bit more.
So Crt states it is everyday hard working folks, but worse for certain groups? I wasn't aware of that.
Answer this….excepting sexual harassment…..when was the last time a nationally prominent Democrat has been arrested for ANYTHING…..then you will have the answer to your current question

I can't think of any government official that ranked as high SoS and ever got arrested. It's not right/left, it's the government vs. us.
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Ras doesn't "love" Putin. What I get from his posts is that he admires the way Putin seems to put Russia above all else and I say appears because Putin just like our politicians puts themselves first. The difference is for the vast majority of our politicians they don't even bother with pretending to place Americans above all else.
Ras loved Putin? That is a first
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Sure it is. I added the bolded.......and you know it is true.
It's funny how all of the right wingers will adamantly agree with Rasputin's post (minus the bolded part I added) while claiming CRT and BLM is nonsense.

People should think for themselves a tad bit more.
My lord Luther. Yes they get arrested at a higher rate but think about why man! Think of the kids being raised in a household of a BLM supporter as we speak! Do you think they are being raised to respect authority or combat it? Even before all this BS the left (BLM) caused, SOOOO many of them have been getting taught to hate police since birth.

The sooner everyone realizes it’s not about skin color and every bit about the way you act, the better off we’ll all be. I’m white and I know if I get pulled over for something as simple as an out tail light, if I IMMEDIATELY disrespect the cop, my chances of getting body slammed went up dramatically. I can’t stand a thug. Does that make me a racist? I’ve seen many white and Hispanic thugs too and I didn’t like them any better. But according to the left, I’m racist. I guess I should let so many of my black friends know.
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Ras doesn't "love" Putin. What I get from his posts is that he admires the way Putin seems to put Russia above all else and I say appears because Putin just like our politicians puts themselves first. The difference is for the vast majority of our politicians they don't even bother with pretending to place Americans above all else.
Is there any truth to the rumor of a Ras-Putin <see what I did there, Rasputin...Ras-Putin> pee tape?

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