When is Hitlery going to be arrested?

My lord Luther. Yes they get arrested at a higher rate but think about why man! Think of the kids being raised in a household of a BLM supporter as we speak! Do you think they are being raised to respect authority or combat it? Even before all this BS the left (BLM) caused, SOOOO many of them have been getting taught to hate police since birth.

The sooner everyone realizes it’s not about skin color and every bit about the way you act, the better off we’ll all be. I’m white and I know if I get pulled over for something as simple as an out tail light, if I IMMEDIATELY disrespect the cop, my chances of getting body slammed went up dramatically. I can’t stand a thug. Does that make me a racist? I’ve seen many white and Hispanic thugs too and I didn’t like them any better. But according to the left, I’m racist. I guess I should let so many of my black friends know.
Did you read Rasputin's post? It's okay for the right to claim that the system is rigged against the working man but evidently it is not alright to take it to the next OBVIOUS level of saying the system is not only rigged against the working man but especially against the darker man. Can you say inconsistent?
That's just acknowledging a truth. It's in no way excusing behaviors. Some nuts talk about a revolution to fight against the system like that is some type of admirable red blooded American thing to do. But let a black person more justifiably talk about fighting against that same system and they are labeled a BLM American hating thug and rioter.
If you guys can't see the lack of consistency in your positions, it's on you. SMDH - continually.
Did you read Rasputin's post? It's okay for the right to claim that the system is rigged against the working man but evidently it is not alright to take it to the next OBVIOUS level of saying the system is not only rigged against the working man but especially against the darker man. Can you say inconsistent?
That's just acknowledging a truth. It's in no way excusing behaviors. Some nuts talk about a revolution to fight against the system like that is some type of admirable red blooded American thing to do. But let a black person more justifiably talk about fighting against that same system and they are labeled a BLM American hating thug and rioter.
If you guys can't see the lack of consistency in your positions, it's on you. SMDH - continually.
Conservatives are “talking” about the POSSIBILITY of having to fight. BLM actually DID. We all watched it on national tv. The burning buildings, the statue destruction, the murders, the burning of the American flag, the looting. All for the honor of a freaking criminal! And what did they get for it? They should’ve gotten charges but instead they got a statue of said criminal to remind everyone of their “victory”. So now instead of people being able to see statues of real history, they get to look at a serious POS that had nothing but a negative effect on not just the people he came in contact with but the entire nation. He’s was a disgrace. If he’s been a white man with the same history I’d say the same.

And yes I read his post but you seemed to turn it black/white.
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Conservatives are “talking” about the POSSIBILITY of having to fight. BLM actually DID. We all watched it on national tv. The burning buildings, the statue destruction, the murders, the burning of the American flag, the looting. All for the honor of a freaking criminal! And what did they get for it? They should’ve gotten charges but instead they got a statue of said criminal to remind everyone of their “victory”. So now instead of people being able to see statues of real history, they get to look at a serious POS that had nothing but a negative effect on not just the people he came in contact with but the entire nation. He’s was a disgrace. If he’s been a white man with the same history I’d say the same.

And yes I read his post but you seemed to turn it black/white.
If any of you guys like Tyler Childress, listen to his song "Long Violent History" and then watch his commentary.
If any of you guys like Tyler Childress, listen to his song "Long Violent History" and then watch his commentary.
“Long violent history”. I agree. I haven’t watched it nor heard the song but that’s exactly what the left need to understand. We have a long violent history. The statues of those who laid the frame work of what we are today should not have been removed by a mob without understanding only to be replaced by a criminal such as George Floyd.
“Long violent history”. I agree. I haven’t watched it nor heard the song but that’s exactly what the left need to understand. We have a long violent history. The statues of those who laid the frame work of what we are today should not have been removed by a mob without understanding only to be replaced by a criminal such as George Floyd.
You might want to listen to the song and the commentary.
Did you read Rasputin's post? It's okay for the right to claim that the system is rigged against the working man but evidently it is not alright to take it to the next OBVIOUS level of saying the system is not only rigged against the working man but especially against the darker man. Can you say inconsistent?
That's just acknowledging a truth. It's in no way excusing behaviors. Some nuts talk about a revolution to fight against the system like that is some type of admirable red blooded American thing to do. But let a black person more justifiably talk about fighting against that same system and they are labeled a BLM American hating thug and rioter.
If you guys can't see the lack of consistency in your positions, it's on you. SMDH - continually.

In what country do darker men live better?
Against my better judgment I’ll engage and ask the absurdity of this question.

Prove what exactly ?

I don't know dude. I'm just goofing on BOT. He trots this comeback out from time to time like he's 10.
If any of you guys like Tyler Childress, listen to his song "Long Violent History" and then watch his commentary.
It’s Tyler “Childers” not Childress. I listened to the song and it’s a lot of what we’ve been arguing. “Tucking our tails” and “it’s the worst it’s been since the last time”. That’s been a lot of what I’ve been arguing. People are starting to get angry and angry people rebel. History has a way of repeating itself and a second civil war is not out of the realm of possibility.
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Are you attempting to make a point?

Yes. If you are claiming black people in America are experiencing systemic oppression then there’s a simple way to strengthen your argument.

1. Provide a counter example. Under what system do they have better outcomes?

2. Point to the specific aspects of the system that create this
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It’s Tyler “Childers” not Childress. I listened to the song and it’s a lot of what we’ve been arguing. “Tucking our tails” and “it’s the worst it’s been since the last time”. That’s been a lot of what I’ve been arguing. People are starting to get angry and angry people rebel. History has a way of repeating itself and a second civil war is not out of the realm of possibility.
I'm afraid you may have missed the whole message. Never mind.
Yes. If you are claiming black people in America are experiencing systemic oppression then there’s a simple way to strengthen your argument.

1. Provide a counter example. Under what system do they have better outcomes?

2. Point to the specific aspects of the system that create this
But both could be true. They experience systemic racism here and have a better situation here.
But both could be true. They experience systemic racism here and have a better situation here.

Sure but it’s less likely. If they’re oppressed here, we should be capable of finding a counter example where they are less oppressed and therefore have better outcomes. The lack of that counter example doesn’t by itself negate his argument, but it’s definitely a strike against it.

Especially when combined with his inability to point to the specifics of how they’re being oppressed by this system
Sure it is. I added the bolded.......and you know it is true.
It's funny how all of the right wingers will adamantly agree with Rasputin's post (minus the bolded part I added) while claiming CRT and BLM is nonsense.

People should think for themselves a tad bit more.
BLM and CRT are nonsense. And yes black people commit violent crimes at a much higher rate than every other race
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Thursday. Q will be there. Q and Flynn have been secretly deputized to make the arrest.
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Sure it is. I added the bolded.......and you know it is true.
It's funny how all of the right wingers will adamantly agree with Rasputin's post (minus the bolded part I added) while claiming CRT and BLM is nonsense.

People should think for themselves a tad bit more.

Wait are you claiming the bolded part isn’t true? 12-13% of our population commit the majority of homicides in this country.
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Did you read Rasputin's post? It's okay for the right to claim that the system is rigged against the working man but evidently it is not alright to take it to the next OBVIOUS level of saying the system is not only rigged against the working man but especially against the darker man. Can you say inconsistent?
That's just acknowledging a truth. It's in no way excusing behaviors. Some nuts talk about a revolution to fight against the system like that is some type of admirable red blooded American thing to do. But let a black person more justifiably talk about fighting against that same system and they are labeled a BLM American hating thug and rioter.
If you guys can't see the lack of consistency in your positions, it's on you. SMDH - continually.

A black man became president of the United States for 8 years. A black man became the most powerful man on the planet for 8 years. Lebron James. Tiger Woods. Michael Jordan. Kevin Durant. Many other black men are the most recognizable faces on this planet.

The system is by no means set up against the person of color. What you are doing is making excuses and belittling black people. Good job Luther.
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