When is Hitlery going to be arrested?

White liberal guilt is a real phenomenon.These people are brainwashed beyond reach and continue to perpetuate their revisionist version of America while drawing a paycheck at the expense of the taxpayers.
It’s almost like being called a racist by a racist. Wait a minute......... it’s EXACTLY like being called a racist by racists.
Racism is real. Only it’s directed in the wrong direction overall. The vast majority of white people are not racist the way they were even 50 years ago. Most don’t even see color as any kind of factor in a man anymore. I personally don’t see color. I see character. Character is what drives a man to pull the race card when he gets pulled over or just accept that he was wrong. Character determines if the first thing you see in another man is the color of his skin and use it as a baseline before ever talking to the man. Character IS the way you act and the way you act determines how you’re treated. Stop with the black/white BS. Because that’s all it is. The ones claiming race are the ones guilty of the separation.

Did that make you feel better?
You actually have the opposite effect.

When I hit you with actual facts, you stopped responding. Tells me you obviously draw a blank. So please explain how you feel smarter when you can’t debate the facts?
You actually have the opposite effect.

honest question: if you were teaching the formation of America from beginning to end would you include the fact that Africans were selling rival tribes to Europeans as slaves or would you omit that?

Would you also teach the no Irish allowed part of our society that shows caucasians turned on Caucasians and it wasn’t just a black vs white issue this country dealt with?

Just curious.
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honest question: if you were teaching the formation of America from beginning to end would you include the fact that Africans were selling rival tribes to Europeans as slaves or would you omit that?

Would you also teach the no Irish allowed part of our society that shows caucasians turned on Caucasians and it wasn’t just a black vs white issue this country dealt with?

Just curious.
Of course I would.
No one with a lick of sense would ever say it was just a black vs white issue.
But it most definitely was predominately a white vs black issue for a significant period of time....
Of course I would.
No one with a lick of sense would ever say it was just a black vs white issue.
But it most definitely was predominately a white vs black issue for a significant period of time....

during the black vs white period though it was also Native American Indian vs Native American Indian and Native American Indian vs white and white vs white and even black vs black due to the “house” structure of plantations.

so honestly if you look at our country on a micro scale and the world on a macro scale it has always been anyone group who could screw another group over did.
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during the black vs white period though it was also Native American Indian vs Native American Indian and Native American Indian vs white and white vs white and even black vs black due to the “house” structure of plantations.

so honestly if you look at our country on a micro scale and the world on a macro scale it has always been anyone group who could screw another group over did.
That's why you should teach it all, giving each the attention it deserves....that's what CRT is trying to improve.
That's why you should teach it all, giving each the attention it deserves....that's what CRT is trying improve.

None of what I just stated requires CRT though.

It is all already in history books and available to any teacher or student who simply wants to read basic history.

Hence, you and I can discuss it already and never had CRT in school.
None of what I just stated requires CRT though.

It is all already in history books and available to any teacher or student who simply wants to read basic history.

Hence, you and I can discuss it already and never had CRT in school.
CRT is such a nothing issue. It's flabbergasting to witness how the right has inflamed their base with such nonsense.
If you know anyone in education, ask them how "CRT" has effected what and how they teach.

I can give you their answer. "NOT ONE BIT"
CRT is such a nothing issue. It's flabbergasting to witness how the right has inflamed their base with such nonsense.
If you know anyone in education, ask them how "CRT" has effected what and how they teach.

I can give you their answer. "NOT ONE BIT"

Again, why does it even exist then? If it is simply history being taught that is already in existence?
Again, why does it even exist then? If it is simply history being taught that is already in existence?
It exists primarily as a tool used by right wing media to enflame their base.
Beyond that, it really doesn't have much of an existence.
Was the Civil War about slavery?
When teaching about the Civil War, how much of a role should the issue of slavery play?
Those questions have been debated by the developers of content for 150 years now.
That was CRT then, that is CRT now.
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The problem with the majority of the education system is the educators. They are not trusted to teach something with such a racial slant like crt due to them never leaving their own reality tunnels. Quite frankly they are overall an unimpressive bunch. There are some that are good but overall they lack talent.
I thought you said CRT doesn’t exist in schools. Which is it
CRT as portrayed by the right does not exist in schools, but refining and attempting to improve curriculum has always existed.
If you define CRT as the effort to refine and improve curriculum specifically in the areas impacted by race, then it exists......but it always has and always will.

CRT is the current right-wing boogie man. (many desperately crave something to hate and fear)
CRT as portrayed by the right does not exist in schools, but refining and attempting to improve curriculum has always existed.
If you define CRT as the effort to refine and improve curriculum specifically in the areas impacted by race, then it exists......but it always has and always will.

CRT is the current right-wing boogie man. (many desperately crave something to hate and fear)

It has and currently is being taught in schools all across the country. Teaching a child that they're disadvantaged because of their skin color is the very definition of racism.The assclowns in charge have done enough damage the people don't need another so called boogie man..
It has and currently is being taught in schools all across the country. Teaching a child that they're disadvantaged because of their skin color is the very definition of racism.The assclowns in charge have done enough damage the people don't need another so called boogie man..
What would be even more ridiculous is teaching that America is a color blind society and that skin color has never had an impact on an individual's ability to succeed.
And ignoring the fact that the single biggest predictor of a child's success is the success of their parents.
Is there any truth to the rumor of a Ras-Putin <see what I did there, Rasputin...Ras-Putin> pee tape?
Ra ra Rasputin
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra Rasputin
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on

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