When is Hitlery going to be arrested?

There are two just incredibly stupid positions.
1. There are no institutional disadvantages that black people face that white people do not.
2. An individual's chance at success in life is totally dictated by the advantages/disadvantages presented by society.

I find the two positions to be equally absurd (always have) and would consider anyone who clings to either as truth to be a complete idiot.

1. Victim mentality at its finest. Blacks cannot succeed because the system is set up against them. Yet we had a black president for 8 years. Just stop. There area very limited amount of true institutional disadvantages that black people have. White people also have them. Especially in the work world. If a business has 2 employees, one is black and one white, both break the same rules, which one is likely to get fired first? Yeah you know the answer and so do I. The white person. Why? Fear of backlash. Why though? Because if the black parson gets fired it’s ALWAYS racism. If the white person gets fired it’s no big deal. I know you won’t address this but it’s a fact. Especially in today’s work world where more and more companies are telling their employees to be “less white”. and “recognize your white privilege.” Question for you Luther, what would you say if a company put out a training module that told the black employees they had to be “less black?” Or Asian employees to be “less Asian?” Also, if this institutional racism is such a problem, why do black immigrants succeed at a higher rate than black Americans?

2. Does society dictate if a persons chance of success? Not really. Are there some challenges? Sure. But that goes for everyone of every nationality. Using society is holding you back is a lame duck excuse. For the life of me I cannot understand why liberals want to shift the blame from the individual to the system. Using the “system” as an excuse doesn’t work. It’s the call sign of the intellectually weak and lazy. My financial advisor is a millionaire 10-20 times over. He is black and so is his wife. They both came from nothing. They both have business degrees. We can go on and on with successful black people that made something of themselves despite “the system.”
1. Victim mentality at its finest. Blacks cannot succeed because the system is set up against them. Yet we had a black president for 8 years. Just stop. There area very limited amount of true institutional disadvantages that black people have. White people also have them. Especially in the work world. If a business has 2 employees, one is black and one white, both break the same rules, which one is likely to get fired first? Yeah you know the answer and so do I. The white person. Why? Fear of backlash. Why though? Because if the black parson gets fired it’s ALWAYS racism. If the white person gets fired it’s no big deal. I know you won’t address this but it’s a fact. Especially in today’s work world where more and more companies are telling their employees to be “less white”. and “recognize your white privilege.” Question for you Luther, what would you say if a company put out a training module that told the black employees they had to be “less black?” Or Asian employees to be “less Asian?” Also, if this institutional racism is such a problem, why do black immigrants succeed at a higher rate than black Americans?

2. Does society dictate if a persons chance of success? Not really. Are there some challenges? Sure. But that goes for everyone of every nationality. Using society is holding you back is a lame duck excuse. For the life of me I cannot understand why liberals want to shift the blame from the individual to the system. Using the “system” as an excuse doesn’t work. It’s the call sign of the intellectually weak and lazy. My financial advisor is a millionaire 10-20 times over. He is black and so is his wife. They both came from nothing. They both have business degrees. We can go on and on with successful black people that made something of themselves despite “the system.”
You used all of those words to say that you did not in the least understand my post?
Hilary will be arrested when they start holding political figures accountable to the same laws as civilians. So when they arrest Joe , Hunter , Fauchi and Milly we should expect Hilary to follow.

That will happen the day we decide to have a French style revolution and do it ourselves. Those in authority will never arrest their kind ... they can't afford to because they are really no different unless it is a matter of extremes.
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Now post what else the person was actually arrested for besides the weed and how much weed they had and their criminal histories. All of which play a role in the decisions to arrest or not.

Could never be where someone decided to use either ... like at home vs someplace sure to attract attention.
That will happen the day we decide to have a French style revolution and do it ourselves. Those in authority will never arrest their kind ... they can't afford to because they are really no different unless it is a matter of extremes.
More CRT? I thought you guys hated CRT.
Your position that the right = freedom and that the left = loss of freedom is patently absurd.
It only proves how effectively the right has been propagandized by those wishing to control them........ironic if you think about it.
I’m watching the left run the nation based on the left’s beliefs as we speak. In 1 year we’ve experienced tyranny like never before in our life times. Mandates of unproven shots?! Are you kidding me? Wanting to see your bank account? Seriously? I have reason to believe the right wouldn’t have left Americans in Afghanistan nor our weapons. The right wouldn’t be strategically placing illegal immigrants all around the country. To date, there is now 14 people killed and the blood is on Biden hands. The most recent was a murder here in Florida Courtesy of one of those illegals. All while trying his best to disarm US! Don’t talk to me about the left wanting freedom when all you want is control.
You think that’s CRT?
Of course......the MAN looking out for his kind. It's exactly what it is. I love seeing you guys agree while at the same time saying it is some type of America hating nonsense meant only to bring down our country.

It wouldn't hurt to admit that CRT adds some valid perspective.
I’m watching the left run the nation based on the left’s beliefs as we speak. In 1 year we’ve experienced tyranny like never before in our life times. Mandates of unproven shots?! Are you kidding me? Wanting to see your bank account? Seriously? I have reason to believe the right wouldn’t have left Americans in Afghanistan nor our weapons. The right wouldn’t be strategically placing illegal immigrants all around the country. To date, there is now 14 people killed and the blood is on Biden hands. The most recent was a murder here in Florida Courtesy of one of those illegals. All while trying his best to disarm US! Don’t talk to me about the left wanting freedom when all you want is control.
I can see where trying to destroy America's confidence in our election process as a means of overturning a free and fair election in order to steal the presidency is all about freedom and nothing about control. You got me on that one.
I can see where trying to destroy America's confidence in our election process as a means of overturning a free and fair election in order to steal the presidency is all about freedom and nothing about control. You got me on that one.
I’m just saying, THIS is not freedom. This is dictatorship at its finest.
Of course......the MAN looking out for his kind. It's exactly what it is. I love seeing you guys agree while at the same time saying it is some type of America hating nonsense meant only to bring down our country.

It wouldn't hurt to admit that CRT adds some valid perspective.

Obviously you don’t even know what CRT is.
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I can see where trying to destroy America's confidence in our election process as a means of overturning a free and fair election in order to steal the presidency is all about freedom and nothing about control. You got me on that one.

Everyone knows why you democrats want more mail in voting. You can claim because you want more people to vote but it’s BS. The voting system we have had forever works just fine. I mean you just don’t like it when people want fair elections. You know, like having to show a simple ID to vote. Wonder why you and your party is so averse to that? I mean you guys live to push experimental vaccines on the populous. Have to show ID for those. Gotta show ID to enter government buildings, but a beer or get into a bar. But something as important as voting? Nah. Don’t need an ID right?
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Everyone knows why you democrats want more mail in voting. You can claim because you want more people to vote but it’s BS. The voting system we have had forever works just fine. I mean you just don’t like it when people want fair elections. You know, like having to show a simple ID to vote. Wonder why you and your party is so averse to that? I mean you guys live to push experimental vaccines on the populous. Have to show ID for those. Gotta show ID to enter government buildings, but a beer or get into a bar. But something as important as voting? Nah. Don’t need an ID right?
He knows why they want no ID required. It’s because otherwise the open borders do the dems no good. Those are votes to replace the actual American votes he’s losing on a daily basis. Never mind the murderers, rapists, traffickers and sleepers. If they can pass no voter ID, that 450k says that 1.4 million immigrants will vote democrat.

But let’s bash this right wing guy for wanting to get his hands on a democrat. 🤔
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Of course......the MAN looking out for his kind. It's exactly what it is. I love seeing you guys agree while at the same time saying it is some type of America hating nonsense meant only to bring down our country.

It wouldn't hurt to admit that CRT adds some valid perspective.
CRT adds nothing but pure bred hate installed by you and like minded teachers. CRT is unfortunate because there is little we can do about it and by the time these kids reach our age, they’ll be programmed to think like you. In the grand scheme of things, unfortunately the left will win this war tomorrow because of what you’re doing to our kids today. It’s disgusting and you should resign if you’re teaching that chit
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CRT adds nothing but pure bred hate installed by you and like minded teachers. CRT is unfortunate because there is little we can do about it and by the time these kids reach our age, they’ll be programmed to think like you. In the grand scheme of things, unfortunately the left will win this war tomorrow because of what you’re doing to our kids today. It’s disgusting and you should resign if you’re teaching that chit
You are shockingly clueless.
@luthervol . What I wish those on the left would realize is racism WAS almost dead. I say “was” because the media making everything about race and only showing the parts of a video where the beat downs take place of a black man resisting to make it look racial has reignited flames in some and working on more once you do the research only to learn that he got what he deserved. On top of that the left is pushing CRT in schools and creating separation at early ages.

So if you have a single logical brain cell, you can see clearly why people on the right say that the left is single handedly destroying everything about America that we fought for. You’re creating a modern day form of segregation while accusing the right of racism. But the truth is the right don’t focus on color. That’s you guys.
If you are in the education field (which I’ve heard many times) and you’re pushing that crap, you should resign. With the things you post on here, one can only hope your position does not bring you in contact with kids.

White liberal guilt is a real phenomenon.These people are brainwashed beyond reach and continue to perpetuate their revisionist version of America while drawing a paycheck at the expense of the taxpayers.

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