When is Hitlery going to be arrested?

Not talking about this particular conversation. I know I’m vocal about things I’m passionate about. And I’m not hiding how I feel. But No matter how hard you try to put words in my mouth, you can’t speak it into truth. I never said “I” would be resulting to violence at a bass pro. YOU took it that way because I said people are pissed and could easily find themselves in confrontation over supporting him. But you do you. I think you should represent your president. I mean it’s no different than those that are representing the man that won the election is it? Just don’t expect me to call him mine. In case you haven’t noticed, I call it the way I see it and the man is a fraud, a tyrant, a dictator and a traitor.

And some how fantasies involving violence or taking up arms are always involved.
Im sure your delusions of grandeur existed well before the Biden administration.
Actually no. Before Biden I just thought democrats had a f***ed up way of thinking. But I never had a feeling of itching to see a group of them visit my neck of the woods
Actually no. Before Biden I just thought democrats had a f***ed up way of thinking. But I never had a feeling of itching to see a group of them visit my neck of the woods
What are your rules of engagement if you see a suspected democrat?
I’m not sure what you mean by that
What are you going to do if they show up in your neck of the woods? I mean, its bound to happen. At some point roving bands of Dims are bound to wind up in Florida. They'll be handing out copies of Das Kapital at elementary schools. They'll be convincing your dog to identify as a cat. How will you defend The Republic if you see these tyrants?
What are you going to do if they show up in your neck of the woods? I mean, its bound to happen. At some point roving bands of Dims are bound to wind up in Florida. They'll be handing out copies of Das Kapital at elementary schools. They'll be convincing your dog to identify as a cat. How will you defend The Republic if you see these tyrants?
Depends on what they’re looking for. If they want violence they’ll get it. If they want peace they will get it. But the moment they decide to start burning houses or otherwise like they do in other “peaceful” protests, they’ll likely be stacked up. They know this and that is exactly why they’ve only branched out to inner, democratic cities. There’s no resistance there. Kinda “snowflakish” wouldn’t you say?
Depends on what they’re looking for. If they want violence they’ll get it. If they want peace they will get it. But the moment they decide to start burning houses or otherwise like they do in other “peaceful” protests, they’ll likely be stacked up. They know this and that is exactly why they’ve only branched out to inner, democratic cities. There’s no resistance there. Kinda “snowflakish” wouldn’t you say?
Rioters don’t riot in rural areas. Ponder that for a moment. There is a reason for that.
Depends on what they’re looking for. If they want violence they’ll get it. If they want peace they will get it. But the moment they decide to start burning houses or otherwise like they do in other “peaceful” protests, they’ll likely be stacked up. They know this and that is exactly why they’ve only branched out to inner, democratic cities. There’s no resistance there. Kinda “snowflakish” wouldn’t you say?
Plenty of snowflake to go around.
Rioters don’t riot in rural areas. Ponder that for a moment. There is a reason for that.
Because rioters are tyrants. Tyrants don’t fight in enemy territory. They fight in friendly territory so they don’t face resistance. That’s the difference between warriors and snowflakes. Warriors go the root of the problem where snowflakes only go where they’re least likely to find the problem.
Because rioters are tyrants. Tyrants don’t fight in enemy territory. They fight in friendly territory so they don’t face resistance. That’s the difference between warriors and snowflakes. Warriors go the root of the problem where snowflakes only go where they’re least likely to find the problem.

You consider yourself a "warrior"?
You consider yourself a "warrior"?
No. I don’t fall in the category to the extent of the US military. But cops run to danger as well and I’ve had my moments where I know now that I wouldn’t run away
No. I don’t fall in the category to the extent of the US military. But cops run to danger as well and I’ve had my moments where I know now that I wouldn’t run away

I am not a warrior but have been in the company of many true warriors and they all had a similar trait. They are quite, you'd never know what they are capable of.
I am not a warrior but have been in the company of many true warriors and they all had a similar trait. They are quite, you'd never know what they are capable of.
Very quiet. And they will not tell stories of battles. My father in law wanted to tell me stories but they always started, stopped and ended with “never mind”.

He was the one in Vietnam
And why do we keeping discussing civil unrest in a thread about Hillary and the fake dossier?
My apologies. Some people on here just want to attack me and bring up comments made in other threads. Truth be told, I didn’t even realize this wasn’t the “civil unrest” thread anymore.
I'm sure there is a plausible explanation. (at least from your perspective)

Well you provide zero context. Was the arrests solely for marijuana? Did those arrested have other warrant on them or previous felonies on their record? Was anyone on probation when the arrests took place? When the arrests took place were they committing other crimes? How much marijuana was each person arrested for? We’re there weapons involved? Was the amount distribution level or simple possession?

But please Luther by all means, continue the ridiculous liberal argument that black people are being held down and intentionally targeted. Whites have privilege blah, blah, blah. Keep using the same old race card. It’s all your side has and given what happened in VA, people are getting tired of it.
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Well you provide zero context. Was the arrests solely for marijuana? Did those arrested have other warrant on them or previous felonies on their record? Was anyone on probation when the arrests took place? When the arrests took place were they committing other crimes? How much marijuana was each person arrested for? We’re there weapons involved? Was the amount distribution level or simple possession?

But please Luther by all means, continue the ridiculous liberal argument that black people are being held down and intentionally targeted. Whites have privilege blah, blah, blah. Keep using the same old race card. It’s all your side has and given what happened in VA, people are getting tired of it.
There are two just incredibly stupid positions.
1. There are no institutional disadvantages that black people face that white people do not.
2. An individual's chance at success in life is totally dictated by the advantages/disadvantages presented by society.

I find the two positions to be equally absurd (always have) and would consider anyone who clings to either as truth to be a complete idiot.

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