Where do we stand talent-wise in 2013?



VN Crisis Counselor
Jan 25, 2010
I think there is talent on the roster though not to the Bama or Georgia levels. I certainly think a well-coached roster can squeeze out a few more wins with this team. I started this thread because a few posters believe we have the same talent level as Oregon and while I'm a huge Tennessee fan I tend to disagree. Thoughts?
I think we contend with Georgia this year. In fact, I think we beat them. SC better be on their A game as well. As for Oregon, Bama? Probably not.

Florida and Georgia and Vandy are the 3 I want. Bad.
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- The DL has significant talent and experience.
- The LB Core has a little less experience and talent, but is still very good with Maggit and AJ.
- The defensive secondary has talent, but has not lived up to it quite yet. However, Having Byron Moore, Mcneil and a healty Brian Randolph should be exciting to watch.

The Defense should bemuch improved (how could it be any worse)


- The OL has even more talent and experience than the DL. This will be the biggest strength.
- The RB position is set in my opinion, if Neal stays healthy and Marlin Lane returns.

Everything else is a question mark on the offense.
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I think there is talent on the roster though not to the Bama or Georgia levels. I certainly think a well-coached roster can squeeze out a few more wins with this team. I started this thread because a few posters believe we have the same talent level as Oregon and while I'm a huge Tennessee fan I tend to disagree. Thoughts?

our roster talent level is lower third of the SEC. We have some SEC level players but not a roster of it by a long shot. jmo
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our roster talent level is lower third of the SEC. We have some SEC level players but not a roster of it by a long shot. jmo

So you think there are only 4 schools in the league with a less talented roster than us? Totally disagree. UK, Vandy, Mizzou, Ole Miss, MSU, and Arky all have less talented rosters than we do.
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Our starters are as good as any. We just have no depth. DL is solid, OL is solid and has depth. After that we have to hope no injuries.

WRs are talented, but inexperienced. QBs are talented, but same issue. RBs are decent, but two injuries and we are in trouble.
I understand that but if Butch turns out to be what we think he is I think he can overacheive in terms of wins. I think if you are BCS level then you either need to be stacked talent wise or in a unique situation (K State for instance bc they have an exceptional coach)
Our starters are as good as any. We just have no depth. DL is solid, OL is solid and has depth. After that we have to hope no injuries.

WRs are talented, but inexperienced. QBs are talented, but same issue. RBs are decent, but two injuries and we are in trouble.

Your starters aren't as good as any.

What is this solid d-line people speak of? When did this happen?

Dooley was a big problem. He wasn't the only problem.
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I think we will have talent. We have good players and always have had good players. But it's also about coaching. I love CBJ and I think in time, he will build this program to be great again...But these kids were recruited for a certain scheme and CBJ runs a different one.

The talent is there and the coaching is there. How they mesh, since CBJ runs a different offense than these guys were recruited for (similar to what happened on defense when we switched to a 3-4 with Sunseri last season), will be the fun part...It could be amazing, or it could be a disaster.
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QB) Worley 3*, Peterman 4*
RB) Neal 4*, Lane 4*
WR) Howard 4*, Young 3*
WR) Croom 4*, Harris 4*
WR) Carter 2*, Blanc 2*
TE) Downs 3*, King 3*
LT) Richardson 4*, Pair 3*
LG) Bullard 4*, Jackson 4*
C) Stone 4*, Crowder 3*
RG) Fulton 3*, Kerbyson 3*
RT) James 4*, Posey 3*
DE) Smith 4*, Miller 4*
DE) Walls 4*, Williams 3*
DT) McCullers 4*, Salsberry 3*
DT) Couch 4*, Hood 3*
SLB) Maggitt 4*, Sapp2*
MLB) Johnson 4*, Fugate 3*
WLB) Brewer 4*, Harris 3*
CB) Coleman 4*, Gordon 4*
CB) R Jones 3*, Oliver 4*
FS) Randolph 3*, Orta 3*
SS) Moore 4*, McNeil 4*
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QB) Worley 3*, Peterman 4*
RB) Neal 4*, Lane 4*
WR) Howard 4*, Young 3*
WR) Croom 4*, Harris 4*
WR) Carter 2*, Blanc 2*
TE) Downs 3*, King 3*
LT) Richardson 4*, Pair 3*
LG) Bullard 4*, Jackson 4*
C) Stone 4*, Crowder 3*
RG) Fulton 3*, Kerbyson 3*
RT) James 4*, Posey 3*
DE) Smith 4*, Miller 4*
DE) Walls 4*, Williams 3*
DT) McCullers 4*, Salsberry 3*
DT) Couch 4*, Hood 3*
SLB) Maggitt 4*, Sapp2*
MLB) Johnson 4*, Fugate 3*
WLB) Brewer 4*, Harris 3*
CB) Coleman 4*, Gordon 4*
CB) R Jones 3*, Oliver 4*
FS) Randolph 3*, Orta 3*
SS) Moore 4*, McNeil 4*
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those are from high school. anyone that has been on campus for two years should be rerated. most do not measure up to that ranking, IMO

example, a senior like Neal who has only started 8 games to this point, is not a 4 star player. 2.5 to a 3 star..
I think the real question is how talented is the team with good coaching? The recruiting slipped with Fulmer and the coaching. It wasn't good with Kiffin although he won 7 games his only year. I think the bottom fell out with Dooley--I'd say recruiting was just ok. He had some big swings and misses on personnel and administrative decisions.
those are from high school. anyone that has been on campus for two years should be rerated. most do not measure up to that ranking, IMO

example, a senior like Neal who has only started 8 games to this point, is not a 4 star player. 2.5 to a 3 star..
Up to a point maybe. But a big part of that is playing for the most incompotent coach in UT history. Let's see what these guys can do with real coaching.
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Your starters aren't as good as any.

What is this solid d-line people speak of? When did this happen?

Dooley was a big problem. He wasn't the only problem.

1. Across the board no. Here and there at best.

2. The D line has better players than it was coached last year. Its not among the best in this league but given a competent DC should show a lot better with basically the same players.

3. Not directly, but he hired and recruited most of what he had to work with. Outside of a brand new staff Jones is coaching what was left by Dooley. Similar to above he has some SEC level players scattered out here and there but not near enough to compete in the SEC.
Your starters aren't as good as any.

What is this solid d-line people speak of? When did this happen?

Dooley was a big problem. He wasn't the only problem.

Agree. Our current talent level is in the bottom half of the SEC. However, the right coach can make up for a lack of talent in college football perhaps more than any sport. Is BJ that guy? I have no idea, but I'm hopeful.
I think there is talent on the roster though not to the Bama or Georgia levels. I certainly think a well-coached roster can squeeze out a few more wins with this team. I started this thread because a few posters believe we have the same talent level as Oregon and while I'm a huge Tennessee fan I tend to disagree. Thoughts?

I agree with you about Oregon.
I don't want to be completely negative.

But, it's going to take a different group of guys.

So far, butch's recruiting is a whole lot better than what has been signed recently.

But, the class he is working on and the next one will need time to grow up

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