Where o' where does TN House Speaker Sexton live?

I'd hope he has something better to yell about.

That’s the issue though. It’s about the action, not what was yelled. For many on the left they’d want Cruz out and these guys in because they liked one message more than the other, even though the actions were equal
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Seems Johnson played it right….stand there in support, Unity. Don’t say anything while they talk…let them get voted out while she escapes. Pretty bold move to create the race dynamic

Should also be noted, the deflection is on the two removed and not the killer or shooting. For those wondering how the news cycle gets flipped
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Seems Johnson played it right….stand there in support, Unity. Don’t say anything while they talk…let them get voted out while she escapes. Pretty bold move to create the race dynamic

Should also be noted, the deflection is on the two removed and not the killer or shooting. For those wondering how the news cycle gets flipped
I assume the two will be voted back in by their constituents.
I assume the two will be voted back in by their constituents.
I think they will. I’m pretty sure one of the house leaders even stated before the vote that he expected they’d be back and that expulsion would just be a temporary inconvenience for them.

Even if he can slide on this, seems like his additional money for the out of town per diem should be returned.
Nor is this state close to a theocracy. And the “poverty” ranking has a lot to do with retirement. TN and Tx both have great economies and both rank high (12th and 13th) in “poverty” because of their attractiveness to retirees.
I'm sure the calculations weigh heavily on wages but downplay cost of living in TN. $100k in TN goes a hell of a lot further than it would in 2/3 of the states out here.
Justin is all about creating more division and violence. Born into liberal white privilege of Hollywood.

Here he is casually saying he didn’t plan to speak, but conveniently stated at the end “if you only care about democracy when it goes your way, then you don’t truly care about democracy”

Williamson County (specifically Franklin) is going to go more woke if these Californians keep moving in.
I'm sure the calculations weigh heavily on wages but downplay cost of living in TN. $100k in TN goes a hell of a lot further than it would in 2/3 of the states out here.

Yep along with the acquired wealth (and lack of income) of the retirees who move into Tennessee and Texas
Sexton has almost certainly been fraudulently billing taxpayers for trips to Crossville that he hasn't taken, if you follow the thread
above. He claimed more than 30K in travel expenses last year, which would imply a LOT of trips from his home in Crossville to Nashville,
where the legislature meets--except his home is really Nashville.
Sexton has almost certainly been fraudulently billing taxpayers for trips to Crossville that he hasn't taken, if you follow the thread
above. He claimed more than 30K in travel expenses last year, which would imply a LOT of trips from his home in Crossville to Nashville,
where the legislature meets--except his home is really Nashville.

At a minimum the thread says he’s in Crossville every summer and every weekend (148 days of the year). Really hard to claim he doesn’t live in Crossville the majority of the days that he’s not working in Nashville.
Sounds like Mr. Sexton may have a lil' something something on the side. WWJD, b*tches!

I think they will. I’m pretty sure one of the house leaders even stated before the vote that he expected they’d be back and that expulsion would just be a temporary inconvenience for them.
So why do it?

In retrospect, it seems to have been nothing but a symbolic and ultimately pointless exercise, when expelled legislators can be reinstated in less than a week.
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Lol...Pearson has actually changed his voice to mimick MLK Jr while the lemmings stand behind him. What a joke!
What does that have to do with the post that you replied to?

What was the point of expelling two representatives from the state legislature, when it was so easy for them to be reinstated, less than a week later? It was nothing but symbolic, and a waste of time.
What does that have to do with the post that you replied to?

What was the point of expelling two representatives from the state legislature, when it was so easy for them to be reinstated, less than a week later? It was nothing but symbolic, and a waste of time.

Just making a statement about one of the fools being discussed.
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What does that have to do with the post that you replied to?

What was the point of expelling two representatives from the state legislature, when it was so easy for them to be reinstated, less than a week later? It was nothing but symbolic, and a waste of time.

Seriously, how can you stand behind this guy during the phony MLK, Jr impressions and not feel like an idiot? I was waiting on him to ask for the collection plate to be passed around.

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