Where o' where does TN House Speaker Sexton live?

We're talking about Tennessee property taxes, right? The current year's amount is due and payable starting in October, and are considered late if not paid in full by the last day in February of the following year. If the 2022 taxes were escrowed and not paid on time, that's an epic fail by the servicer, and I'm guessing that's not the case. Hog, maybe I'm missing something, but your post makes no sense to me atm; escrowed property taxes disbursed in April/May/June? What?
My mortgage company doesn't pay our property taxes until the end of April. When it was with Wells Fargo they paid it at the end of April, First TN paid ours on the last house in April or May. On another properties where we didn't escrow we paid those usually March/April That's going back well over 20 years and I've never been given a delinquent notice.

Check with your mortgage company (if you escrow) to see when they pay yours. I might be unusual.

In Maury Co / City of Columbia, TN property tax due dates are not the same but there is overlap. The county taxes can be paid from Oct 1 through the last day in Feb of the following year without any penalty or delinquency. City property taxes are paid between Nov 1 and Dec 15.

From experience, delinquent taxes due end up at the county clerk's office and can be paid with an additional interest amount added. The delinquent taxes can sit there for weeks without any delinquency notice being sent out. In my area the county clerk also handles the late city taxes.
I certainly don't know all the nuances, but the Knoxville-area lenders I'm familiar with (it's definitely not all of them) have the taxes paid out in Decmeber. I don't understand the idea of TN state property taxes not being considered delinquent if paid in April, but there may be something I'm missing.
I certainly don't know all the nuances, but the Knoxville-area lenders I'm familiar with (it's definitely not all of them) have the taxes paid out in Decmeber. I don't understand the idea of TN state property taxes not being considered delinquent if paid in April, but there may be something I'm missing.

There are no TN state property taxes. Unless you’re just lumping in all counties/cities.
There are no TN state property taxes. Unless you’re just lumping in all counties/cities.
You're right, I just realized I referenced the Nashville/Davidson collection period. Knox county is coincidentally the same period. For some reason, I thought the period applied to the entire state, but I was def mistaken.
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Evil had him until you had to bring facts into the conversation.
I mean, they are delinquent if they're not paid by March 1. I imagine that servicers are paying out additional interest if they're really not disbursing until April or later, and that's money out of the borrower's pocket, assuming they're entitled to an escrow refund for any accumulated overages. Like I said, the idea of disbursing a month after the final due date is foreign to me. At the same time, allowing a 4-month period to pay in full is also a little strange to begin with imo.

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