Which of the 5 big dogs do we have a shot at?

Going to have to worry about that one, nothing I have seen this spring or read from practice and scrimmage observers leads me to believe that ball control and time management are what this offense does.. It is a very fast paced up tempo, 10 seconds at most between down and snap.. Sounds like they will either move the chains quickly or punt quickly..

This is the one thing I worry most about with respect to our offense and all of the inexperience at the skilled positions. I know that every fiber of Butch's being tells him to push the pace almost to a breakneck speed. However, given the fact that the offensive line is our greatest single strength, an offensive scheme that would maximize ball control and time management would seem, at least to me, to give us our best chance of upsetting the big five, particularly while our green quarterbacks are getting their feet wet.
As much as I despise UF, I agree. I think the chances are slightly better for beating Oregon (coaching change also, loss of talent, questionable defensive talent to start with) than UF. Bama is significantly less likely than UF.

Agree with USCe.

So I am guessing it is your opinion that UGA did not turn the corner but only had a talent bump that made them better than before? I am undecided about that myself. If so then the 8 players they had drafted could be killers for them. If not... UGA still has a habit of choking at Neyland.

no, i may end up being dead wrong here.

but, part of the reason is richt's teams usually don't blow their opponents out of the water. so, on numerous occasions geogia can dominate an opponent and you look at the scoreboard and the game is still winnable for the team getting dominated.

second, they will probably not be as stout defensively as the other opponents and that will help.

i do believe georgia turned the corner in terms of going back to winning 10 games a year. i don't know if they are bringing home an sec crown or not in the next few years, but i don't believe they are going back to a 7 win type season again either.

i don't believe tennessee will win any of these games by the way. but, the games are played for a reason.
we can beat oregon with ball control and time management. alabama would be a huge upset. florida didnt impress me last yr. and we can beat georgia and south carolina any day

Uf didn't impress you much, huh? What was their record again with a first year starter at qb?
Uf didn't impress you much, huh? What was their record again with a first year starter at qb?

I'll take 5-7 before I wanna get whipped by Louisville like that on National TV. And the only players returning from that team are now featured in highlights for Lousiville recruiting.
Any team can be beaten any Saturday, that helps make college football unpredictable and exciting. That includes oregon,they to have a new coach. :yes:
I'll take 5-7 before I wanna get whipped by Louisville like that on National TV. And the only players returning from that team are now featured in highlights for Lousiville recruiting.

They didn't want to be there, just like Bama didn't care too much about playing Utah. As a former coordinator at UF, Strong had his guys revved up. Not too hard to figure out.
since you seem to like percentages I'll go that way:
Bammer 3%
Fla 9%
Ore 4%
USCe 15%
Uga 10%

so bascially saying 'which one'? I would say USCe IMHO. They have many questions to be answered, all the others are going to finish with 9 or 10 wins and ranked in the 10 in the AP, i would say 3 of them are BCS Bowl bound teams.
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Absolutely none of them, at least not this year. The Vols are predicted to finish next to last in the SEC East, the same as last year. If UT wins 5 games total we'll be very lucky....4-8 is entirely possible. Having High Hopes is fine and understandable, but I'm afraid reality will set in early in October.
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I'll take 5-7 before I wanna get whipped by Louisville like that on National TV. And the only players returning from that team are now featured in highlights for Lousiville recruiting.

yeah, i hated having a good season with a disappointing bowl performance.

i'd much rather just get my ass whipped all season long.
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I want to say USC. Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Oregon are out the question.

So none. Best chance is USC, but it won't happen unfortunately
I think this coaching staff will disguise what they are doing on both sides of the ball. Everyone including announcers knew when it was a runplay. I also remember several qoutes about how predictable the defense was.

Can they beat these teams? I don't know . I do believe we will see better schemes and effort. Maybe just maybe if the other team doesn't know the play before it is run we may upset someone.
yeah, i hated having a good season with a disappointing bowl performance.

i'd much rather just get my ass whipped all season long.

And ironically you have the same thing to show for it as we do. And putting up 9 40+ point games is HARDLY getting your ass whipped.
I want to say South Carolina but Spurrier is too good at play calling. I think it will be close but the ole ball coach slips by again. I hope I am wrong.

I say Florida. They will think we are a cake walk and we will be very prepared. We all watched how a little too much confidence on there end....and a lot of preparation on the opponents end worked out for their bowl game.
With the inept qb play we have shown...we don't win any big games this year. This is the SEC, you can't be severely deficient in any area and compete. And it's just not the qb area that we are deficient. Wishful thinking doesn't get you far in this league. We are still a year maybe 2 away at best. If his coaching is as good as his recruiting then maybe just a year, but he has to bring in some guys that can contribute immediately for the dline and oline next year.
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With the inept qb play we have shown...we don't win any big games this year. This is the SEC, you can't be severely deficient in any area and compete. And it's just not the qb area that we are deficient. Wishful thinking doesn't get you far in this league. We are still a year maybe 2 away at best. If his coaching is as good as his recruiting then maybe just a year, but he has to bring in some guys that can contribute immediately for the dline and oline next year.

When will you people get it through your heads that the QBs are working with green receivers who CBJ has said often drop balls. That the O&W game had the frontline receivers out of play. That the team is learning a new scheme and as much progress as they're making, they have yet to master it. We will end up being better than you think this year. But you're right about 2014. So many holes to fill will likely mean a drop in on field performance.Depends on CBJ recruiting strategy. Quality HS graduates only as OL and DL guys or the right mix of JUCO DL and OL guys
to play alongside them.

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