Which of the 5 big dogs do we have a shot at?

Consider that in their respective first years, Kiffin beat Georgia, #21 USCe and was a blocked FG from beating #1 Bama, while Doolander should have beaten #12 LSU (and really you could consider any game we were close in last year as well seeing as Dooley might as well been a first year coach, i.e. USCe, UGA). Nothing should be deemed "unwinnable"; however, I would agree that Bama and Oregon away will be HIGHLY unlikely, a Florida team that is replacing a lot of key players, an underachieving Georgia team with alot of defensive attrition, and a very beatable South Carolina team should all be very winnable games with improved coaching and a little luck.

That being said, will we win all of them? No. Could we pick off one? Sure.

I'm thinking 7-5 + W/L in a bowl.
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I really just hope we show these 2014 recruits we are rising to the top. However, I would like for us to protect our house.:thumbsup:

i know i am biased in this, but until tennessee wins a game on the road, it's awfully hard to imagine it.

in addition, i think tennessee is able to match-up better with georgia and south carolina anyway

i have to say it's florida since your offense is a trainwreck and your qb is challenged with the forward pass.
I'll agree with the majority and say South Carolina. Quarterback play will be an issue, but we have a by week before playing the Cocks and it is entirely possible Dobbs takes over by this game and plays well.
I think people give oregon too much credit, if they are in the SEC they would be a 7-9 win team at best.
the only thing about them is we have to play them so early and away. But we can still beat them, they are not a sure loss. In fact nobody on our schedule is a sure loss not even alabama.

I think all those teams are going to over look us this year and that could be good for us.

^^^PRECISELY!!!!! We going to whip all dey azzes!!!!!!!! GO VOLS!
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I believe CBJ will have the team pumped up for these games. I honestly believe that there will be at least one upset.

Here are my percentage odds of an upset:

Oregon 35%
USCe 45%
UGA 40%
Fla 35%
Bammer 10%

We will be underdogs in all of them, but one or two big plays could make the difference.
We are beating Georgia this year. I feel it in my bones. Won't even be close either.

This is the most important of the 5 for our recruiting, too.

Next year we will start a new winning streak against Bama.

Not even if Lucas McCain was starting for the vols at QB.
Georgia reminds me of UCLA a bit. They have had a habit of not living up to expectations. You know, 5 star recruits and get beat by some average opponent that "On Paper" doesn't come close to stacking up.

Just my opinion, nothing more.

Quick clarification, I've been around a long time, I'm not talking about what UCLA has done in the W/L column in the last 5 or 10 years, I'm talking about the last 30 or 40 years. Or that they have a similar long term W/L record to GA, just that they don't live up to expectations.
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Best shot: usce
Likely? None of the five.

I do not see us fielding a high powered offense this year. We are probably not winning any shootout style games. GBO
Georgia reminds me of UCLA a bit. They have had a habit of not living up to expectations. You know, 5 star recruits and get beat by some average opponent that "On Paper" doesn't come close to stacking up.

Just my opinion, nothing more.

Quick clarification, I've been around a long time, I'm not talking about what UCLA has done in the W/L column in the last 5 or 10 years, I'm talking about the last 30 or 40 years. Or that they have a similar long term W/L record to GA, just that they don't live up to expectations.

I can't remember when UGA did live up to expectations. They always underachieve it seems. With GA being the recruiting hotbed it is and the talent they bring in, it's shocking how little they have to show for it. It's been time for Richt to go.
Beating Bama IN Tuscaloosa will be a tall order. Same for Oregon. Georgia and South Carolina are our best chances... but if I could pick just one game to win it would be Florida.
Series Records Against This Year's Opponents

Alabama 95 37 50 8 43.2
Auburn 51 21 27 3 44.1
Florida 42 19 23 0 45.2
Georgia 42 21 19 2 52.4
Kentucky 108 75 24 9 73.6
Missouri 1 0 1 0 0.0
Oregon 1 0 1 0 0.0
South Carolina 31 22 7 2 74.2
Vanderbilt 107 73 29 5 70.6
Western Kentucky 1 1 0 0 100.0

We have losing series records against Alabama, Auburn, and Florida. Hopefully, we can stop the bleeding against Auburn this year.

Georgia needs 2 wins to tie that series . . .
for the most part we were in every game last year up until the third quarter...when a break wouldn't go our way and you could watch the fight drain right out of our beloved vols.

dools would bloviate about winning the third quarter; but he had no concept of how to make that happen by keeping his kids in the game.

Bama, Oregon, and UGA all have the ability to put up serious points. I do think UT will try to control the clock as much as possible against UO, we may see 35+ rushing attempts with 20+ passes 7 yds and under.

USC is at home and UF has the worst offense of the bunch...
We are beating Georgia this year. I feel it in my bones. Won't even be close either.

This is the most important of the 5 for our recruiting, too.

Next year we will start a new winning streak against Bama.

What's it like living in that head, Georgia next year and a winning streak against bama the following, do you even own a TV?
We will lose to all of them. We need another solid year of recruiting and a year of QB experience before we can seriously compete with any of those teams.

Unfortunately you are correct, we could win any of them but if we are attempting to place odds, we don't win any. And we better be carful of some others not mentioned. How many games has Butch coached so far for us?
I'll take 5-7 before I wanna get whipped by Louisville like that on National TV. And the only players returning from that team are now featured in highlights for Lousiville recruiting.

Take your 5-7 lets see what happens when the mighty Los come to the swamp next year, I will hang on to your post and remind you of what a Homer you are. I suppose that Florida caught Ta&m off guard last year, Florida will be better than they were last year.
Hey ya'll, long time follower, first time poster. I tell you what, I like our chances in all of em. Bama maybe the toughest, but our momentum will be running high if we can beat UGA and SC at home the weeks before. We should be able to handle Oregon, we both have new coaches but theirs left on a sour note and we will be jacked to show the nation the Vols are back and UF lost too much on Defense and they wont be able to do anything on offense against us.
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Hey ya'll, long time follower, first time poster. I tell you what, I like our chances in all of em. Bama maybe the toughest, but our momentum will be running high if we can beat UGA and SC at home the weeks before. We should be able to handle Oregon, we both have new coaches but theirs left on a sour note and we will be jacked to show the nation the Vols are back and UF lost too much on Defense and they wont be able to do anything on offense against us.

I like your energy man, and I think anything is possible. But I am also a realist. If we win more than 2 of those 5 games I will be both excited and surprised! The fact remains that UT has a lot of work to do.
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Hey ya'll, long time follower, first time poster. I tell you what, I like our chances in all of em. Bama maybe the toughest, but our momentum will be running high if we can beat UGA and SC at home the weeks before. We should be able to handle Oregon, we both have new coaches but theirs left on a sour note and we will be jacked to show the nation the Vols are back and UF lost too much on Defense and they wont be able to do anything on offense against us.


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