Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

So if a woman bangs one dude then she's obligated to bang EVERY dude, right libtard?

Classy, nope but wouldn't it make sense if you are going to sell yourself on video sexually that you not discriminate based on sexuality. It is an odd way for you to seek validation, my friend.
You bring up a good point. Bisexuals are less discrimitory than heterosexuals or homosexuals. Monogamous or married people are probably the next level and celibate or non sexual people are the most discrimitory.

I'm not trying to be crass, but how are "non sexual" people being "discriminatory" if they don't engage in sex with ANYONE?

On another note, is there something wrong about being "discriminatory" about whom one engages with in sex?
Classy, nope but wouldn't it make sense if you are going to sell yourself on video sexually that you not discriminate based on sexuality. It is an odd way for you to seek validation, my friend.

Porn "stars" have standards bro.

Seriously..one said that to me.
If we have to make a cutoff where rich is defined as a income limit then this is where I believe it is. Like I said, there should be many tiers though.

Everyone is supposed to be equal right? Then everyone pays an equal amount. Equality! YAY!
Classy, nope but wouldn't it make sense if you are going to sell yourself on video sexually that you not discriminate based on sexuality. It is an odd way for you to seek validation, my friend.

How do you know she discriminated against him because of his "sexuality"? The likely reason that she opted NOT to have sex with him is because of the high rates of STD's among gay porn "actors". But that's not a sufficient reason for you, is it? She's OBLIGATED to screw gay porn stars since she's already banging straight porn stars, right?
Porn actors/actresses discriminate against each other constantly. Some girls won't bang dudes. Some dudes won't bang girls. Some girls won't bang blacks, some will. Some girls won't bang anyone but their husband/boyfriend (lol).

Ames suicide is absolutely a product of an oversensitive selective liberal victim\be offended culture...and daddy issues I am sure.

There is a huge difference in someone not having sex with a specific sex as that is a biological disposition. To discriminate based on someone's orientation is very different. You are already attracted to and having sex with males, but a gay male is a no?

Sounds like she should have been in a different industry. However, like I said I think it is saddening she committed suicide.

I can think of 100 better gotcha subjects as a Leftist that I could attack my own ideology on. The fact that K9 chose that seems to be a testament to the weakness of his own ideology/political prowess.
Everyone is supposed to be equal right? Then everyone pays an equal amount. Equality! YAY!

Libertarianism! What should we do to better societal conditions? Economic outcomes? Climate Change? Anything? Nothing...

How do you know she discriminated against him because of his "sexuality"? The likely reason that she opted NOT to have sex with him is because of the high rates of STD's among gay porn "actors". But that's not a sufficient reason for you, is it? She's OBLIGATED to screw gay porn stars since she's already banging straight porn stars, right?

The expectation would be that if you are having sex with men and your only thing against someone is their orientation then you are in the wrong industry. All I am saying.

Same conservative/evangelical selective outrage that rails against LGBT, but opens Roy Moore with open arms.
The expectation would be that if you are having sex with men and your only thing against someone is their orientation then you are in the wrong industry. All I am saying.

What you're not acknowledging is the high STD rate among gay, male porn actors. She wasn't alone in that may other female, porn actors refuse to engage in sex with gay, male, porn actors. Are you saying they are all obligated to have sex with gay, male porn actors since they have sex with heterosexual, porn actors? The STD rate should NOT be a consideration?
No, it’s comfortable but you still HAVE to work. Rich is working if you want.
But, if you make 500k a year for a few years, and invest 1/2 of what is left after taxes, then you won't have to work. I don't have to work, have no retirement other than putting money aside and investing in the stock market, and never made anywhere close to 500k.
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What you're not acknowledging is the high STD rate among gay, male porn actors. She wasn't alone in that may other female, porn actors refuse to engage in sex with gay, male, porn actors. Are you saying they are all obligated to have sex with gay, male porn actors since they have sex with heterosexual, porn actors? The STD rate should NOT be a consideration?

The STD rate among porn actors period is high. It is selective outrage, why not work in a different industry? There are plenty of areas of work which have 0 risk of disease. There are plenty of precautions one can take to avoid transmission as well. Lets also remember that not only did she refuse, but then subsequently decided to make it a public issue by yelling about it on twitter.

Could people have been nicer? Yes
Was she at fault also? Yes
Would this have even been an issue had she not made it one on twitter? Probably not

And aren't conservatives always touting personal responsibility? I have made several moves on social media that have been controversial and I have had death threats levied against me.

But if I act, I understand that keyboard warriors may come after me. I don't go and consider suicide.
The STD rate among porn actors period is high. It is selective outrage, why not work in a different industry? There are plenty of areas of work which have 0 risk of disease. There are plenty of precautions one can take to avoid transmission as well. Lets also remember that not only did she refuse, but then subsequently decided to make it a public issue by yelling about it on twitter.

Could people have been nicer? Yes
Was she at fault also? Yes
Would this have even been an issue had she not made it one on twitter? Probably not

And aren't conservatives always touting personal responsibility? I have made several moves on social media that have been controversial and I have had death threats levied against me.

But if I act, I understand that keyboard warriors may come after me. I don't go and consider suicide.

For once I mostly agree with you.
The STD rate among porn actors period is high. It is selective outrage, why not work in a different industry? There are plenty of areas of work which have 0 risk of disease. There are plenty of precautions one can take to avoid transmission as well. Lets also remember that not only did she refuse, but then subsequently decided to make it a public issue by yelling about it on twitter.

Could people have been nicer? Yes
Was she at fault also? Yes
Would this have even been an issue had she not made it one on twitter? Probably not

And aren't conservatives always touting personal responsibility? I have made several moves on social media that have been controversial and I have had death threats levied against me.

But if I act, I understand that keyboard warriors may come after me. I don't go and consider suicide.

Wrong. You can get Necrotizing fasciitis literally anywhere.
For once I mostly agree with you.

I've always been a believer in the quote that says you should never agree with anyone 100% of the time. Goes both ways. No matter who one debates, one should always be able to find a semblance of common ground.
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Porn "stars" have standards bro.

Seriously..one said that to me.

Reminds me of the greatest episode of Cops, ever.

[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JkwZUk3Kng[/YouTube]
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There is a huge difference in someone not having sex with a specific sex as that is a biological disposition. To discriminate based on someone's orientation is very different. You are already attracted to and having sex with males, but a gay male is a no?

Sounds like she should have been in a different industry. However, like I said I think it is saddening she committed suicide.

I can think of 100 better gotcha subjects as a Leftist that I could attack my own ideology on. The fact that K9 chose that seems to be a testament to the weakness of his own ideology/political prowess.

Wait..so you think people can not have sex with a specific sex because of "biology" and thats ok but are against people having sex with certain people because of their potentially poor choices which is based on biology? Um..sure..?...:unsure:

So roleplay here a bit..you meet a girl..she is a junky..has AIDS, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes simplex C... Do you still bang? OR do you not bang? Are you discriminating because you don't like girls? Or is it the AIDS/ hepatitis, herpes ?..
Reminds me of the greatest episode of Cops, ever.

[YouTube] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_JkwZUk3Kng[/YouTube]

I easily see that lady being a politician.

I f#%#ng love COPS (the show).

Mandatory viewing for people so they learn how not to ruin their lives.
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But, if you make 500k a year for a few years, and invest 1/2 of what is left after taxes, then you won't have to work. I don't have to work, have no retirement other than putting money aside and investing in the stock market, and never made anywhere close to 500k.

Was waiting for this argument, nearly all the new wealth in the past 50 years has gone to the top earners. So now I should have sympathy that they pay the majority already?

Yeah, not happening. Nothing that we are doing now nor Bernie/I are proposing is going to have them struggling to survive.

My point is you tout the plurality, when 50% have no skin in the game. So of course they want single payer. And free college. And free housing. And guaranteed income.
None so far for me, but you didn't bring that up to begin with. I figure that saved me a few hundred grand.

Oh most definitely.

I could probably have retired if it wasn’t for kids or if we’d have just treated them worse.

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