Who will the Dem nominee really be?

Who will really be running against Trump in November?

  • Gavin

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • Kamala

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Pete

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • I think Joe will still be the Big Guy

    Votes: 27 30.3%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Somebody else

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 25 28.1%

  • Total voters
I think and hope it will be Sloppy Joe...but if not its 100% Big Mike.

He/she is the only potential candidate that doesn't have a Kamala problem...who could be critical of choosing 1 "better" black woman* over a clearly inept black woman? Let's be honest too...the complicit leftist media isn't gonna openly criticize anything the Dimwit Party chooses to do as long as it means beating Trump 😉
Please post Big Mike’s résume to be POTUS.
Big Mike is the only one I think checks all the boxes.

Because of the shortness of time, it has to be someone who has campaigned before and more than anything, has to be someone who has the behind the scenes power to round up delegates. That really only leaves 4 possibles:

annnnd Michele Obama AKA Big Mike

The Clintons still have apparatus but nobody outside their group really wants to see them back. Too many progressives, etc have issues with Bill. Way too many skeletons.

Gavin is a real possibility and he is the fair haired boy but I dont think he has the power behind the scenes in a delegate fight, although CA would give him an advantage

Kamala. Nobody wants her BUT the optics of tossing aside a black woman VP is going to be hard for the identity party crowd to stomach, and it certainly wont help much in the black community who is melting away from them.

That leaves Michele, perfect identify politics candidate. People think she has been vetted because of being first lady even though she has not. There wont be enough time to really dig into her before she is installed in the massive election rigging scam in November. Many squishy dems would be excited and the reality is that whoever controls the Obamas, controls a lot of the delegates of the dem elite.

Michele (and to a lesser degree) Gavin are the only ones that give them cover for the cheating they need to do to win. Right now, they cant cheat their way out. The gap is too large and the narrative is not believable.

Michele will "reluctantly" step up and run for the good of the party and to save the nation from the bad orange man. Its the only way should could ever get "elected." The Axios story where she has been said to not being on the trail for Joe has been explained by Joe's snub of a friend of hers is a setting piece to give her distance to claim she doesnt back him.

Democrats SAVING Democracy again by being totalitarian lol.
If they wait until after the convention, the Democrat nominee won't be on the ballot in most states. There's no way they want to run a write-in campaign.

Then they’ll have to do it at the convention.

Another possibility. They’ll take a knee with the POTUS and hope to take over Legislative. Especially at the mid-term. BUT, other than the economy, getting their nominees for SCOTUS is YUGE. That should be their advertising campaign. Too many conservatives on the SC instead of the Rs will take away abortion rights. Actually both. But they won’t win on abortions alone. Women aren’t that gullible.
Then they’ll have to do it at the convention.

Another possibility. They’ll take a knee with the POTUS and hope to take over Legislative. Especially at the mid-term. BUT, other than the economy, getting their nominees for SCOTUS is YUGE. That should be their advertising campaign. Too many conservatives on the SC instead of the Rs will take away abortion rights. Actually both. But they won’t win on abortions alone. Women aren’t that gullible.

In order to do it at the convention, Biden will have to already be out of the race. That could be because he withdraws or because his cabinet invokes the 25th Amendment. But if Biden is still in the race when the DNC kicks off in Chicago, there is no mechanism to deny him the nomination. 99% of the delegates are pledged to him.
In order to do it at the convention, Biden will have to already be out of the race. That could be because he withdraws or because his cabinet invokes the 25th Amendment. But if Biden is still in the race when the DNC kicks off in Chicago, there is no mechanism to deny him the nomination. 99% of the delegates are pledged to him.

That’s messed up.

But there’s little doubt now that Joe is a dead man walking. Orchestration of the replacement is the unknown. And does Joe understand what is happening and will be cooperative?
Almost anybody not nearly comatose would be an issue for Trump. I can’t get over how badly the Ds have f’d this up.
I think the only real problem for the Dems at this point is how to extract from this without handing HeelsUp the scepter. I can almost see Hillary stepping into the breach at this point. Actually it really doesn't matter what they put up, and since the DNC writes their own rules, they can do it whenever they want. I don't buy for a second any of this timing stuff that some of ya'll are talking about. Dems will vote for whomever they are told.
I think the only real problem for the Dems at this point is how to extract from this without handing HeelsUp the scepter. I can almost see Hillary stepping into the breach at this point. Actually it really doesn't matter what they put up, and since the DNC writes their own rules, they can do it whenever they want. I don't buy for a second any of this timing stuff that some of ya'll are talking about. Dems will vote for whomever they are told.

They have a challenge ahead.

Get Joe out with the least amount of damage.

Keep Kamala off of the ballot.

Find somebody that will challenge Trump.

Don’t lose seats in Congress.
In order to do it at the convention, Biden will have to already be out of the race. That could be because he withdraws or because his cabinet invokes the 25th Amendment. But if Biden is still in the race when the DNC kicks off in Chicago, there is no mechanism to deny him the nomination. 99% of the delegates are pledged to him.
the DNC has worked around their own rules before. they will do so again.

if it feels particularly icky they will give themselves some type of "emergency powers" to do it, and the voters know the stakes and won't question it. largely because the media won't.
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I think the only real problem for the Dems at this point is how to extract from this without handing HeelsUp the scepter. I can almost see Hillary stepping into the breach at this point. Actually it really doesn't matter what they put up, and since the DNC writes their own rules, they can do it whenever they want. I don't buy for a second any of this timing stuff that some of ya'll are talking about. Dems will vote for whomever they are told.

Maybe the Dems put Duckworth as the VP. Disabled, former vet, and female. That gets enough media cover for tossing Kamala outside like the cheap whore that she is...
Maybe the Dems put Duckworth as the VP. Disabled, former vet, and female. That gets enough media cover for tossing Kamala outside like the cheap whore that she is...

Trump is a cheap male whore. :eek: :eek: :eek:

And dishonest. While he's married three immigrant, mail-order brides, he's cheated on all them. But then we learned
that he's actually gay and gets an erection every time he gets near the War Criminal in Moscow. Fact!
:eek: :eek:
I chuckle at the Earls who regularly try to trash Harris because she supposedly slept with somebody 25 years
ago....but they support the gangster. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:😭😭😭😭😭

The smell of rank hypocrisy! You guys are funny. Lame...but funny.
I chuckle at the Earls who regularly try to trash Harris because she supposedly slept with somebody 25 years
ago....but they support the gangster. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:😭😭😭😭😭

The smell of rank hypocrisy! You guys are funny. Lame...but funny.
I feel bad for you today. It must be tough after last night.
I want Biden to step aside and Michelle Obama to step in just to see all the slovenly Earls stroke out.

Oh, my: That would be about as politically delicious as it gets....

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