why according to Mccain and Obama are poor people more important than rich people?

There are plenty of people I wouldn't consider smart who make a lot of money.

My father never went to college but he owns two companies.

Also now you are starting to talk about gov't jobs versus the private sector which are two totally different things (unless Obama has his way).

JObs are jobs and income is income. The middle class (main street) is not separated into gov't income middle class and a private sector middle class.
Not to mention they wouldn't want to.

you asked the question, I answered it. What's with the pissy response?

I'm a truck driver with nearly 20 years experience (military and civilian) and nearly 2 million accident free miles. If you think I'm going to work for minimum wage (or for someone like you), you're kidding yourself.
you asked the question, I answered it. What's with the pissy response?I'm a truck driver with nearly 20 years experience (military and civilian) and nearly 2 million accident free miles. If you think I'm going to work for minimum wage, you're kidding yourself.

no real response, therefore....
I'm sick and tired of the rich thinking they are above everyone.It seems to me the thread starter has never experienced being poor....such BS.For those rich folks that think your above everyone I got something for you:
I'm sick and tired of the rich thinking they are above everyone.It seems to me the thread starter has never experienced being poor....such BS.For those rich folks that think your above everyone I got something for you:
JObs are jobs and income is income. The middle class (main street) is not separated into gov't income middle class and a private sector middle class.

That's not really what I meant but it doesn't really matter.

I'm now convinced, Henry Ford was no more valuable than any regular factory worker.
I'm sick and tired of the rich thinking they are above everyone.It seems to me the thread starter has never experienced being poor....such BS.For those rich folks that think your above everyone I got something for you:
one needs to have experienced being poor to avoid being "such BS." That's well thought out.
I'm sick and tired of the rich thinking they are above everyone.It seems to me the thread starter has never experienced being poor....such BS.For those rich folks that think your above everyone I got something for you:
there has to be a remedial posting course so you can figure this stuff out.
How many of us have really experienced being poor in the U.S.?
So what your saying is that because you live in the U.S. being poor isn't possible...I realize it's not like in 3rd world countries..but poor is poor by definition.
but poor is poor by definition.
Actually, poor is:

  • [SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]
  • hapless: deserving or inciting pity; "a hapless victim"; "miserable victims of war"; "the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic ...
  • having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret"
  • characterized by or indicating poverty; "the country had a poor economy"; "they lived in the poor section of town"
  • lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
  • inadequate: not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience"
  • poor people: people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group); "the urban poor need assistance"
  • unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"; "expectations were poor"[/SIZE]
    ...by definition, of course

you asked the question, I answered it. What's with the pissy response?

I'm a truck driver with nearly 20 years experience (military and civilian) and nearly 2 million accident free miles. If you think I'm going to work for minimum wage (or for someone like you), you're kidding yourself.

I interpreted your response as pissy. I thought it was dodging the question. Message boards have that issue from time to time.
So what your saying is that because you live in the U.S. being poor isn't possible...I realize it's not like in 3rd world countries..but poor is poor by definition.
I'm tired of all these poor people acting like they're special. I bet none of those broke, deadbeats have ever been rich in their lives. What a bunch of idiots.
Wow you are really clueless about being poor.You must have had money comming out of your behind since you left the womb.
are you really absurd enough to try and pretend that someone is less of a person because they're not parading around with their broke badge of courage.

Sounds like your clueless about wealth, which is a much worse problem to have.

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