Why is the GOP so afraid?

The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the Muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

care to point out anything at all that points to the GOP being afraid of Blacks and gays as you put it?

as far as Muslims go that is a temporary fear apparently, good for 90 days. and if the EO was written correctly you wouldn't have an argument here. we simply want to know who you are before you come here.

illegal immigrants, same thing, we want to know who you are before we let you in the front door. also it generally ticks off those who did it right that the government favors those who did it the wrong way. at least under Obama. there was/is a complete double standard there.

transgenders I guess there is the NC thing and maybe the military thing. but honestly is the military a place any sane person thinks one should be if there is a question of who you are?
Yet still more factual and neutral than Fox.

I bet if you directly compared the actual news operations of both channels, you'd find that both are equally factual and both are equally biased with the information they provide.

The big difference in perception is due to the pundits. No one watches Wolf, Cooper, or whoever and for some reason, the nation can't get enough of O'Reilly's populist rantings and Hannity's bumper sticker conservatism.
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Yet still more factual and neutral than Fox.

So that makes them not a complete phony. You just gave the smartest kid in a special education class comparison. We're basically debating the tallest dwarf with debating who's the best MSM station.
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Even Amnesty International puts the number at 60%. Either way, that's not exactly encouraging figures.

The problem Huff is having is he can't disprove the claim. He fell into the logical fallacy of knocking down the source. Since Huff can't disprove it in the old fashion sense, he went for invalidating the source.

In simple debate, it is up to me to prove the claim I made, but it's up to him to rebute it.
We are seeing the amazing effects of propaganda. Many have allowed themselves to be bombarded with nothing but right wing propaganda for years. They deny the truth and never see the entire picture - only the negative. Take a peaceful protest with 100,000 people, one idiot throws a brick through a car window and the other 99,999 are peaceful. All the right wing propaganda machine will show is the brick through the window with some outrages headline attached. After being bombarded with this crap thousands of times over a number of years, it's no wonder they're left in fear.

My son, as a military representative, was present during that 'peaceful' riot. (I assume you're referring to President Trump's inauguration riots). Rest assured, there was a touch more than one or two brick throwers. He alone arrested 13. And he said could have taken down many more if they had been given the ok. They were very tolerant on not arresting people.

You spew of propaganda but yet I guarantee you subscribe to every ounce of 'news' that comes from MSNBC/CNN types.

There are idiots on all sides of the aisle. But I have a question: when you failed or didn't meet certain standards in school, was it the teacher's fault or yours? I'm positive I know the answer.
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I bet if you directly compared the actual news operations of both channels, you'd find that both are equally factual and both are equally biased with the information they provide.

The big difference in perception is due to the pundits. No one watches Wolf, Cooper, or whoever and for some reason, the nation can't get enough of O'Reilly's populist rantings and Hannity's bumper sticker conservatism.

And Tucker Carlson's destroying of liberal arguments.
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And here's in my opinion of the dumbest liberal myth: We are a democracy.

We are a constitutional republic, we are not a democracy. True democracy creates mob rule where one side can execute the other essentially.
Cowardice favors the left more so. I have no love for the GOP, but, get real the liberals and progressives from the time they stepped into kindergarten have been, and are the poster children, for picked on and bullied wussies who became so scarred from their pathetic inability to stand up for themselves that led them into being the bleeding hearts they are as adults.

So much truth in this. I saw it happen where I went to school. Liberal parents made for the most part pansies out of their kids. There were exceptions, but very few.
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With the GOP chomping at the bit to push as much legislation through during their dominance in Washington, I wonder how long until someone in Congress dusts off the dusty tome of great ideas, and proposes to reinstate segregation as the answer to save the white children

The rape of the middle- class is under way. But they voted for and I will be LMAO . They were warned.

Mortgage companies are already offering loans to people with past credit problems. They know the repeal of dodd- frank is imminent and are ready to cash in and leave the taxpayers holding the bag...again. Hell t-rump's treasury sec is known as the king of foreclosure. :crazy:
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I bet if you directly compared the actual news operations of both channels, you'd find that both are equally factual and both are equally biased with the information they provide.

The big difference in perception is due to the pundits. No one watches Wolf, Cooper, or whoever and for some reason, the nation can't get enough of O'Reilly's populist rantings and Hannity's bumper sticker conservatism.

:good!: Really don't care who holds our leaders accountable , just so they do that.
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The implication is that we have a lot of Mexican-American rapists. We don't really. Is the rate slightly higher than the American average? The data I have seen confirms that, but it's not enough of a difference to justify fear-mongering over it. Look at it this way...

"White people...they're racists, and some of them I'm sure are good people."

We cool with that from a presidential candidate?

So you are okay with illegal aliens coming to our country and raping our country men and women as long as they keep it slightly above our own internal rape percentage. That kind of thinking will destroy this country.
I bet if you directly compared the actual news operations of both channels, you'd find that both are equally factual and both are equally biased with the information they provide.

The big difference in perception is due to the pundits. No one watches Wolf, Cooper, or whoever and for some reason, the nation can't get enough of O'Reilly's populist rantings and Hannity's bumper sticker conservatism.

Best analysis I've seen regarding CNN vs. Fox News in a while.
1) Requirements are lower for women to become an army ranger than it is for a man.

Should be the same for all

2) Look at Europe with it's mass migration problems

They are in a world of trouble, from economics to immigration

3) The cultural epidemic of the AA community refusing education and the treating of women as sex objects is caused a lot by rap music

Not a lot of respect for anything or anyone

4) The bathroom thing is pure stupidity.

1 more time: if you are born with boy parts you go to the boys room, if you are born with girl parts you go to the girls room.
My son, as a military representative, was present during that 'peaceful' riot. (I assume you're referring to President Trump's inauguration riots). Rest assured, there was a touch more than one or two brick throwers. He alone arrested 13. And he said could have taken down many more if they had been given the ok. They were very tolerant on not arresting people.

You spew of propaganda but yet I guarantee you subscribe to every ounce of 'news' that comes from MSNBC/CNN types.

There are idiots on all sides of the aisle. But I have a question: when you failed or didn't meet certain standards in school, was it the teacher's fault or yours? I'm positive I know the answer.

Personally, I never failed at school. Had I failed, it would have been 100% on me. I would say that student failure is 70% parent/guardian, 27% student, 3% teacher.

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