Why is the GOP so afraid?

That is hilarious. Conservatives need a "safe space" anytime they hear a conflicting opinion. Yall whine and moan at any protest or anytime someone points out any injustice or misdeed.

whining and moaning is different than the criminal destruction of private property
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whining and moaning is different than the criminal destruction of private property

The argument was who needs a safe space. So like I said its the crybaby conservatives. If the liberals are a bunch of violent anarchists they aren't the ones needing a safe space.
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The argument was who needs a safe space. So like I said its the crybaby conservatives. If the liberals are a bunch of violent anarchists they aren't the ones needing a safe space.

Didn't liberals invent the term safe space and claim they needed one
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The argument was who needs a safe space. So like I said its the crybaby conservatives. If the liberals are a bunch of violent anarchists they aren't the ones needing a safe space.

What are you doing? Crying like a little *****?

Conservatives didn't riot and squeal when Obama was elected...

We took it and made change the democratic way...
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Point is the NY security is an unnecessary, they think they're to good to live in the WH. You righties will defend the most outrageous conduct.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Every time stupid $hit from the right hits the headlines y'all start regurgitating the same bull$hit about Obama and the Clintons ridiculous . :idea:

They want the kid to finish school in NY, nothing more, nothing less.
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The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice.

So instead of saying this is just your proposition, you state a "belief" you hold as if it is fact. Which it is not fact. It's only your proposition. And must be substantiated.* And you know this, ... really, so:

*H e r e ... w e ....go... into la la land, down the rabbit hole..

[/QUOTE]They're afraid of "the blacks,"[/QUOTE]* The Republican* Party was started by Abraham Lincoln.

*A list of Accomplishments by Republicans that Democrats have tried to defeat! Civil Rights. Dont fall for Obama lies – InvestmentWatch
You can not claim the GOP is "scared" of black people. Or any other race fof that matter.
Now racisim does exist, and the ugliness of it crosses all political partys. I won't claim modern Republicans are any more free of it than modern Democrats.
But your claim of 'fear'...what are you? A GOPophobe?

"the gays,"

The first use I remember of the pseudointellectual (false intellect) use of xxxphobe was homophobe.
While I suppose there are a small portion of the population who actually fear homosexuality; to invent a sensationalizing misnomer that casts the shadow of "phobia" on those opposed to the homosexual "in your face at every opportunity" agenda is blatant falsehood.* Fear aint got nothing to do with it. It's more like 'homogetouttamyfacewithit" but you know, there's not a word for that. I actually thought about 'homodisgustia' but that carries more meanings than the one I intend.* While personally yucky to me (human fecal coloform is nasty stuff), are you gay? OK. Go your way. I have a moral code that places sanctions on it.* You know what it is.* I don't* accept the lifestyle.* Well, you don't accept mine.*
It's a two way street. Is a gay scared of a heterosexual, because he's a hetero? It think not.
There are those of us who will never accept "gay marriage" as real marriage, it's a civil union with all the civil benefits of any other contract. And again, 'fear' hasn't got one thing to do with it.* Are the gays heterophobes? Never hear that.

"the Muslims,"

Understanding political islam's history wrt it's 1,300 year unceasing hijrah and jihad and Western Civilization and World History,* sharia law, the Seven Pillars of Islam,* not least of 'thighing' and that's* implications, does not impute fear. It imputes justifiable caution in adults

"the illegal immigrants,"

This is getting old.* The billions of dollars in welfare, the billions of untaxed dollars shipped back to illegal alien's country of origen, the millions of dollars spent on federal agencies to just scratch the surface of getting a handle on criminals fleeing to America BECAUSE OF OUR LAX IMMIGRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT in the recent past,* place financial burdens on the legal American citizens and residents we should not have to bear.

"men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender)

phuut..been going on forever, and everyone knows it. They used whatever restroom they wanted, just didn't get in your face with it. Goes for the females passing for men too.* Saw and old transvestite who's wig was askew at Publix not long ago...so sad for them, at least I think so. You are welcome to think otherwise.

But there really is no sense in a man going into a girls locker room and dangling his dick in front of them while he changes into his gym shorts.*

and "women who want jobs intended for men."

Like my wife, a Civil Structures MSCE PE for 40+ years.* I have to agree the glass ceiling exists and any honest centrist or conservative will too.* What most often happens, is not "taking a job intended for men" but is these ladies come fresh out of college or tech school and take on the world and do good. Do well enough that they are depended on by their company. Then they have a baby. Getting kids to where ever when ever, even if shared by their spouse, does not provide the company the same work function as a man with an at home wife who can get there early, stay all day, an leave late when needed. The kids and their well being have to be, and in fact should be, and are rightfully so, placed first by their Mom. And even if Dad trys to share the load, women are going to do more. I full well know my wife took more than her fair share. Even though I drove car pool, coached sports, etc. Why? She'd already been placed on "The Mommy Track".

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

And again, ^^that's just wierd^^ that last comment.
Why have you made such an Ad homonem attack based on fear, child?


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What are you doing? Crying like a little *****?

Conservatives didn't riot and squeal when Obama was elected...

We took it and made change the democratic way...



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Didn't liberals invent the term safe space and claim they needed one

That's what I was thinking. Last year late spring early summer. It was created for all the minorities who are still constantly treated badly by the man. They opened up their safe spaces on most college campuses.
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the underlying theme of the present day gop is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. Transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

i'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

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That is hilarious. Conservatives need a "safe space" anytime they hear a conflicting opinion. Yall whine and moan at any protest or anytime someone points out any injustice or misdeed.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound after the left all but burned Berkeley down to keep a gay guy from free speeching?
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That's the type of statement that overrides anything intelligent you may ever have to say and has you planted firmly in the top five of my list of posters to completely discount.

I'm not worried about being "discounted" by a racist like you.
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That is hilarious. Conservatives need a "safe space" anytime they hear a conflicting opinion. Yall whine and moan at any protest or anytime someone points out any injustice or misdeed.

No way you typed that without laughing at yourself.

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all these diatribes are really part of the symptom....so mine is too.

people can't disagree anymore w/out it becoming violent, petulant, engage in a war of words or some combination....and then worse.

much like another poster....I honestly don't care what you believe or not and how you want to conduct yourself in public....just don't want your opinion / lifestyle shoved down my throat...while expecting me to like it. It doesn't work that way, you don't accept / want it and neither do I. I honestly believe this is where the fringe lives and tends to attack anyone who disagrees like their lives depend on it....and where the media seems to want to live as well.

I don't do this to others and expect the same in return.

People are different...have different views....got it. It really doesn't mean one faction is better or right...that's the way it's been and will continue to be. But what it shouldn't mean is violence, distruction and viceral condemnation either way...which is what it has become. Nor does it mean changing societal norms for the 1%

Women want to be Seals...by all means, have at it....just don't change the standards, which has happened w/ every, solitary MOS that has opened to women. Men who can't meet the male standards can't compete...why should it be different. I served w/ women, and some were at the top of their profession...conducting frontline, covert / special operations is a different animal...most men can't handle it either.

Want special bathrooms, fine....be prepared to pay for them. Or better yet, make 'em all unisex. Just don't ***** when you mom/wife/daughter walks in and I'm taking a piss in the urinal. Promise I won't ***** when they're taking all the stalls.

It really is starting to go to far w/ the united states of the offended....everyone is offended by something or someone...and by god....it's never their fault.

how bout we all just have a little common courtesy, respect for authority and learn to live in a civil society...nope, can't have that....my friend's, cousin's, step father's, uncle was treated bad when he failed to compy with whatever authoritative directive was presented....which, was wrong of course, should be changed for 1 individual.

some of you will age...hopefully...and begin to see things in a different light. Then again, maybe not....but do you really think for one minute the radicals out there (all of them) give a fiddlers @#%$ about how you stood up for them. They don't.
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Not wrong. The social security problem is the perfect example.
Did I cause the Social Security problem by giving the government 15% of my income for 45 years?

Edit: It was just the last 30 years that I paid 15% in SS and Medicare. The rates went up a bunch in 1984.
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Baby Boomers, and to an extent GenXers are growing increasingly scared that minorities are going to attack them in their safe homes and neighborhoods, social programs will eat into their retirement or increase their insurance costs, and that "the world is going to hell in a handbasket."

This is important because these self-important *******s vote like no one's business. The older they get, the more active they get in elections from the local level to the federal level. They know how to hold on and desperately keep a sinking ship afloat at least until they die.

I do believe my generation and younger feels and thinks differently. But, we need to beat them where it matters, not just disagree with them and show disgust for the circus of nonsense they turn the world into as they try desperately to hold on to their absurd fiction of the great America from the 50's and early 60's.
I didn't realize that you were old enough to remember the 50's and 60's. I figured you read about it in a book. I guess you are better positioned to comment on it than I am. All I did was experience it every day.
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Just a small side note. While my son was in DC for the inauguration, he had the privilege to be in the room with 3 former presidents and their wives. He noted how tall Michelle Obama is. He said she had to be at least 6'2" by his guesstimation. That's not a comment about her being an Amazon or anything derogatory, it's just a note, as I had no clue she was that tall.
Well, she's a guy.
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I didn't realize that you were old enough to remember the 50's and 60's. I figured you read about it in a book. I guess you are better positioned to comment on it than I am. All I did was experience it every day.

Well crime was worse and there was more discrimination and oppression then. What he said is correct. But I'm sure 5 year old you knew all about the world issues of the day.
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