Why is the GOP so afraid?

He has no manners.


There's a reason he's on his 3rd wife.

Bannon - 4, Newt - 3, Rush - 3, Giuliani - 3

Family values type of guys.
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The rape of the middle- class is under way. But they voted for and I will be LMAO . They were warned.

Mortgage companies are already offering loans to people with past credit problems. They know the repeal of dodd- frank is imminent and are ready to cash in and leave the taxpayers holding the bag...again. Hell t-rump's treasury sec is known as the king of foreclosure. :crazy:

You need to revise your wording to the raping of the middle class started eight years ago
The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the Muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

Probably one of the dumbest posts I've read on VN in a long time, and thats saying something considering the libtard company you keep here.

See you confuse a difference of opinion as "being afraid" because you have no better argument. Your squirrel size brain immediately pulls the "phobia or race" card when it can't comprehend that others might have different ideas than you do. In real life this is called intolerance.

How your mind works:

You said blacks commit more murders than anyone else in this country?! Racist!!

You wouldn't sleep nude with a homosexual in a sleeping bag? Homophobe!

You say 99% of world terrorism is committed by muslims?! Islamophobe!

Did you say illegal immigrant? Didnt you know America is for everyone and laws are meaningless?! Racist!

What do you mean you won't ask me out to the prom if I dress like a woman!? Transphobe!! Racist!

Sorry I don't have an example for your last one, women wanting jobs intended for men because I don't even know what that means. What jobs are out there that women are not allowed to do? I bet you're talking about the military right? Well hell why stop with women! Why don't we have any blind Navy Seals? Why are there no paraplegic pararescue troops allowed to save downed pilots? Why cant adulterers serve honorably? Why can't single parents join the military!!!

:crazy: :eek:lol:
Of course Obama let Michelle take lead, he always rode b!tch with that beast.

That's the type of statement that overrides anything intelligent you may ever have to say and has you planted firmly in the top five of my list of posters to completely discount.
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Of course that is only part of the tape and the full tape shows him displaying manners.

Honestly this crap is just silly

Taxpayers are paying millions in security costs ' cause the queen wants to stay in her ivory tower instead of living in the people's house. But that's okay cuz the gop is in total control hypocrites! :yes:
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He has no manners.


Just a small side note. While my son was in DC for the inauguration, he had the privilege to be in the room with 3 former presidents and their wives. He noted how tall Michelle Obama is. He said she had to be at least 6'2" by his guesstimation. That's not a comment about her being an Amazon or anything derogatory, it's just a note, as I had no clue she was that tall.
Taxpayers are paying millions in security costs ' cause the queen wants to stay in her ivory tower instead of living in the people's house. But that's okay cuz the gop is in total control hypocrites! :yes:

They're paying millions keeping Obama and the Clinton's safe as well. Are you going to ***** about that?
They're paying millions keeping Obama and the Clinton's safe as well. Are you going to ***** about that?

Point is the NY security is an unnecessary, they think they're to good to live in the WH. You righties will defend the most outrageous conduct.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Every time stupid $hit from the right hits the headlines y'all start regurgitating the same bull$hit about Obama and the Clintons ridiculous . :idea:
Point is the NY security is an unnecessary, they think they're to good to live in the WH. You righties will defend the most outrageous conduct. :roll eyes: Every time stupid $hit from the right hits the headlines y'all start regurgitating the same bull$hit about Obama and the Clintons ridiculous . :idea:

Hey dingus, it's standard that the Presidents primary residence be secured by the secret service. It's been that way for decades with all presidents who actually owned a home. So Clinton and Obama didn't need it.
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Point is the NY security is an unnecessary, they think they're to good to live in the WH. You righties will defend the most outrageous conduct. :roll eyes: Every time stupid $hit from the right hits the headlines y'all start regurgitating the same bull$hit about Obama and the Clintons ridiculous . :idea:

I'm not defending Trump. I'm just curious as to why you're suddenly concerned with spending taxpayer dollars when for the last 8 years it was you lefties claiming that the debt and deficits didn't matter.
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Have you seen this forum? I'm surprised half the conservatives here ever leave their grandma's basement. Conservatives are a bunch of scared crybabies but this isn't news.
Have you seen this forum? I'm surprised half the conservatives here ever leave their grandma's basement. Conservatives are a bunch of scared crybabies but this isn't news.

At least they don't need safe spaces and burn down a QT gas station when they don't get their way.
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Hey dingus, it's standard that the Presidents primary residence be secured by the secret service. It's been that way for decades with all presidents who actually owned a home. So Clinton and Obama didn't need it.

It's also traditional for the president to spend his weekends at Camp David, not some multi- million $$$ Florida resort he owns . After his election the membership fees for it doubled.
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It's also traditional for the president to spend his weekends at Camp David, not some multi- million $$$ Florida resort he owns . After his election the membership fees for it doubled.

Ever been to rural Maryland in the middle of February?
At least they don't need safe spaces and burn down a QT gas station when they don't get their way.

That is hilarious. Conservatives need a "safe space" anytime they hear a conflicting opinion. Yall whine and moan at any protest or anytime someone points out any injustice or misdeed.
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It's also traditional for the president to spend his weekends at Camp David, not some multi- million $$$ Florida resort he owns . After his election the membership fees for it doubled.

So what's your *****? Secret Service has to secure his house or he went to his club?

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