Why is the GOP so afraid?

Ohhhh...I get it. Just keep changing the words until we can justify it.

These gymnastics only go to show that you guys really do see the problem with what he actually said.

I actually don't. Something like 80% of women get raped while trying to cross the border.
We are seeing the amazing effects of propaganda. Many have allowed themselves to be bombarded with nothing but right wing propaganda for years. They deny the truth and never see the entire picture - only the negative. Take a peaceful protest with 100,000 people, one idiot throws a brick through a car window and the other 99,999 are peaceful. All the right wing propaganda machine will show is the brick through the window with some outrages headline attached. After being bombarded with this crap thousands of times over a number of years, it's no wonder they're left in fear.
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We are seeing the amazing effects of propaganda. Many have allowed themselves to be bombarded with nothing but right wing propaganda for years. They deny the truth and never see the entire picture - only the negative. Take a peaceful protest with 100,000 people, one idiot throws a brick through a car window and the other 99,999 are peaceful. All the right wing propaganda machine will show is the brick through the window with some outrages headline attached. After being bombarded with this crap thousands of times over a number of years, it's no wonder they're left in fear.

The bad apples always ruin it for everyone. That's always been a fact of life.
Millennials? Baby boomers are scared but millennials aren't? Lol, you post a lot of stupid things but this was too funny to not highlight.


It's a vicious cycle. Millennials are scared of what the boomers are doing and the boomers are scared of what the millennials are doing. The only problem I have is that boomers are trying to influence a world in which they won't have to live with for very long. They don't care about long-term consequences of their actions as long as it benefits them in the here and now. That entitlement is causing a **** ton of problems.
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It's a vicious cycle. Millennials are scared of what the boomers are doing and the boomers are scared of what the millennials are doing. The only problem I have is that boomers are trying to influence a world in which they won't have to live with for very long. They don't care about long-term consequences of their actions as long as it benefits them in the here and now. That entitlement is causing a **** ton of problems.

Not wrong. The social security problem is the perfect example.
We are seeing the amazing effects of propaganda. Many have allowed themselves to be bombarded with nothing but right wing propaganda for years. They deny the truth and never see the entire picture - only the negative. Take a peaceful protest with 100,000 people, one idiot throws a brick through a car window and the other 99,999 are peaceful. All the right wing propaganda machine will show is the brick through the window with some outrages headline attached. After being bombarded with this crap thousands of times over a number of years, it's no wonder they're left in fear.

Wow, talk about propaganda. There are numerous videos showing these anarchists assaulting Trump supporters, destroying public and private property, setting stuff on fire and looting. It's not a tiny sample of protesters and is the other way around. It's a tiny amount of protesters that aren't doing these things.
Many of those I know personally if polled would identify themselves as open-minded, open and tolerant to all religions, races, sexual orientations, etc. However, those same people complain about what minorities are doing to America and how we just need to get back to when we didn't have women trying to join the Navy SEALs, Muslims blowing up America, blacks and their rap music in our schools, transgendered trying to get out kids in the bathroom. I listen to these conversations at work, next to me in restaurants, and with family at holidays, and there is a disconnect between where they self-identify and the prejudice they believe and quietly practice.
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The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the Muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

How OLD are you, child?
Don't you know better than to make an idiot out of yourself in public?
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Many of those I know personally if polled would identify themselves as open-minded, open and tolerant to all religions, races, sexual orientations, etc. However, those same people complain about what minorities are doing to America and how we just need to get back to when we didn't have women trying to join the Navy SEALs, Muslims blowing up America, blacks and their rap music in our schools, transgendered trying to get out kids in the bathroom. I listen to these conversations at work, next to me in restaurants, and with family at holidays, and there is a disconnect between where they self-identify and the prejudice they believe and quietly practice.

1) Requirements are lower for women to become an army ranger than it is for a man.

2) Look at Europe with it's mass migration problems

3) The cultural epidemic of the AA community refusing education and the treating of women as sex objects is caused a lot by rap music

4) The bathroom thing is pure stupidity.
It's a vicious cycle. Millennials are scared of what the boomers are doing and the boomers are scared of what the millennials are doing. The only problem I have is that boomers are trying to influence a world in which they won't have to live with for very long. They don't care about long-term consequences of their actions as long as it benefits them in the here and now. That entitlement is causing a **** ton of problems.

And it's us GenXers who have to fix the ****ups of both.
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Millennials? Baby boomers are scared but millennials aren't? Lol, you post a lot of stupid things but this was too funny to not highlight.


I didn't say millennials aren't scared, I said they are scared of immigrants. Maybe the dumb guy is the guy who makes false conclusions?
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Wow, talk about propaganda. There are numerous videos showing these anarchists assaulting Trump supporters, destroying public and private property, setting stuff on fire and looting. It's not a tiny sample of protesters and is the other way around. It's a tiny amount of protesters that aren't doing these things.

I know you believe that and thereby prove my point.
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Baby Boomers, and to an extent GenXers are growing increasingly scared that minorities are going to attack them in their safe homes and neighborhoods, social programs will eat into their retirement or increase their insurance costs, and that "the world is going to hell in a handbasket."

This is important because these self-important *******s vote like no one's business. The older they get, the more active they get in elections from the local level to the federal level. They know how to hold on and desperately keep a sinking ship afloat at least until they die.

I do believe my generation and younger feels and thinks differently. But, we need to beat them where it matters, not just disagree with them and show disgust for the circus of nonsense they turn the world into as they try desperately to hold on to their absurd fiction of the great America from the 50s and early 60s.
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With the GOP chomping at the bit to push as much legislation through during their dominance in Washington, I wonder how long until someone in Congress dusts off the dusty tome of great ideas, and proposes to reinstate segregation as the answer to save the white children

You really are as dumb as I first thought
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Central American Women Crossing U.S. Border Are Raped 80 Percent Of The Time

Cites the study. I mean, it's hit the point where they recommend birth control while crossing the border.

I had to follow like 3 links to get to the original source. Here it is:

A staggering 80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped along the way, according to directors of migrant shelters interviewed by Fusion.

So the "study" is an undisclosed number of interviews of observers' perceptions.

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream? | Fusion
Baby Boomers, and to an extent GenXers are growing increasingly scared that minorities are going to attack them in their safe homes and neighborhoods, social programs will eat into their retirement or increase their insurance costs, and that "the world is going to hell in a handbasket."

This is important because these self-important *******s vote like no one's business. The older they get, the more active they get in elections from the local level to the federal level. They know how to hold on and desperately keep a sinking ship afloat at least until they die.

I do believe my generation and younger feels and thinks differently. But, we need to beat them where it matters, not just disagree with them and show disgust for the circus of nonsense they turn the world into as they try desperately to hold on to their absurd fiction of the great America from the 50s and early 60s.

What exactly do you think your generation brings to the table? What are some of your grand ideas?

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