Why is the GOP so afraid?

Why do the Republicans in this forum deflect and project so much? Are you really that insecure?

Poor snowflake.

You didn't answer the question you blowhard lefty snowflake. Who you going to sponge off of when all the baby boomers die off? Have you got an answer or not?
The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the Muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

Are you a Communist?
You didn't answer the question you blowhard lefty snowflake. Who you going to sponge off of when all the baby boomers die off? Have you got an answer or not?
Why do you project so much?

I have a career with stable income. It must be Pretty hard for you to wrap your head around the fact that someone can be liberal and have a successful career?
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Cry us a river sweet lil Sammie...... poor sweet baby
He called a woman a beast. Are you sure you guys aren't the ones living in your parents basement?

Do you listen to Jeff Foxworthy and die laughing? Going by your level of humor, I can safely assume that you do.
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I'm not defending Trump. I'm just curious as to why you're suddenly concerned with spending taxpayer dollars when for the last 8 years it was you lefties claiming that the debt and deficits didn't matter.

because the left define hypocrisy on a daily basis. if it weren't for double standards they wouldn't have any standards
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Did I cause the Social Security problem by giving the government 15% of my income for 45 years?

Edit: It was just the last 30 years that I paid 15% in SS and Medicare. The rates went up a bunch in 1984.

Social Security tax is only 6.25%. You understand that you are the exception, not the rule. I'm very happy about the fact that you made smart decisions. Most people don't even have 400 dollars in a savings account.
Cry us a river sweet lil Sammie...... poor sweet baby

Anyone who finds 79's comment appropriate and/or humorous is more than deserving of the term conservahick. I hope most of you find it offensive and are just to weak to say anything because you are aligned on the same side. As sad as that is, it's still preferable to finding the comment funny.
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I bet if you directly compared the actual news operations of both channels, you'd find that both are equally factual and both are equally biased with the information they provide.

The big difference in perception is due to the pundits. No one watches Wolf, Cooper, or whoever and for some reason, the nation can't get enough of O'Reilly's populist rantings and Hannity's bumper sticker conservatism.

One key thing to factor in here is the medium by which they are being viewed. I'd easily wager there are more TV viewers in the Fox demographic than the other two. I imagine a great deal of AC fans watch him online, which doesn't count towards those ratings.

Honestly, surprised AC even sits in the 400-500's in TV ratings. I guess GBC enjoys it in 1080p.

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