No one but the military minds of this country could answer that question. We will probably see significant numbers still in Iraq for at lest four or five years (by significant Say 3/4 to 2/3 of the current amount deployed.)
I don't think anyone can answer that question because the chief refuses to put a timeline on events or reveal any strategies.
True, only the military leaders in charge know the scope of dynamics on the ground according to their plan and that is the way it should be. Setting a timetable would only play in to the terrorist hands and enable them to shape their tactics accordingly.
It is? You know how other strategies would have played out and they would have been better?
We shouldn't still be engaged in fighting terrorists? You thought they were just going to lay down and quit at some point? Also, nothing about your reply says anything about how we are playing into their hands.
We're still fighting a war that should be the equivalent of a fight between a lion and a kitten. The longer we fight with Iraqis in their country the more time actual terrorists have to work unheeded.
Interesting stuff there. So the guys currently shooting at Americans in Iraq are not actual terrorists? And if we left there, terrorists would be heeded then?
More to the point....when are we going to learn that civilian casualties are part of war, and that half way fighting wars are as dangerous to the civilian population in the long run.