Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Her rhetoric is sensible when compared with Biden for example. But I've never taken a deep dive into her policies.
There is a reason she is a fellow at the Sanders Institute. And yes, that Sanders, the Bern. She makes Biden look like a Republican with her beliefs. VN has had a love affair with her for years, even though this board is overwhelmingly against damn near every policy she stands for.
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Nope, just never understood the obsession of our forum posters with Tulsi. She is right there with Bernie ideologically. I mean, she is a fellow in his dark money fundraising apparatus institute.

You can work with an honest person who will listen. People begin the educational process clueless and if they apply themselves and are willing to learn, they end up with an education. It sure seems like some statements indicate she's moderated on her original political views, so give her a chance and see how she goes with that. I also have a very hard time reconciling her military service and leftist views which leads me to believe someone is being less than honest about her politics.
You can work with an honest person who will listen. People begin the educational process clueless and if they apply themselves and are willing to learn, they end up with an education. It sure seems like some statements indicate she's moderated on her original political views, so give her a chance and see how she goes with that. I also have a very hard time reconciling her military service and leftist views which leads me to believe someone is being less than honest about her politics.
Strange right? She's so loved ? But shat policies if you are a Republican
She's cute, served in the miltary, and talked **** to Hillary. That's all they know.
Our friend @volfanhill summed it up nicely.
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You can work with an honest person who will listen. People begin the educational process clueless and if they apply themselves and are willing to learn, they end up with an education. It sure seems like some statements indicate she's moderated on her original political views, so give her a chance and see how she goes with that. I also have a very hard time reconciling her military service and leftist views which leads me to believe someone is being less than honest about her politics.
I don’t look at the things people say she said or say she believes. I look at the things she actually says and the things she actually did. You can be a Democratic Socialist and still believe in the principals of the Democratic process of a republic and want to protect those. People like to point out that she’s said she doesn’t believe citizens should own an AR-15 type weapon but ignore that she said the constitution clearly protects your rights to own one and those rights should be protected. Often she has said those things in the same breath.
There is a reason she is a fellow at the Sanders Institute. And yes, that Sanders, the Bern. She makes Biden look like a Republican with her beliefs. VN has had a love affair with her for years, even though this board is overwhelmingly against damn near every policy she stands for.

Dude, Biden makes Sanders look like a Republican. You are shilling. And no Pete isn't a good candidate. He's low hanging fruit.

Biden is doing some of this stuff and Sanders is like:

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard gave voice to concern over the vitriol directed at Rittenhouse.

'With no evidence, MSM & antifa-loving politicians immediately labeled Rittenhouse a white supremacist terrorist,' she tweeted on November 11, using an acronym for the mainstream media.

'It's obvious now that [Rittenhouse] was just a foolish kid who felt he needed to protect people & the community from rioters & arsonists because the government failed to do so,' she concluded after days of courtroom testimony.

Rittenhouse walks, but where does he go to get his reputation back after smears from Biden and Libs? | Daily Mail Online
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Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard gave voice to concern over the vitriol directed at Rittenhouse.

'With no evidence, MSM & antifa-loving politicians immediately labeled Rittenhouse a white supremacist terrorist,' she tweeted on November 11, using an acronym for the mainstream media.

'It's obvious now that [Rittenhouse] was just a foolish kid who felt he needed to protect people & the community from rioters & arsonists because the government failed to do so,' she concluded after days of courtroom testimony.

Rittenhouse walks, but where does he go to get his reputation back after smears from Biden and Libs? | Daily Mail Online

She may have liberal ideals, but she is no Democrat.
The democrats would be well served if Gabbard was promoted as leader of the party.
Apparently a principled socialist is so much more preferable than a mercenary socialist.

She does have some redeeming qualities.

As much as she is on FN maybe she'll evolve in a couple more areas. I'm sure she is well aware of the dangers of many on the left. She was given a false moniker by Clinton.
She does have some redeeming qualities.

As much as she is on FN maybe she'll evolve in a couple more areas. I'm sure she is well aware of the dangers of many on the left. She was given a false moniker by Clinton.
I think she was ready for what happened. She went after the people in power while on the same team, I dont think she was thinking of jumping ship. If she was i would have expected her to do that before making the comments she did.
I think she was ready for what happened. She went after the people in power while on the same team, I dont think she was thinking of jumping ship. If she was i would have expected her to do that before making the comments she did.
She’s not as far gone as most of them. She’s more like a Cynthia McCkiney. Leans a little left of center, but probably a decent person.
Sorry but anyone who supports the Bern is Hard No from me.

I'd like to hear her come clean on her economy positions today. She seems to never speak about it. It's always big tech and staying out of war. It's more than likely because these are controversial and she spends a lot of time on FN.
There could be a multi-year study on Horseshoe Theory alone based on this thread. Just completely bizarre.
She’s not as far gone as most of them. She’s more like a Cynthia McCkiney. Leans a little left of center, but probably a decent person.
She doesnt lean a little left of center she is at best borderline Bernie.

Anti guns, and H4A are not anywhere close to center. I am pretty sure there are others.

About the only thing she is center/right on is the use of the military overseas. She is against itwhen most of the left became warhawks under Obama and Trump.

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