Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Cynthia McKinney? The nutcase from Georgia? She is crazier than an entire mattress factory full of bed bugs. Compared to her, Tulsi Gabbard is more like Thomas Jefferson.
Cynthia McKinney had her wild moments, but she has done a remarkable turnaround on some things and moderated he tone.
Why are you a democrat? You seem like a sensible person. I get you're still in your 20's but clearly you have understand the difference between pragmatic policies vs non American capitalistic policy. You can be sensible and pragmatic, while understanding what makes America different and having survived and grown as a power for almost 250 years. It doesn't mean we will continue as a power if major blunders over time continue.
Well, technically I haven't been a democrat for several years now. I haven't donated or gave the DCCC money since the Obama years. But I've always voted Democratic, with a few Independents scattered in there over the years on local stuff. I decided a few years ago that I'd rather focus my money and attention on specific candidates that I like.
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I didn't think a democrat was allowed to speak at cpac? Has a republican ever been allowed to speak at the democrat equivalent?

And Kasich spoke at the Party Convention (way higher level than a yearly conference) against Trump in 2020. So, yes, it has happened.
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Tulsi Gabbard Crosses party lines and goes after the 'power elite' in CPAC speech where she earns Standing Ovation for praising the Durham probe into 'Clinton corruption' and blasting FISA courts

  • Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard crossed party lines to give the keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando
Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard crossed party lines to give the keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando.

Gabbard, who's been both politically aligned with Sen. Bernie Sanders and also a frequent guest on Fox News, gave a twisty-turny speech where she raged against the 'power elite' and 'their co-conspirators in the mainstream media and the security state.'

She went after both Democrats and Republicans in Congress 'who talk a good game about civil liberties, but when it comes time to cast that vote on things like getting rid of secret FISA courts and protecting our fourth amendment rights to privacy, they vote on the side of the power elite and against liberty.'


CROSSING THE AISLE? Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard waves to attendees of CPAC's annual Ronald Reagan Dinner Friday night in Orlando, Florida


Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard uses air-quotes as she delivers the keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida

Tulsi Gabbard earns standing ovation at CPAC, praises Durham probe | Daily Mail Online
Woman of color, military background, elected official leaves the party due to it's changing values and less common sense. This should get the board cranked up with hypocrisy by the left today.

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are…" Gabbard

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