Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Yep, have to purge those who can't be bought off with trinkets
Nobody "purged" her, she left on her own accord, which she should have done a long time ago since she hates liberalism so much. She's literally a member of the Bernie Sanders Institute and a far left populist hack. The right can have her. Maybe she can get a gig at RT now and go hang out in the Motherland.

Horseshoe theory go clang.
Nobody "purged" her, she left on her own accord, which she should have done a long time ago since she hates liberalism so much. She's literally a member of the Bernie Sanders Institute and a far left populist hack. The right can have her. Maybe she can get a gig at RT now and go hang out in the Motherland.

Horseshoe theory go clang.
You’ve lost your mind
Nobody "purged" her, she left on her own accord, which she should have done a long time ago since she hates liberalism so much. She's literally a member of the Bernie Sanders Institute and a far left populist hack. The right can have her. Maybe she can get a gig at RT now and go hang out in the Motherland.

Horseshoe theory go clang.
She was ostracized for not bending the knee. She said what needed to be said about 2 of the worst options to ever lead the executive branch and paid the price. Some didn't have the guts and were easily bought off. Your party would improve if it contained more people like her.
You’ve lost your mind
Gabbard will forever be remembered for taking down Kamala on stage. Calling her out for locking up those who will now be released under the 6500.

"During Harris' tenure as California attorney general from 2011 through 2016, nearly 2,000 people went to state prison for having drugs that Harris now scoffs at locking people up for. And as a prosecutor in San Francisco, Harris helped ensure that people who may previously have been eligible for drug diversion programs were instead imprisoned."
She was ostracized for not bending the knee. She said what needed to be said about 2 of the worst options to ever lead the executive branch and paid the price. Some didn't have the guts and were easily bought off. Your party would improve if it contained more people like her.
Nobody threw her out of the party when they very easily could have for years now. She burned those bridges all on her own.
Nobody threw her out of the party when they very easily could have for years now. She burned those bridges all on her own.
Bridges that needed to be burned if this country is to ever recover. Too many just want to be accepted as part of the system that they allow this destruction without a fight. Quit supporting cowards
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Lol you say it like your proud of those allegations

EL is a twitter junkie. She lives to be first. She wanted to get this news out there before someone else did lso she could steal the thunder like it's no big deal. We can almost guarantee this is salt in the wound to EL because it underscores many truths about the democrat party.
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Bridges that needed to be burned if this country is to ever recover. Too many just want to be accepted as part of the system that they allow this destruction without a fight. Quit supporting cowards
I support who I agree with, I don't care about party. Tulsi can go do her thing on her podcast and Fox News. It has nothing to do with principle, it is all about the grift for Tulsi. Always has been.
I support who I agree with, I don't care about party. Tulsi can go do her thing on her podcast and Fox News. It has nothing to do with principle, it is all about the grift for Tulsi. Always has been.

Then the obvious question is "what do you disagree with her on"?
Then the obvious question is "what do you disagree with her on"?
Well to begin with, her support of Bernie's Medicare 4 All plan and the Squad's Green New Deal. Oh and weakening NATO to the point the Russians can do whatever the hell they want. There is a whole lot more, but those are the big ones.
Well to begin with, her support of Bernie's Medicare 4 All plan and the Squad's Green New Deal. Oh and weakening NATO to the point the Russians can do whatever the hell they want. There is a whole lot more, but those are the big ones.

That's interesting. I took you as a medicare for all and green new deal kinda guy. I'm genuinely intrigued here and trying to figure this all out. It seems you think she's too far left and therefore the right love her? I'm really not following. What healthcare plan do you prefer and why do you disagree with medicare for all and the green new deal?

Nobody "purged" her, she left on her own accord, which she should have done a long time ago since she hates liberalism so much. She's literally a member of the Bernie Sanders Institute and a far left populist hack. The right can have her. Maybe she can get a gig at RT now and go hang out in the Motherland.

Horseshoe theory go clang.

I'm so lost. You believe the right is "far left"? You believe Bernie is "the right"?

When you say she hates "liberalism" do you mean "progressivism" or "freedom"?

Edit: Sorry, I know I asked you like 10 things at once, but it's because I'm genuinely lost here.
Which just leads you to support party fixtures. That explains your disdain for Tulsi

He's completely lost me here. Other than the party distain for Tulsi, I'm not understanding why he dislikes her. He thinks she's far left and therefore the right love her? He disagrees with medicare for all? He thinks she opposes liberalism?

No comprende.
It's simple really.
Maybe she can be the start of a third party

Her, Andrew Yang.....

I hope Tulsi grows and becomes more fiscally conservative. Then she'll be a viable option for more on the right. I hope she runs for congress again in Hawaii.

I see her being an independent in the short term.
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Nobody threw her out of the party when they very easily could have for years now. She burned those bridges all on her own.
By not going the way of all things woke to pander? Or by staying old school Democrat with conservative values?
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Gabbard will forever be remembered for taking down Kamala on stage. Calling her out for locking up those who will now be released under the 6500.

"During Harris' tenure as California attorney general from 2011 through 2016, nearly 2,000 people went to state prison for having drugs that Harris now scoffs at locking people up for. And as a prosecutor in San Francisco, Harris helped ensure that people who may previously have been eligible for drug diversion programs were instead imprisoned."

Yet, Harris was leading the funding for bail for those in 2020 who were committing acts of violence, rioting and looting when she thought it helped the democrat party. Gabbard was right for destroying her face to face with truths.
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