Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I support who I agree with, I don't care about party. Tulsi can go do her thing on her podcast and Fox News. It has nothing to do with principle, it is all about the grift for Tulsi. Always has been.
Very Joe Scarbrough approach... remind the audience that you were one of them but they went too far right or in this case left. But constantly remind the audience you are different while throwing the party you were once part of to extremism that cannot be tolerated by oneself any longer because of dignity, integrity of the party that no longer exist.
Yet, Harris was leading the funding for bail for those in 2020 who were committing acts of violence, rioting and looting when she thought it helped the democrat party. Gabbard was right for destroying her face to face with truths.
Harris never recovered. She had a bump by calling Biden a racist to his face and then got humbled in the next debate by Gabbard.
Which just leads you to support party fixtures. That explains your disdain for Tulsi
I don't get the dislike for her. You don't have to like her politics but she supports what she believes is best for America, not for the party. We need politicians like that, healthy politics, even those you disagree with. What we have now are two echo chambers that have devolved into some weird uni party conglomerate who's only real difference is rhetoric.
That's interesting. I took you as a medicare for all and green new deal kinda guy. I'm genuinely intrigued here and trying to figure this all out. It seems you think she's too far left and therefore the right love her? I'm really not following. What healthcare plan do you prefer and why do you disagree with medicare for all and the green new deal?

I'm so lost. You believe the right is "far left"? You believe Bernie is "the right"?

When you say she hates "liberalism" do you mean "progressivism" or "freedom"?

Edit: Sorry, I know I asked you like 10 things at once, but it's because I'm genuinely lost here.
Lol no worries. I'm out of the office today and in the field so I don't have time to answer fully. I'll jump back on after work tonight when I have more time to answer properly.
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I don't get the dislike for her. You don't have to like her politics but she supports what she believes is best for America, not for the party. We need politicians like that, healthy politics, even those you disagree with. What we have now are two echo chambers that have devolved into some weird uni party conglomerate who's only real difference is rhetoric.
She's a strong, independent, principled woman. Everybody Pete wishes he could be
Nothing like a little casual homophobia on here on a Tuesday morning. From a mod, no less.
If you've paid attention to my posts AT ALL you'd realize it was just a joke.

One of the biggest things killed by your leftist woke movement is a sense of humor. Can't just make fun of anyone anymore. Everyone had to act like a little bitch all the time
If you've paid attention to my posts AT ALL you'd realize it was just a joke.

One of the biggest things killed by your leftist woke movement is a sense of humor. Can't just make fun of anyone anymore. Everyone had to act like a little bitch all the time
You're probably right, I over-reacted. It was a knee-jerk response.
Well to begin with, her support of Bernie's Medicare 4 All plan and the Squad's Green New Deal. Oh and weakening NATO to the point the Russians can do whatever the hell they want. There is a whole lot more, but those are the big ones.

Well why the hail are you voting for Biden? Is it due to a byproduct of Pete? This is the oddest thing with you because you were once on his campaign.
I don't really have an issue with Tulsi. I agree with her on more issues than not. I just never understood the support she received on this forum. She is far more liberal than Biden, Pete, and Amy.
I'll just leave this here.

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