Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I didn't watch her video, so I don't know what she said. I usually ignore her anyways, so nothing new there.

After seeing "elite cabal", I stopped reading her tweet. Pointless when someone drops that phrase into a conversation/tweet to engage any further with them.


The video is only like 90 seconds long. That’s roughly the time it takes our Vols to go 75 yards down the field, and it’s just as glorious 😉
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I didn't watch her video, so I don't know what she said. I usually ignore her anyways, so nothing new there.

After seeing "elite cabal", I stopped reading her tweet. Pointless when someone drops that phrase into a conversation/tweet to engage any further with them.

Wow, so you don't even want to listen to a former Democrat congresswoman. So you tune out those you disagree with? Well I admit it's a way to protect your way of thinking. Just don't listen to the other side of the argument.
Wow, so you don't even want to listen to a former Democrat congresswoman. So you tune out those you disagree with? Well I admit it's a way to protect your way of thinking. Just don't listen to the other side of the argument.
Lol I watched the JD Vance and Tim Ryan debate last night. I also regularly watch Trump's rallies to see what he's up to, along with other GOP candidates. And I've hung out on here for years when I am vastly outnumbered by conservatives. I wouldn't do that if I was trying to protect my ideology...

You'll have to excuse me for ignoring Tulsi's video that she conveniently drops the day before her new podcast premieres and hours before she goes on Tuckum's show tonight. I'm just not interested in hearing what she has to say, about anything really.
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You shouldn't lump all evangelicals into one basket.

Plus what you said could be applied to any religion or faith. Nobody is perfect.

The context is the republicans and their pandering
It was a response to a specific question
No response, @zeppelin128

I'm shocked...
I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.
I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.

Lol. He’s a dumpster fire like the rest.
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Dude they have basically passed the NGD and Pete has been a cheerleader for it.
He does work for the Biden Admin, so I don't think he'd go out and trash the climate/inflation bill...

Sort of like how he half-heartedly defends the Jones Act, when I know he doesn't support it.
That's interesting. I took you as a medicare for all and green new deal kinda guy. I'm genuinely intrigued here and trying to figure this all out. It seems you think she's too far left and therefore the right love her? I'm really not following. What healthcare plan do you prefer and why do you disagree with medicare for all and the green new deal?

I'm so lost. You believe the right is "far left"? You believe Bernie is "the right"?

When you say she hates "liberalism" do you mean "progressivism" or "freedom"?

Edit: Sorry, I know I asked you like 10 things at once, but it's because I'm genuinely lost here.
Now to your questions lol.

I've never supported Medicare for All because it basically involves nationalizing the healthcare industry. I hate to keep bringing up Pete, but his healthcare plan from his campaign is where I'm at. Basically open up Medicare to everyone, and if they want to use it, let them. If they want to keep their private insurance or Obamacare insurance, let them. Pete basically revived the public option amendment that failed when the ACA passed in Obama's first term.

The Green New Deal was always a pipe-dream among leftists. There is no way it would pass Congress. It is too much, too fast. Also, it is very anti-nuclear power, which is frankly just dumb. I think an "all hands on deck" approach to power generation is best. You have coal in your region? Burn clean coal. Desert? Build solar farms. Want a nuclear plant? Build one. Natural gas deposit down the street? Natural gas plant. Plus, a diverse platform is not as beholden to worldwide whims of the market. AKA, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Tulsi is a leftist populist, same as Bernie and the Squad. They are the Blue Hats to Trump's Red Hats. It is a running joke at some online places, but horseshoe theory is actually a thing. When one gets too far to the left (or right, for that matter), they start to mirror those they "oppose" on the other side. Populism is the common denominator here. For populism to function, there has to be an "enemy", an "other". Without it, the entire ideology collapses. Tulsi, Bernie, and the Squad employ the same talking points as far-right populists. They will throw whatever marginalized group they can under the bus if that means they can attain their goals. They reduce solutions down to class and class only, and there is always that pesky "other" shadow hanging around, messing everything up. This is why you see hardcore right-wing folks and Fox News randomly say at times, "huh, that Bernie and Tulsi is alright after they said 'x' thing!" when they would never in a million years say the same for Obama, Pete, Amy Klobuchar, Jon Osoff, or any other liberal.

Liberalism is antithetical to everything populists believe in, regardless of what side of the horseshoe they fall on. For example, "culture wars are a distraction", a common complaint among the far-left, is code for "**** them gay folks, forgive my student loans".

I'm a center-left liberal dude. Some on here have said I'll be a libertarian eventually. I don't know. But I do know that when I read a statement from Tulsi and I can't tell the difference from a hardcore Red Hat, that tells me horseshoe theory is real.
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Now to your questions lol.

I've never supported Medicare for All because it basically involves nationalizing the healthcare industry. I hate to keep bringing up Pete, but his healthcare plan from his campaign is where I'm at. Basically open up Medicare to everyone, and if they want to use it, let them. If they want to keep their private insurance or Obamacare insurance, let them. Pete basically revived the public option amendment that failed when the ACA passed in Obama's first term.

The Green New Deal was always a pipe-dream among leftists. There is no way it would pass Congress. It is too much, too fast. Also, it is very anti-nuclear power, which is frankly just dumb. I think an "all hands on deck" approach to power generation is best. You have coal in your region? Burn clean coal. Desert? Build solar farms. Want a nuclear plant? Build one. Natural gas deposit down the street? Natural gas plant. Plus, a diverse platform is not as beholden to worldwide whims of the market. AKA, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Tulsi is a leftist populist, same as Bernie and the Squad. They are the Blue Hats to Trump's Red Hats. It is a running joke at some online places, but horseshoe theory is actually a thing. When one gets too far to the left (or right, for that matter), they start to mirror those they "oppose" on the other side. Populism is the common denominator here. For populism to function, there has to be an "enemy", an "other". Without it, the entire ideology collapses. Tulsi, Bernie, and the Squad employ the same talking points as far-right populists. They will throw whatever marginalized group they can under the bus if that means they can attain their goals. They reduce solutions down to class and class only, and there is always that pesky "other" shadow hanging around, messing everything up. This is why you see hardcore right-wing folks and Fox News randomly say at times, "huh, that Bernie and Tulsi is alright after they said 'x' thing!" when they would never in a million years say the same for Obama, Pete, Amy Klobuchar, Jon Osoff, or any other liberal.

Liberalism is antithetical to everything populists believe in, regardless of what side of the horseshoe they fall on. For example, "culture wars are a distraction", a common complaint among the far-left, is code for "**** them gay folks, forgive my student loans".

I'm a center-left liberal dude. Some on here have said I'll be a libertarian eventually. I don't know. But I do know that when I read a statement from Tulsi and I can't tell the difference from a hardcore Red Hat, that tells me horseshoe theory is real.

That is hilarious for someone who said she was a Bernie supporter, which she was.
It really is crazy how anyone who opposes the Establishment is immediately discarded, no matter which side of the aisle they come from.

That should be very concerning to everyone who understands the foundation of the United States and the purposes of the Constitution.
It really is crazy how anyone who opposes the Establishment is immediately discarded, no matter which side of the aisle they come from.

That should be very concerning to everyone who understands the foundation of the United States and the purposes of the Constitution.
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Supporting the USC is such a low bar..guess this is what we have to come in electability..Sure enough progressivism and the USC are oil and water.
Now to your questions lol.

I've never supported Medicare for All because it basically involves nationalizing the healthcare industry. I hate to keep bringing up Pete, but his healthcare plan from his campaign is where I'm at. Basically open up Medicare to everyone, and if they want to use it, let them. If they want to keep their private insurance or Obamacare insurance, let them. Pete basically revived the public option amendment that failed when the ACA passed in Obama's first term.

The Green New Deal was always a pipe-dream among leftists. There is no way it would pass Congress. It is too much, too fast. Also, it is very anti-nuclear power, which is frankly just dumb. I think an "all hands on deck" approach to power generation is best. You have coal in your region? Burn clean coal. Desert? Build solar farms. Want a nuclear plant? Build one. Natural gas deposit down the street? Natural gas plant. Plus, a diverse platform is not as beholden to worldwide whims of the market. AKA, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Tulsi is a leftist populist, same as Bernie and the Squad. They are the Blue Hats to Trump's Red Hats. It is a running joke at some online places, but horseshoe theory is actually a thing. When one gets too far to the left (or right, for that matter), they start to mirror those they "oppose" on the other side. Populism is the common denominator here. For populism to function, there has to be an "enemy", an "other". Without it, the entire ideology collapses. Tulsi, Bernie, and the Squad employ the same talking points as far-right populists. They will throw whatever marginalized group they can under the bus if that means they can attain their goals. They reduce solutions down to class and class only, and there is always that pesky "other" shadow hanging around, messing everything up. This is why you see hardcore right-wing folks and Fox News randomly say at times, "huh, that Bernie and Tulsi is alright after they said 'x' thing!" when they would never in a million years say the same for Obama, Pete, Amy Klobuchar, Jon Osoff, or any other liberal.

Liberalism is antithetical to everything populists believe in, regardless of what side of the horseshoe they fall on. For example, "culture wars are a distraction", a common complaint among the far-left, is code for "**** them gay folks, forgive my student loans".

I'm a center-left liberal dude. Some on here have said I'll be a libertarian eventually. I don't know. But I do know that when I read a statement from Tulsi and I can't tell the difference from a hardcore Red Hat, that tells me horseshoe theory is real.

Wait....how is what you just described not "Medicare for all"?

I've not seen anyone on the right defend Bernie, but it's odd you think Pete is so different than Bernie. In what way?

Tulsi is more liberal than anyone within your party. Can you name a single issue she's not liberal on?

I can tell you plenty of differences between Tulsi and the right. Honestly, I'm not sure where you see the commonality.
Lol I watched the JD Vance and Tim Ryan debate last night. I also regularly watch Trump's rallies to see what he's up to, along with other GOP candidates. And I've hung out on here for years when I am vastly outnumbered by conservatives. I wouldn't do that if I was trying to protect my ideology...

You'll have to excuse me for ignoring Tulsi's video that she conveniently drops the day before her new podcast premieres and hours before she goes on Tuckum's show tonight. I'm just not interested in hearing what she has to say, about anything really.

I see your problem.. You watch way to much politics
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