Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Yes, it is a massive difference. Bernie wants to abolish private healthcare. Pete did not. Period.

Yes, there is horseshoe theory with Bernie. I gave you an example already.

I already gave you two examples of how Tulsi is not a liberal: M4A and GND. And to add, anyone that doesn't use the term "woke" ironically is not a liberal.

Again, Pete did not support the Green New Deal. He had his own plan.

They both support Medicare for all which you tried to pretend was bad.

The example you gave was garbage. Horseshoe theory would mean his stance is closer to the right on abortion. It’s not. He just realizes the abortion until birth stance of Pete is not a winning campaign

What’s M4A and GND? And yes, plenty of liberals use the term work ironically. Bill Maher is a very liberal man. I think the problem is your misunderstanding of definitions.

Yes he supports the green new deal and has said so on countless occasions.

2020 candidate Buttigieg backs Green New Deal
Biden is not a populist, though. Biden and Pete had some disagreements in the primaries, but it wasn't fundamental disagreements like Pete had with Le Bern and friends.

Then let’s get to your definitions. How are you defining populist and why do Bernie, the squad, and Tulsi fit that definition but Pete and Biden do not
What can I touch, feel or benefit from? What tangible things are being done?
Dude, I posted numerous specific benefits for Tennessee in the post. Drive to the DeSoto bridge in Memphis and touch it. That was Pete fast-tracking the funding for repair.
Sorry but its a legitimate question since the policies he promoted during his campaign are eerily similar to those you say you disagree with.

Medicare for all=evil and anti liberal

Medicare for all when Pete says it = amazing/perfection
They both support Medicare for all which you tried to pretend was bad.

The example you gave was garbage. Horseshoe theory would mean his stance is closer to the right on abortion. It’s not. He just realizes the abortion until birth stance of Pete is not a winning campaign

What’s M4A and GND? And yes, plenty of liberals use the term work ironically. Bill Maher is a very liberal man. I think the problem is your misunderstanding of definitions.

Yes he supports the green new deal and has said so on countless occasions.

2020 candidate Buttigieg backs Green New Deal
No, the healthcare plans were different. If you are going to ignore the differences, I can't help that.

He had his own plan akin to the Green New Deal. He mentioned numerous times that the Green New Deal was a good framework, but he had his own plan.
Dude, I posted numerous specific benefits for Tennessee in the post. Drive to the DeSoto bridge in Memphis and touch it. That was Pete fast-tracking the funding for repair.

Millions of dollars for semi parking outside of Nashville means what? How about what rules or regulations has Pete been pushing that will increase trucking efficiency and safety?
Her horrible horrible policies
I've been reading tonight, and her international policies are closely aligned with my own.

Domestically, I obviously oppose her 2A stance, but I believe she has softened her healthcare position. We definitely need reform, but I'm not a single payor fan. She actually has been fairly pro- secure borders.

I'm still reading...
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No, the healthcare plans were different. If you are going to ignore the differences, I can't help that.

He had his own plan akin to the Green New Deal. He mentioned numerous times that the Green New Deal was a good framework, but he had his own plan.

Millions of dollars for semi parking outside of Nashville means what? How about what rules or regulations has Pete been pushing that will increase trucking efficiency and safety?
It means semis not parking on emergency lanes or along off-ramps, which is a direct answer to your other question about safety.
No, the healthcare plans were different. If you are going to ignore the differences, I can't help that.

He had his own plan akin to the Green New Deal. He mentioned numerous times that the Green New Deal was a good framework, but he had his own plan.

Hold on though, his plan did involve “Medicare for all”, did it not? The difference in his plan and Bernie’s is just a lie. The difference is Bernie is honest with you and Pete is not. Bernie realizes if we have free Medicare for all, your employer isn’t going to pay for your insurance and therefore 99% of people will end up on Medicare.

Pete lies to you. That’s the only difference in the two plans unless there’s something else I’m missing.

So the squad and tulsi are bad for supporting the green new deal, but Pete is good although he also supports the green new deal but he has his own version that you think is better? But they’re bad because they support a slightly different version that he also likes?

Are you just trolling me at this point?
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@volfanhill supports anything but Trump and is too ashamed to admit he voted for Biden is both the primary and general.

I’m still amazed at the other guy. His two examples for why tulsi isn’t liberal were Medicare for all and the green new deal.

Meanwhile his idol openly supports both, yet is amazing
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It means semis not parking on emergency lanes or along off-ramps, which is a direct answer to your other question about safety.

No it’s not an answer. Are they going to build rest areas outside of Nashville and if so who’s land are they going to take to do it? Or are they going to just fund more law enforcement to keep truckers from parking on ramps and emergency lanes? The devil is in the details.
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Hold on though, his plan did involve “Medicare for all”, did it not? The difference in his plan and Bernie’s is just a lie. The difference is Bernie is honest with you and Pete is not. Bernie realizes if we have free Medicare for all, your employer isn’t going to pay for your insurance and therefore 99% of people will end up on Medicare.

Pete lies to you. That’s the only difference in the two plans unless there’s something else I’m missing.

So the squad and tulsi are bad for supporting the green new deal, but Pete is good although he also supports the green new deal but he has his own version that you think is better? But they’re bad because they support a slightly different version that he also likes?

Are you just trolling me at this point?
Pete and Bernie's healthcare plans were fundamentally different.

Pete and AOC's GND plans were fundamentally different.

We are going in circles at this point. I'm trying to catch up on the Ukraine thread and you are distracting me. lol
Pete and Bernie's healthcare plans were fundamentally different.

Pete and AOC's GND plans were fundamentally different.

We are going in circles at this point. I'm trying to catch up on the Ukraine thread and you are distracting me. lol

How are they different?
@volfanhill supports anything but Trump and is too ashamed to admit he voted for Biden is both the primary and general.
She supports Medicare for all, free college, no nuclear power plants, extremely anti 2 A. I could go on and on. She sticks to her guns But she has ****** guns.

I have no problem admitting who I voted for. You pretend like you voted for someone you agreed with. You don't. You just didn't want to vote for Biden and trump. So now you get to wave the flag of "I didn't vote for either of them." But you don't agree with stein. So congrats.

Voting for someone doesn't mean you can't be critical. Perhaps even have regrets. I know that's hard for some to get. It's a team sport these days
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