Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.

Nice copy and paste job Zep. Now post some real accomplishments that we can see, touch or at least benefit from.
Wait....how is what you just described not "Medicare for all"?

I've not seen anyone on the right defend Bernie, but it's odd you think Pete is so different than Bernie. In what way?

Tulsi is more liberal than anyone within your party. Can you name a single issue she's not liberal on?

I can tell you plenty of differences between Tulsi and the right. Honestly, I'm not sure where you see the commonality.
Bernie's M4A plan abolishes private insurance. Massive, massive difference from Pete's plan, and was a fiercely debated issue during the 2020 primary among Bernie and Pete supporters.

Plenty on the right have defended Bernie over the years, the overlap does happen. There are people on this forum gleefully posting the article he penned recently about not focusing on abortion. That is horseshoe theory at work.

Same with the Squad. That is why you see the Squad and those idiots MTG and Boebert voting together on some things that are overwhelmingly defeated. Populists gonna do populist stuff.

If Tulsi is a liberal, then I am a llama.

And I live in Tennessee, no one in this state is a member of a party unless they donate to the national orgs. And I don't.
I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.

Interesting you use the word “commie” to describe him. I’d use the word “Marxist”. You do know who his father is, right?
The biggest problem with Tulsi is that she's stupid. Her policies and beliefs are that of a stupid person. I mean it's great she sticks to her guns. But is it? I mean if she sticks to stupid beliefs that's not admirable.
Nice copy and paste job Zep. Now post some real accomplishments that we can see, touch or at least benefit from.
I didn't copy and paste any of that. I wish I could have, it would have been easier and faster.

How is all of that I posted about benefits to Tennessee from the BIL not something you can see, touch, or benefit from?
Bernie's M4A plan abolishes private insurance. Massive, massive difference from Pete's plan, and was a fiercely debated issue during the 2020 primary among Bernie and Pete supporters.

Plenty on the right have defended Bernie over the years, the overlap does happen. There are people on this forum gleefully posting the article he penned recently about not focusing on abortion. That is horseshoe theory at work.

Same with the Squad. That is why you see the Squad and those idiots MTG and Boebert voting together on some things that are overwhelmingly defeated. Populists gonna do populist stuff.

If Tulsi is a liberal, then I am a llama.

And I live in Tennessee, no one in this state is a member of a party unless they donate to the national orgs. And I don't.

Yea Pete’s plan is you can pay out the a** for your own and pay for the freeloaders too.
Bernie's M4A plan abolishes private insurance. Massive, massive difference from Pete's plan, and was a fiercely debated issue during the 2020 primary among Bernie and Pete supporters.

Plenty on the right have defended Bernie over the years, the overlap does happen. There are people on this forum gleefully posting the article he penned recently about not focusing on abortion. That is horseshoe theory at work.

Same with the Squad. That is why you see the Squad and those idiots MTG and Boebert voting together on some things that are overwhelmingly defeated. Populists gonna do populist stuff.

If Tulsi is a liberal, then I am a llama.

And I live in Tennessee, no one in this state is a member of a party unless they donate to the national orgs. And I don't.

That’s not a massive difference at all. You’re pretending. The truth is both plans would be the end of most private insurance and the courts would allow neither to ban private insurance. Pretending those two plans are far apart is absurd.

No, there’s no horseshoe theory with Bernie.

Can you name a single issue Tulsi is not liberal on? I’ll wait…

When you say the squad clings to these “populist ideas” like “the green new deal” can you define what makes that populist and can you answer why Pete isn’t a populist for also supporting it?
Bernie's M4A plan abolishes private insurance. Massive, massive difference from Pete's plan, and was a fiercely debated issue during the 2020 primary among Bernie and Pete supporters.

Plenty on the right have defended Bernie over the years, the overlap does happen. There are people on this forum gleefully posting the article he penned recently about not focusing on abortion. That is horseshoe theory at work.

Same with the Squad. That is why you see the Squad and those idiots MTG and Boebert voting together on some things that are overwhelmingly defeated. Populists gonna do populist stuff.

If Tulsi is a liberal, then I am a llama.

And I live in Tennessee, no one in this state is a member of a party unless they donate to the national orgs. And I don't.

Massive difference? The only difference is Pete panders to the unions and the rich by allowing private insurance plans. Nobody else would be able to afford them.
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The biggest problem with Tulsi is that she's stupid. Her policies and beliefs are that of a stupid person. I mean it's great she sticks to her guns. But is it? I mean if she sticks to stupid beliefs that's not admirable.

I’m not sure I disagree with you but how is his policies and beliefs anymore stupider than those of the current administration?
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Interesting you use the word “commie” to describe him. I’d use the word “Marxist”. You do know who his father is, right?
You aren't going to slip anything past me about Pete that I don't already know. lmao

So you believe we should fault sons for what their fathers do?
I didn't copy and paste any of that. I wish I could have, it would have been easier and faster.

How is all of that I posted about benefits to Tennessee from the BIL not something you can see, touch, or benefit from?

What can I touch, feel or benefit from? What tangible things are being done?
You aren't going to slip anything past me about Pete that I don't already know. lmao

So you believe we should fault sons for what their fathers do?

Not at all. But go ahead since you know. What was I going to state about his father?
Yes. After being lauded as the rising superstar for the Left by basically every MSM outlet and liberal politician, she was awarded the Scarlet Letter for being falsely accused as a Russian co-op, since she opposed dumbass wars.
@zeppelin128 if Pete were a straight man would that make a difference in your support for him?

That’s honestly the only thing I can see here. To pretend his stance on healthcare is dramatically different from that of Bernie/Tulsi is openly absurd.

Pete’s good because he’s gay and supports 0 limits on abortion, abortion until birth
That’s not a massive difference at all. You’re pretending. The truth is both plans would be the end of most private insurance and the courts would allow neither to ban private insurance. Pretending those two plans are far apart is absurd.

No, there’s no horseshoe theory with Bernie.

Can you name a single issue Tulsi is not liberal on? I’ll wait…

When you say the squad clings to these “populist ideas” like “the green new deal” can you define what makes that populist and can you answer why Pete isn’t a populist for also supporting it?
Yes, it is a massive difference. Bernie wants to abolish private healthcare. Pete did not. Period.

Yes, there is horseshoe theory with Bernie. I gave you an example already.

I already gave you two examples of how Tulsi is not a liberal: M4A and GND. And to add, anyone that doesn't use the term "woke" ironically is not a liberal.

Again, Pete did not support the Green New Deal. He had his own plan.
Biden and his admin are stupid as well. Different kind of stupid in some ways. Tulsi has a spine I suppose .
I don't know too much of her intelligence, but why exactly do you feel this way? She comes across as a strong woman who loves the USA and is very well spoken.
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So when Pete supports radical policies he’s just being a good party member and following along. When tulsi, Bernie, or the squad do it, they’re “populists”?

You’re losing me
Biden is not a populist, though. Biden and Pete had some disagreements in the primaries, but it wasn't fundamental disagreements like Pete had with Le Bern and friends.
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