Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I posted this in Gramps and I’m too lazy to do it again.

so Republicans.....tell me what you don’t like about TG.
The Democrats can play too as we don’t seem to like her either.
No to Tulsi, if her own party hates her, does not support her, doesn't even want her on stage with their saviors, why would any Republican want her?
I'm 64 and my family voted Democratic seemingly forever. But as I have grown older some of my political beliefs have changed, but not as much as the change in the Democratic party. They have moved a lot farther left than I have moved to the right.
That’s pretty much where I am.
Except 50 years old
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She’s in a pretty bad spot.

The regime change conflicts stuff should have gotten more traction, but then she voted “present” on articles of impeachment that were supported by like 85% of democrats, according to polls. Then she had to drop out of her house race because she was losing in a primary. Then ended up not gaining enough traction in the presidential primary to get invited to the endorsement party. Consistently polled below 8%.

There’s something to be said for trying to move the parties back towards the middle, but her messaging/rationale isn’t really getting through on that.

I think she did okay in VA and American Samoa, but I’m not sure how she legitimately could fund another run in 2024 unless she’s got some of her own money to toss in.

Yeah, she gambled on that one hoping to pull in centrist support on both sides would be my guess. It did backfire. She should have voted party and stayed centrist, knowing the impeachment had no real traction. She wouldn't have been blackballed if she had played the game to get on debate stages. She may have been their best shot, but she went outside the lines on her gamble and lost.
I'm curious, are you aware of the differences between Trump's tax proposals and the bill produced by the Republican-dominated Congress which he signed into law? Trump folded like a cheap lawn chair on that one.

Unlike you, I see TG bucking her own party's position. However, were she ever to be POTUS, I expect that she would pick her fights with Congress judiciously, as have many Presidents.

That's key. You can't fight everything. Trump does fail to get that one thing. A wise candidate would not promise too much. They all promise this and that. My take on a good candidate is one that does promote their stances, without promising to do all of them to the extent that they do. Promising to work together with congress to build a better country regardless of what we face would get my attention.
That's key. You can't fight everything. Trump does fail to get that one thing. A wise candidate would not promise too much. They all promise this and that. My take on a good candidate is one that does promote their stances, without promising to do all of them to the extent that they do. Promising to work together with congress to build a better country regardless of what we face would get my attention.

The Dems in congress will never work with Trump on anything, he’s kept 90% of his campaign promises and his constitutes know that.After the Dems lose the house in November you’ll see some cooperation in the congress..
The Dems in congress will never work with Trump on anything, he’s kept 90% of his campaign promises and his constitutes know that.After the Dems lose the house in November you’ll see some cooperation in the congress..

I get that. I'll vote for him again. I just don't think he knows how to pick his battles. He just goes to war. But, maybe that's necessary for him considering the total anti-Trump anything form the dems.
What else do you think is extreme that should also be banned?
He was put in a situation after the Vegas shooting that he had to do something. I do not think anything should be band maybe put on the same list as a silencer. There was a lot of mass shootings that was close together and the shooter in Vegas used a bump stock.
He was put in a situation after the Vegas shooting that he had to do something. I do not think anything should be band maybe put on the same list as a silencer. There was a lot of mass shootings that was close together and the shooter in Vegas used a bump stock.
So it’s ok to fail on your beliefs for political gain
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I would add it's hard to agree with a lot of the Dems views and I could never see myself voting for one. And as far as a women man our there race that doesn't bother me I would vote for the most qualified. I say that after hearing Biden pandering for votes by saying he will pick a women for VP . Just pick the best qualified.
I asked because I was wondering what he did to the 2a. Forgot about the bump stock. Is there anything else he done?
Her complexion is a killer. Her face is as pockmarked as Andrea Mitchell's.

It's not about her looks to me but people do act like she is a beauty queen. Then they do close ups and you realize she's hiding a bumpy face with makeup which probably contributed to it.

As far as politics, I like her because she doesn't fall in line but she is a little out there as well. I am only interested in her crossing over as long as she is a democratic congresswoman. I wouldn't want her as a legitimate Republican because she's not and liberal media would celebrate her instead of ostracize her as they do now.
No to Tulsi, if her own party hates her, does not support her, doesn't even want her on stage with their saviors, why would any Republican want her?
Trump wouldn't make it to the Dems stage either. Why would any republican want him?

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