Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Many would also say a large mag is an accessory also. Limiting that will not impede your basic 2a rights either. How about a scope, muzzle brake, lazer sight, collapsible stock, etc?

For hunting, and maybe this is by state, rifles which would include AR's now, were limited to 5 rounds anyway. A true hunter wouldn't rack a 30 round clip on a white tail deer to begin with. But, there are idiots in the world. Scopes, muzzle brakes, other types of sights, in my opinion don't alter the firing speed or capacity of any gun. Not sure a collapsible stock would either. Me personally, I'm far better with iron sights anyway, so take my scopes. It's your safest bet. Never been able to hit much with accuracy through a scope. But, I'm quite accurate with open sights out to 100-125.
I don't want to be mistaken I have a Mac 9 from when you could buy it in a store and AR and shotguns and a Glock and a Beretta. I am all about the NRA and 2a. I for some reason see the bump stock as a sacrifice. But I don't like how it was done and it will give a President that wants to ban a Guide. Reagan ban fully autos and that sucks. People that want to kill will do it some way. And I want the 2a protected.

I agree. It's the person behind the gun. Those that were not gonna kill, just aren't going to. My next door neighbor growing up had an arsenal in his garage. They were gun people, hunters, bird hunters, shooters. And very protective of having everything secured and vaulted. And they were responsible. And he was a city businessman and politician. Cain killed Abel without a weapon of any kind. Maybe a rock. It's all in what one intends to accomplish.
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I agree. It's the person behind the gun. Those that were not gonna kill, just aren't going to. My next door neighbor growing up had an arsenal in his garage. They were gun people, hunters, bird hunters, shooters. And very protective of having everything secured and vaulted. And they were responsible. And he was a city businessman and politician. Cain killed Abel without a weapon of any kind. Maybe a rock. It's all in what one intends to accomplish.
We are an AR family. Red is probably the best shot of us all. We’ve also had the close combat and survive the fight training. For home self defense nothing beats the AR-15.
I am amazed at the so call intelligentsia, they constantly demonstrate their complete lack of understanding when it comes to the 2nd Adm., I hear them talk about hunting rights!!! What they do, is demonstrate their complete disdain for the Constitution-why we got a Bill of Rights in first place.
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Fear not VN, I think Tulsi still has a chance technically. She only has to reach 95% in every remaining primary.
Fear not VN, I think Tulsi still has a chance technically. She only has to reach 95% in every remaining primary.

Yeah. She's already been black balled. We're just suggesting her on a hotness scale alternative at this point.
She never really had a chance with the Russian agent and Syria stuff.

Nope. She could have been a real threat to the chosen few they were peddling. She got a lot of interest in people researching to find out about her after the first couple of debates. So they sent in HRC to intervene.
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Gabbard seemed pretty genuine and reasonable, to me?
Not to me. Maybe somewhat more reasonable, but something about her doesn't hit me as genuine. I am usually a pretty good judge of people, and don't think I've ever been terribly wrong about anybody, based upon early impressions. Call it intuition or something. I just don't trust her. She reminds me of Mayor Pete..
Nope. She could have been a real threat to the chosen few they were peddling. She got a lot of interest in people researching to find out about her after the first couple of debates. So they sent in HRC to intervene.

The overwhelming response from all establishment democrats, republicans, candidates, and the media to Hillary’s comments was “shut the **** up.”

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