Driving sentiment for the dominant culture, yes.
Try as you might, Maestro, is as good a representative of the dominant culture one could put forward.
You have failed to win your argument. I have won mine. In VolNation terms that's GSM.
Easier to hold to account would be one.
The incentive for prevention, self-reliance, and education is another.
They are not the same types of organizations for a third.
But, most importantly, over 50 years of data from dozens of population sized models from the the real world bear it out.
LOTS of reasons, actually.
I suggest you reread the piece - Greenspan was never promoting greed as something virtuous. His words make clear he underestimated the role that greed could have in the system. As a result, he changed his views on regulation to reduce the risk of adverse greed effects.
Somehow you twisted that into him believing greed was a virtue.
I guess you missed all that "Greed is virtue" stuff in the article. Y'all are really stretched thin now. Reading "Atlas Shrugged" in manuscript. The very title of the article. Easy stuff to miss?
The argument has been comprehensively won.
Just a utgibbs one this time.
I'm surprised at your original post actually. It was too easy to dismiss. I too would wish Obama to live up to expectations, but he simply has not.
show me where greenspan says greed is a virtue in that piece.
sounds like you believe capitalism = greed
Get ready for a huge helping of no response.
But you must admit the Obama plan is a crazy political mish-mash.
The simplicity and effectiveness of the single payer system cannot be denied, IMHO.