I think there is a basic matter of trust that is out in front of whatever deeper argument, pro or con, one wishes to make about governmental health care. Our government ended fiscal year 2010 1.294 trillion dollars in the red. Look, even if a person DID like the idea of a single payer system there's a whole hell of a lot of people that aren't the least bit interested in handing over their health care to what we currently know as our federal government. I'm as pro 2A a guy as you're likely to meet but I'm not the least bit down with the idea that we should, I don't know, be lobbing weapons into the cells of prisons and psych wards. While we're at it most would call you crazy to loan a bunch of money to a guy with an out of control gambling habit. It doesn't exactly take a diehard Glenn Beckophile to look toward Washington and question if these are the people you want running your healthcare.
On a related matter does anyone know what the tort situation looks like under a single payer system?