Why the dive in Obama's approval rating?



Repeat Forward Progress Victim
Jan 11, 2008
Just a couple of weeks ago a poster here listed Obama's approval rating at over 80%. After taking office his approval rating is at 68%, granted that's better than the average but comparable with Carter at 66%.

My question is why the drop? He has had to play down his stimulus and it's projected effects but does this alone count for the dive?
did you assume that his pacifism was going to change like many of the hard left has been professing?

Naw, I was just surprised that he used an Arabic network as his first formal interview. I am sure it is owned by NBC or CBS

In my view, what muslims think of us is not priorty #1 right now
Would you have preferred he announce to the Middle East that we plan to kill each and every person residing there?
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Naw, I was just surprised that he used an Arabic network as his first formal interview. I am sure it is owned by NBC or CBS

In my view, what muslims think of us is not priorty #1 right now

I agree. Much more pressing things to do at home. It also sends the wrong message to Americans, his first public address should be made to us about the economy.

I can't help but think that many Muslims would find this rather naive, considering we are at war with a significant element of their Muslim brethren.
i guess obama has lost his hypnotoad


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Would you have preferred he announce to the Middle East that we plan to kill each and every person residing there?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Granted I don't know the context of his statement but it would be irresponsible of him to do this without condemning those of their faith that support terrorism and calling on them to hold these people accountable in some way. If not done this way it only serves to make you look weak considering we are at war with a significant element of this faith.
I agree. Much more pressing things to do at home. It also sends the wrong message to Americans, his first public address should be made to us about the economy.

I can't help but think that many Muslims would find this rather naive, considering we are at war with a significant element of their Muslim brethren.

It is naive to think that the current ruling parties in said countries are going to freely distribute that message. Having the US as an enemy is a great form of control over their own populations.

Obama might have won over the ignorant population here, but just simply saying "we're not your enemy" isn't going to be enough for the Middle East. He probably thinks it'll be as easy over the globe as it was here in the US and Europe.
And what exactly about telling Muslims that we aren't their enemy is a bad thing?

because I dont care what some dude in a tent on the other side of the world thinks about us, when we have more pressing issues like the demise of the US manufacturing industry, people losing their homes, and our ailing financial system
because I dont care what some dude in a tent on the other side of the world thinks about us, when we have more pressing issues like the demise of the US manufacturing industry, people losing their homes, and our ailing financial system

you have to understand liberals. they hate the fact that we are powerful, prosperous nation and we back israel. they need to go overseas to apologize for our greed.
Now are you Obama fans starting to see that he is trying to be exactly the guy the conservatives warned you about? What a great message to send to our enemies around the world - you are more important to me than my own countrymen.
He has talked about the economy. He has been discussing the stimulus package all week. It's not like he got sworn in and the first thing he addressed was Muslims and the middle east.
And what exactly about telling Muslims that we aren't their enemy is a bad thing?

Nothing really, even if it is empty rhetoric. In the end the element he is trying to reach will not be swayed one bit.

I think the more concerning thing is there are more important things he needs to address this nation about. Economy being number one.
He has talked about the economy. He has been discussing the stimulus package all week. It's not like he got sworn in and the first thing he addressed was Muslims and the middle east.

he needs to review his stimulus package. one of the first things he did was say he was closing down g-bay, and worry about same sex rights. are u serious w/ the same sex rights thing? the economy and the war should be the top 2 things to worry about. not a bunch of flamers running around crying about "equal rights"
he needs to review his stimulus package. one of the first things he did was say he was closing down g-bay, and worry about same sex rights. are u serious w/ the same sex rights thing? the economy and the war should be the top 2 things to worry about. not a bunch of flamers running around crying about "equal rights"

you have to understand the lib mindset. they think this is more important that companies creating jobs. if they were concerned, they would design a package that would actually help companies create jobs. libs feel the private sector is evil and government is the only solution. the final solution, so to speak.
He has talked about the economy. He has been discussing the stimulus package all week. It's not like he got sworn in and the first thing he addressed was Muslims and the middle east.

OK so your girlfriend/wife/significant other has been out of town on business. She has called you every night to tell you how much she cares. Upon arrival back in townshe goes shopping, has lunch, gets her oil changed and then instead of coming to see you she goes to visit your most hated rival. Think you might be even just a little upset?
Just a couple of weeks ago a poster here listed Obama's approval rating at over 80%. After taking office his approval rating is at 68%, granted that's better than the average but comparable with Carter at 66%.

My question is why the drop? He has had to play down his stimulus and it's projected effects but does this alone count for the dive?

You're right...it's been a disapointing 6 days, people are finally starting to wake up :birgits_giggle:
He has talked about the economy. He has been discussing the stimulus package all week. It's not like he got sworn in and the first thing he addressed was Muslims and the middle east.

He needs to do what FDR did.

FDR, the same weekend he got sworn in, he did his famous "Banking Crisis" fireside chat reassuring the US public that the banking system was safe and gave detailed steps of his plan to shore up the financial industry.

So far the only thing I have heard about his plan is that there are going to be a whole lot of condems and Nancy Pelosi thinks it will save money in the long run
you have to understand the lib mindset. they think this is more important that companies creating jobs. if they were concerned, they would design a package that would actually help companies create jobs. libs feel the private sector is evil and government is the only solution. the final solution, so to speak.

Honestly, it must be comforting to you to see the world in such distinct black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, terms.

Makes it easy to pick sides, I suppose.
Honestly, it must be comforting to you to see the world in such distinct black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, terms.

Makes it easy to pick sides, I suppose.

you just have to look at history to see the what libs have done to this country and what type of country they want. whether it be speaches or laws passed or the type of support they've given to the world, they see America as the problem, not the solution.
Honestly, it must be comforting to you to see the world in such distinct black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, terms.

Makes it easy to pick sides, I suppose.

You should never have a problem in choosing sides when the choice is America or the terrorists.

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