This is the one issue that justs bothers me.
It's too easy to see Assange as just serving the "other" agenda, other in this case being foreign interests opposed to ours, though who benefits directly from this kind of leak isn't entirely clear.
The case in favor Assange is that he's an equal opportunity leaker (perhaps, a poor choice of words). He's exposed hypocrisy in the Catholic church, tyrants in africa, I'm pretty sure I even remember leaked documents on the Duke Lacrosse scandal a few years back. It's clear that he's not just after the U.S., but just trying enhance the quality of information available to the public, which, hopefully everyone admits, is necessary for the functioning of republican form of government.
The gsvol response to that would, of course, be, yes, but all of the leaks are counter to our interests, perpetrated by the islamo-fascists/communists/nazis in no particular order, in order to undermine our efforts to improve the world. (then showing this to all be a result of Obama who works for bin-Laden who spreads the philosophy of Mohammed which was ultimately inspired by Satan back in the garden of eden, not to put to fine a point on the intellectual vagaries present in most of his sources).
Of course, this line of thought is vulnerable to the critique that questioning our methods isn't tantamount to questioning our ideology in quite the way the paranoid right seems to want to paint it.
And I think that's where I get stuck. I have no idea where to draw the line, because I know that the people have an absolute right to know about and question the decisions being made on their behalf by the leadership they've voted for, but on the flip side there does need to be a means of acting without public scrutiny. It's safe to say that I wish that there was more openness than there is, but maybe not this much.
Another question I'm asking is how much real damage will this do? It seems like most of the stuff that has come out was for the most part already known or character commentary stuff that won't really have any ling term effects, or at least, so it seems to me.