"Wikileaks" to unveil it's "biggest leak yet"

Want not cool?

Reaganite Republican: Sarah Palin Comes Under Cyber-Attack by Pro-Assange 'Hack-tivists'

After targeting revenge attacks and crashing sites
at VISA, MasterCard, PayPal -even the Swedish
government- now the same vindictive geeks are
going after Sarah Palin...

“No wonder others are keeping silent about
Assange's antics,” Palin emailed ABC News.
“This is what happens when you exercise the
First Amendment and speak against his sick,
un-American espionage efforts.”

A cached page from Anonops.net shows
Palin's site as a suggested target.
A SarahPAC.com technical aide said that
the "DOS attackers, a group loosely known
as Anon_Ops, used a tool called LOIC
(Lower Orbit Ion Cannon) to flood sarahpac.com.
The attackers wanted us to know that they
were affiliated with wikileaks.org through an
obscure message in our server log file.“
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Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

He's either a smart guy or a lazy bastard.
To clarify....the CIA doesn't say that about him, they say that about themselves. I was just applying the sane logic.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

on that same token, the claim that Assange is protected by the First Amendment is equally bogus.
on that same token, the claim that Assange is protected by the First Amendment is equally bogus.

I think people who say he has a right to free speech don't mean 1st Amendment rights, but the belief that the right to free speech is a natural/universal right.

As a country, we disagree with other countrys' who trample on free speech for the same reason; we consider it universal.
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Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Is bin-Laden unAmerican?????

The real thing about this is this, Manning couldn't access all those US State Department cables, there has to be a high level mole there.

With this administration in power in Washingtion why would that be a surprise to anyone?
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The real thing about this is this, Manning couldn't access all those US State Department cables, there has to be a high level mole

Manning was a hacker. He data mined that network for a long time. He was in contact with Adrian Lamo, better known as the homeless hacker. Lamo was the one who reported him. If he was in contact with Lamo, he wasn't some script kiddie.

Kid had motive, access and the knowledge necessary to have done this alone. Are there others? Maybe. A mole? Highly unlikely, assuming you are actually using the definition of a "mole."
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This is silly. Sarah Palin is always a target for Anonymous, she should know that.

Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

If only they would say that... but it's true. Assange didn't do the spying, he's just relaying the information.

on that same token, the claim that Assange is protected by the First Amendment is equally bogus.

He's not protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution because he's not a US citizen, same reason why he can't be charged for treason. He's protected under the Swedish laws which is tied for 1st in the world Freedom of the Press rankings (US is 20th, not so free).
Sarah Palin is an idiot. You can't use the "un-American" label to make a dig at a guy that isn't American. Anti-American espionage? Maybe. Even then, it is as the CIA says....Assange doesn't spy .... He gets others to do it for him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Gee whiz what an intelligent response, I am so impressed you can't imagine.

He's either a smart guy or a lazy bastard.

I would agree he is a bastard, whether smart or lazy I will leave to you.

To clarify....the CIA doesn't say that about him, they say that about themselves. I was just applying the sane logic.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Do you have some sort of link to support your claim about what the CIA says???
Do you have some sort of link to support your claim about what the CIA says???

No, but it's a basic position. I will acknowledge that espionage activities isn't spying. So, just as when the CIA recruits someone to spy for them ( which I think you could call espionage), Assange could be labeled as carrying out espionage....though not spying. It's a subtle point, but I could see it.

As for whether espionage is un-American, I would say clearly not. But, it can certainly be anti-American.

This isn't espionage to me, but Assange strikes me as quite anti-American.
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No, but it's a basic position. I will acknowledge that espionage activities isn't spying. So, just as when the CIA recruits someone to spy for them ( which I think you could call espionage), Assange could be labeled as carrying out espionage....though not spying. It's a subtle point, but I could see it.

As for whether espionage is un-American, I would say clearly not. But, it can certainly be anti-American.

This isn't espionage to me, but Assange strikes me as quite anti-American.
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I was talking about this with my father. To me, he's anti-establishment. He's simply aiming for the US because, let's face it, it's an easy target and focusing on the US also directly affects the EU. With the damages done to the US and the politically sensitive nature of the DoS cables he threatens the stability of the EU which both (US and EU) are intrinsically tied politically, financially, militarily, etc.

The world controlled by vested intrerest between the US and EU isn't perfect, far from it, but it's far better than one ruled by China. If your dreams and aspirations come to fruition... I hope you're happy with this "New World" you've wrought... Assange, Wikileaks and all you arm-chair neckbeard basement activists.

All of this is, of course, under the idealistic guise of holding politicians and corporations accountable for illegal actions. That vague phrase is hauntingly like "Change, Hope" etc that are nothing more than baseless political rhetoric to disguise ulterior motives.
I was talking about this with my father. To me, he's anti-establishment. He's simply aiming for the US because, let's face it, it's an easy target and focusing on the US also directly affects the EU. With the damages done to the US and the politically sensitive nature of the DoS cables he threatens the stability of the EU which both (US and EU) are intrinsically tied politically, financially, militarily, etc.

The world controlled by vested intrerest between the US and EU isn't perfect, far from it, but it's far better than one ruled by China. If your dreams and aspirations come to fruition... I hope you're happy with this "New World" you've wrought... Assange, Wikileaks and all you arm-chair neckbeard basement activists.

All of this is, of course, under the idealistic guise of holding politicians and corporations accountable for illegal actions. That vague phrase is hauntingly like "Change, Hope" etc that are nothing more than baseless political rhetoric to disguise ulterior motives.

I completely agree about anti-establishment. I even started to post that hd doesn't strike me as exclusively anti-US.
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He's not protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution because he's not a US citizen, same reason why he can't be charged for treason. He's protected under the Swedish laws which is tied for 1st in the world Freedom of the Press rankings (US is 20th, not so free).

not so free according to who? Alex Jones and other truther types?

Freedom of the Press 2008 - Country Rankings

I'm willing to bet that the reason why the US is behind some European countries is because the FCC doesn't allow certain language on commercial TV and doesn't permit nudity (a la The UK Sun's Page 6 girls).

edit: ok, here is where the US is ranked 20th: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_Freedom_Index

this caveat is provided:

The survey asks questions about direct attacks on journalists and the media as well as other indirect sources of pressure against the free press. Reporters Without Borders is careful to note that the index only deals with press freedom, and does not measure the quality of journalism.

notice how the 2009 ranking is a "4.00", what was happening in 2009? Well, Obama was riding high in the polls, Reid and Pelosi were slamming through a leftist legislative agenda and a solid majority of the US press lapped up their garbage.

"not so free"... my a$$
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not so free according to who? Alex Jones and other truther types?

Freedom of the Press 2008 - Country Rankings

edit: ok, here is where the US is ranked 20th: Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this caveat is provided:

notice how the 2009 ranking is a "4.00", what was happening in 2009? Well, Obama was riding high in the polls, Reid and Pelosi were slamming through a leftist legislative agenda and a solid majority of the US press lapped up their garbage.

"not so free"... my a$$

The link you provided puts them tied for 20th, hardly the ranking the US should get if we have Freedom of the Press written in our Constitution and boast about it.

Hell, the only real news outlet I trust is The Christian Science Monitor. I could argue that the quality of journalism is fairly low here in the US if you count CNN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS.

I guess I could change that to "not as free as I'd like it to be."

Here's a very compelling argument in defense of Julian Assange: http://humanmob.wordpress.com/2010/12/10/freedom-of-speech-or-national-security/
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I guess I could change that to "not as free as I'd like it to be."

how free do you want it? Should journalists be allowed to sit in on classified CIA briefings? Should they be present and report when the launch codes for our nuclear arsenal are updated?

were you so enthusiastic when Valerie Plame was "outed"? I seem to recall a lot of LG level feigned outrage over her case. Robert Novak was more of a journalist than Julian Assange will ever be.

If anything, the American press is lazy and ideology-driven. There's simply no way someone so unqualified and unprepared as Obama should ever have been elected President.
how free do you want it? Should journalists be allowed to sit in on classified CIA briefings? Should they be present and report when the launch codes for our nuclear arsenal are updated?

were you so enthusiastic when Valerie Plame was "outed"? I seem to recall a lot of LG level feigned outrage over her case. Robert Novak was more of a journalist than Julian Assange will ever be.

If anything, the American press is lazy and ideology-driven. There's simply no way someone so unqualified and unprepared as Obama should ever have been elected President.

Swedish press gets along just fine. Why can't the US model it's press freedoms off of Sweden? (Maybe because we have many more secrets?)

No, I wasn't enthusiastic about the outing of Ms. Plame. Julian Assange has not released any names and didn't want to, despite what the media says.

I was duped by Obama, too. Contrary to popular belief on here, I am not an Obama sympathizer. I supported him when he wasn't doing anything and giving him the benefit of the doubt, now I'm beginning to see through it. However, I still believe it was the lesser of two evils. If Sarah Palin runs, I'll vote for Obama again in a heartbeat.
Most informative article I've read on this topic.

Pretty long but worth the read.

American Thinker: WikiLeaks, Stuxnet, Cyberwar, and Obama

Such an action can't be expected from the current administration, preoccupied as it is with such critical matters as eliminating DADT and assuring that military vehicles use their fair share of ethanol. But it should be the first thing on the agenda when an adult administration again takes office.

This is not an American screw-up -- it is the ultimate Democratic foreign policy fiasco. It has all the symptoms: an unbalanced clown in a position of trust, loosened security standards, aloofness and ignorance at the highest levels, and pure ineptitude elsewhere. We have seen it a thousand times under LBJ, Carter, and Clinton, and here it is again.

Assange's followers are flakes. These are not Red Guards or Khmer Rouge; these are the potential victims of Red Guards and Khmer Rouge -- foolish, childish, spoiled, miseducated (and possibly ineducable), the dregs of millennial society. They exist in a dream reality, feeding on myths that any normal individual would reject half-heard: that the world is run by means of conspiracy. That capitalism is evil. That Marxism is about sharing. That 9/11 was an inside job. That Michael Moore and Joseph C. Wilson IV are heroic figures.

The question remains as to why Assange has been allowed to continue. Part of the answer undoubtedly lies in incompetence -- it's a real puzzle as to exactly what would have to happen to make Eric Holder do the smart thing.
Wow. You guys see Ron Paul strongly defending Assange before the House? He said it was like killing the messenger for the bad news. I was a bit surprised. Had comments about the Iraq war. Said it was based on lies and we were never threatened by WMD's. He compared it to the lies of the Gulf of Tonkin attack that were released in the Pentagon Papers

Also said Vietnam and Iraq were based on lies. Said Iraq was based on a threat from Al Qieda and it was a lie. Outrage should be directed at our government for not protecting classified information not Assange. Said despite being classified the release of info has caused no known harm to any individual. Only embarassment for our gov't. Implied the American people deserved to know the truth about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Also asked the question, 'Which has resulted in the greatest number of deaths, lying us into war or Wikileaks revelations, or the release of the Pentagon Papers?'

None of the above are my words or thoughts. Came from Mr. Paul. Very interesting to say the least. Look forward to varying opinions of the forum on this one. I know Paul is a libertarian, but I was still surprised by his candidness. Not saying I agree with him, but it was refreshing to hear a politician be so blunt about the subject. I think everyone would go along with this assessment: He definately has a pair whether you agree with him or not.
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