No, Dooley was unqualified to begin with, and did not deserve the job. He did nothing to inspire our base of fans,
The first part is irrelevant. The AD took a shot at a potential up and comer when no one wanted the job. His job, nor Jones', is to "inspire you"... the job is to win games. Hopefully that inspires you.
he lost badly to most ranked teams that he play,
Hmmm. So has Jones so far at UT and they haven't been particularly competitive in most cases.
lost his only Bowl game, and lost to one of the worst Kentucky teams of all time.
But he qualified for a bowl... right? And we SHOULD be able to agree that if not for a fluke play at the end and a bogus "launching" call... UT wins that game.
Butch has said and done all the right things so far,
LOL... No he hasn't. I hope he is great but he hasn't even posted a winning season yet... He's hardly done "all the right things". He lost to Vandy for goodness sakes... and took a risk that may have cost UT a win at UF.
and has recruited top talent,
It appears that way but we all felt pretty good about Dooley's first class too. Jones DOES seem to be sustaining better.
the biggest mistake Butch has made so far is starting Peterman at Florida. Losing to Vandy in Neyland is unacceptable too, that can't be allowed to happen.
So he hasn't done all the right things, correct?
Yes, we expect steady improvement, but more than that the Vols need to play with the swagger and confidence like the days of old. The rest of the SEC needs to fear coming into to Neyland Stadium, and until that happens were are still rebuilding, IMO.
You get there one win at a time. You get there by having even victorious opponents knowing that they were in a game even when talent-wise they outmatch UT. That may come. But we didn't see that last year in several games.
I like Butch, and his offensive coaches, but after what I saw last season, I'm not really sure the Defensive staff can get the Vols to where we want them. I hope that I am wrong.
We're in agreement here.
Most of my motivation for answering posts like yours is the notion that somehow being as good or a little better than Dooley is OK. If someone can reasonable argue Dooley's performance on the field against Jones'... then we still have great reasons to be skeptical.
I hope Jones will be better... I think he will... but I want to see coaching performance much better than last year before I'll be convinced. Not just wins but decisions, strategies, gameplanning, playcalling, use of talent, adjustments... everything.