Will Butch Jones restore Tennessee to Greatness?

I am hopeful but decidedly on the wait and see side of the fence. I like the guys plucky attitude, but I think he likes to blow smoke up a bit much. We know who we are and we have an amazing tradition that we should be immensely proud of. That said, we are not the "best" anything right now! He has declared we are the best program, will have the best staff, and that our players are "the best of the best". Love the enthusiasm, but coming back down to earth for a while might be in our best interest for the time being.
My gut says yes, but we will have a good idea next year when we see how this team performs. Will they be able to play for 4 quarters? Do they beat a Fla,Ga,USC,Bamer? It wil be obvious as to what we have at the end of the season. If we blow a game because we have 15 players on the field aka LSU, well.....
Silly Thread.....should be deleted.


There are alot of ****ing whiners on here. I'm tremendously upset that the mod's allow **** like this to even be on this board.

Go Butch Jones.....Go Vols!!
I'll agree that he will pull in better players than he had at Cincy, but the question remains whether or not he can pull in top 10 classes, because if he can't then he will not catch up to the talent level of Bama, UF, UGA, LSU or even SC.

Right now we are behind every one of these schools in talent level at most roster spots. We are not even close to having the two deep talent of any of those schools, so that leaves him in the position of either out recruiting those schools (which will be hard considering our record the past few years and the fact that we don't have near the in-state talent as those schools enjoy ) or out coaching them.

I'm not saying he can't get it done, but he will have to claw his way to get there and it's not going to happen in a year or two. If the team can show improvement from year to year, then he will be given the chance to continue to reach the level we all want for our program, but he can't get to 8 or even 9 win seasons and then level out. If he does, then he'll be handing off the team to the next coach to try reach the next level.

So you are saying that averaging 9 wins a year in the SEC is not good enough? Did you know that Alabama only averaged 8 wins per year in the last decade? LSU only averaged 9 wins per year in the last decade? and these are the benchmarks by which you make statements.
Ill be the first to admit I hated the thought of hiring Jones at UT. Then I watched his PC. I know what your saying Dooley said the same thing blah blah. To me its the passion and the ability to coach that puts Jones way out in front of Dooley. Before we declare him a failure lets see what hes got on the field before we damn the man to hell.
Here's the reality of our situation: half of the fanbase is against the Jones hire; half is behind him. When he starts losing, seats will start emptying. After four years of downcycling, tolerance is lower, so fans will give up easier and seats will empty faster. We have UF and @Oregon in September, with UGA and Bama on deck. Imagine the mood of this fanbase by the end of September... then October. That's what happens when you make a controversial desperation hire and a passionate fanbase is already divided. There was no margin for error with this hire. Not much margin for error with staff hiring or recruiting, either.
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Here's the reality of our situation: half of the fanbase is against the Jones hire; half is behind him. When he starts losing, seats will start emptying. After four years of downcycling, tolerance is lower, so fans will give up easier and seats will empty faster. We have UF and @Oregon in September, with UGA and Bama on deck. Imagine the mood of this fanbase by the end of September... then October. That's what happens when you make a controversial desperation hire and a passionate fanbase is already divided. There was no margin for error with this hire. Not much margin for error with staff hiring or recruiting, either.

If he wins the games he is supposed to win, then at the end of Oct he will be 4-4 with Mizzou, Auburn, Vandy, and Kentucky coming up......
So you are saying that averaging 9 wins a year in the SEC is not good enough? Did you know that Alabama only averaged 8 wins per year in the last decade? LSU only averaged 9 wins per year in the last decade? and these are the benchmarks by which you make statements.

How many times in the past decade has LSU and Bama won the SEC? How many times have they won the NC? How many times did they post 10+ wins?

I'm not talking about averaging 8 or 9 wins a season, I'm talking about hitting a plateau and not being able to push past it. Does that help you understand a little better?
How many times in the past decade has LSU and Bama won the SEC? How many times have they won the NC? How many times did they post 10+ wins?

I'm not talking about averaging 8 or 9 wins a season, I'm talking about hitting a plateau and not being able to push past it. Does that help you understand a little better?

I guess using simple math is not common in here as the way to get to an average is to have some parts more than the average and some part less than the average. It is impossible to tell is 9 wins would get it done in any given year as we do not know how good the competition will be in that given year. Remember we are not that far away from a 2 loss team with a shot at the national title. I guess you also forgot that in the last decade Alabama has posted 6 seasons with 7 wins or less? LSU has posted 5 seasons with 8 wins or less.

I am guessing that logic, reason and common sense are not so common on here.
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Neither had Sumlin. He turned out pretty good.

This a fallacy in some peoples argument that Jones will get it done in the SEC. You can only judge Jones by what he does in the SEC, not what Meyer or even Sumlin has done. Only time will tell if he can or can't. Hopefully he can because we damn sure don't need to be doing this again in three or four years.
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This a fallacy in some peoples argument that Jones will get it done in the SEC. You can only judge Jones by what he does in the SEC, not what Meyer or even Sumlin has done. Only time will tell if he can or can't. Hopefully he can because we damn sure don't need to be doing this again in three or four years.

I do not think that people are comparing the two I think they are simply stating this in regards to when the NegaVols are saying Jones does not have SEC experience and because this he will fail that Myers and Sumlin did not have SEC experience and did not fail.
Thanks for your input into the subject ,,,, yet I did not see where the OP asked anything about Gruden... maybe I need to read it again??

I am watching and hoping like everyone else that BJ does a great job...but I still don't see it

The post wasn't about gruden,just giving my appreciation over getting coach Jones over him. Was this spoken where you could understand or do I need to use smaller words?
Will Butch Jones restore Tennessee to Greatness?

There are many on this board that are saying that Butch Jones is a good hire for Tennessee and are very excited about him and his coaching and recruiting abilities. These Vol fans are "all-in" on Jones and expect great things during his tenure.

Likewise there are other Vol fans who are taking a "wait-and-see" approach on this hire. Their opinions will be based upon what he does with his staff hires, recruiting and ultimately wins and losses.

There is a third category of Vol fans who do not support this hire nor do they support Hart and Cheek. These fans have indicated on this board and on the radio that they are displeased with what has taken place and will not renew their season tickets nor will they provide anymore donations to the Athletic Department.

Nevertheless, I am curious as to how many of the "all-inners" believe that Butch Jones will restore this program to its former greatness. Which "all-inners" really believe that Butch Jones will win the SEC east and an SEC Championship?

Please let us know if you believe that Jones will accomplish those two goals at UT and how long it will take him? (Jones himself said in his presser and in his initial team meeting that UT will be a "Championship Team".

If however you do not believe that Jones will accomplish the Championship goals he set, please say "no".

Why do the doubters only have to say no without explanation, but an essay response is expected from the "all-inners"? I think the "all-inners" and the "wait and seers" are basically the same b/c the final product is what each of us will base our final grades on. Any grades we assign at this point is pure speculation.
I guess using simple math is not common in here as the way to get to an average is to have some parts more than the average and some part less than the average. It is impossible to tell is 9 wins would get it done in any given year as we do not know how good the competition will be in that given year. Remember we are not that far away from a 2 loss team with a shot at the national title. I guess you also forgot that in the last decade Alabama has posted 6 seasons with 7 wins or less? LSU has posted 5 seasons with 8 wins or less.

I am guessing that logic, reason and common sense are not so common on here.

On this you are correct, but neither is reading comprehension and right now you fall into that catagory if you don't understand the difference between averaging 9 wins and never winning more than 9 games.
Why do the doubters only have to say no without explanation, but an essay response is expected from the "all-inners"? I think the "all-inners" and the "wait and seers" are basically the same b/c the final product is what each of us will base our final grades on. Any grades we assign at this point is pure speculation.

On this you are correct, but neither is reading comprehension and right now you fall into that catagory if you don't understand the difference between averaging 9 wins and never winning more than 9 games.

Well JackWagon, if you never win more than 9 games it would really freakin hard to average 9 wins unless that is the number of games you win every year. Some people lack the ability to breathe and think at the same time
Not one person who has answered this question. The number of yes's and no's means nothing. Ridiculous speculation is ridiculous.
Everyone comparing Jones to Meyer, think about it. That freak of nature Tebow was laid in Meyers lap. What happened when Tebow left? The wins left too. Then Meyers left.
Will Butch Jones restore Tennessee to Greatness?

There are many on this board that are saying that Butch Jones is a good hire for Tennessee and are very excited about him and his coaching and recruiting abilities. These Vol fans are "all-in" on Jones and expect great things during his tenure.

Likewise there are other Vol fans who are taking a "wait-and-see" approach on this hire. Their opinions will be based upon what he does with his staff hires, recruiting and ultimately wins and losses.

There is a third category of Vol fans who do not support this hire nor do they support Hart and Cheek. These fans have indicated on this board and on the radio that they are displeased with what has taken place and will not renew their season tickets nor will they provide anymore donations to the Athletic Department.

Nevertheless, I am curious as to how many of the "all-inners" believe that Butch Jones will restore this program to its former greatness. Which "all-inners" really believe that Butch Jones will win the SEC east and an SEC Championship?

Please let us know if you believe that Jones will accomplish those two goals at UT and how long it will take him? (Jones himself said in his presser and in his initial team meeting that UT will be a "Championship Team".

If however you do not believe that Jones will accomplish the Championship goals he set, please say "no".

Well, coming from a Vol fan that started being unhappy with the program during the years Casey Clausen played, and until this hire found watching or listening to the games too painful to endure, I believe Jones has a plan superior to those of Dooley, Kiffin, or Fulmer. He needs to get the coaching staff he promised, and players to buy into his plans. I need to see how the recruiting class shakes out, especially juco transfers to fill immediate needs.

To make a long post short (too late), for the first time in nearly 10 years, I will be excited to watch the Vols take the field in 2013. I predict the Vols to finish at least in the top 3 of the SEC east.

How soon can Tennessee win an SEC title, and contend for the NC? I can't say for sure how soon that will be, but I am confident the days of being embarrassed are over.

Put me down as "ALL IN"
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Well JackWagon, if you never win more than 9 games it would really freakin hard to average 9 wins unless that is the number of games you win every year. Some people lack the ability to breathe and think at the same time

I'll simply say, have a nice day.
Thanks for your input into the subject ,,,, yet I did not see where the OP asked anything about Gruden... maybe I need to read it again??

I am watching and hoping like everyone else that BJ does a great job...but I still don't see it
You don't see it because you have no idea what is that you are looking for. There are great college coaches out there that are not household names. Butch Jones will succeed at UT. Succeeding for Tennessee is winning an SEC championship every 4 or 5 years. He has done that at the other two schools that he coached and he will do it here. I know the Big East is not the SEC but the Bearcat's resources cannot compare with those resources of UT's. I'm looking forward to the future.
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