Will McCarthy be SOH?

Seems to me this is how it is supposed to work so our nation should not be embarrassed. Too much group think.
They pass 20K page Trillion dollar bills without reading them..now that is embasrrsing.
Seems to me this is how it is supposed to work so our nation should not be embarrassed. Too much group think.
They pass 20K page Trillion dollar bills without reading them..now that is embasrrsing.
How does this circus change how budgets are passed?
I've came to the conclusion being a Republican or Democrat means picking the lesser of the two evils in your mind. They're gutter rats, most all of them on both sides of the isle. And we are at fault, we continue to elect these bottom dwellers.
That's what happened to me when I tried to read that post. I squinted tried turning the phone to the side and upside down. I had to give up trying. Felt like the reading math equivalent of listening to Biden try to stutter through two or three sentences. That complete blank like you have no idea where Biden was even trying to go with that. My confusion reading that was similar. I've no doubt you had it right though, I'm just not who anyone would want on a competitive math off.

Now you need an unnecessarily long jumble of rambling ideas, poorly organized, and in one big block? That I might could do.

It's an older drug that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, but is usually better than nothing after a while - I'm just never sure if it's going to make my thinking weird or just not do much at all. I realized as I was sitting here reading that I had a cat in my lap - and no clue which one it was or when he got there - that kind of thing. If I'm driving or something, I just tolerate the headache until being affected won't cause a problem. This is a couple of times, somebody pointed out I wasn't making sense when I hadn't realized it - guess I need to make a habit of keeping my fingers off the keyboard when I take the stuff.
McCarthy should cut a deal with Dems: 20 of them abstain, McCarthy wins and in exchange Gaetz and crew get no committee assignments and it takes 20 votes to vacate the chair.
Watch these POSes agree to that.
That's on them. Prove to your constituents that you would rather openly work with the enemy instead of for your own voters wishes, and you consider your own voters terrorists the moment they dont obey you. They'll probably vote for you even harder since you're working with their enemies to destroy them. Good campaign commercial I bet.
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Just saw Santos and MGT together. Looked like they were on a date. There's a pair for you.

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