Will McCarthy be SOH?

So if you are emperor for a day, which is it? 2/3 or 3/4? I'm open to either one.

3/4 usually yields a more nicely rounded number than a 3 in the denominator, so all things considered it would probably be less taxing to the simple minds in congress. I have to admit I prefer 2/3 because it is more restrictive.
But what if TN collected what TN needs to operate from Tennesseans rather than the feds collecting taxes and then sending money back to TN ... complete with restrictions. The federal government has a lot of handling costs, and a lot of that "money from the federal government" is wasted due to inefficiency. The study of thermodynamics shows that with every energy transaction there are losses - it's no different in another field of endeavor - the more the transactions involved the less efficient the process. If TN wants to educate children differently than CA, so be it; it's not the place of the feds to dictate national standards for everything.
But Californians are smarter than southerners, just ask them. Just like northerners and southerners. There was a great shift in DNA and brain cells divided between white people in the north and south and the west. Southerners are some dumb sumbitches.
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Exact same vote totals again ...

Jeffries ........ 212
McCarthy ... 201
Donalds ...... 17
Others ......... 3
Present ....... 1

Matt Gaetz is voting for Donald Trump.
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Wasted money
From a Dem

Shows how little you know.

Last balanced budget was by a Democratic President.

1980 election: Reagan points out that Carter has a $40 billion deficit that year and says that if he had a $40 billion deficit he would resign. Within 3 years he had a $250 billion deficit. In fact, he almost tripled the entire national debt from the previous 80 years.

Trump took us from $17 trillion to $26 trillion debt in 4 years.

You guys claim to worry about spending but you never do a damn thing about it.
In the greatest of ironies, given that Democrats control the Senate, the "Republican" battle amongst themselves simply amounts to shuffling lounge chairs on the Titanic.

There is no pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow.
Regarding the Interstate systemโ€ฆ..wasnโ€™t the constitutional justification for federal involvement (yes we did actually once care enough to ask for justification) was that it would be useful for Defense to allow rapid relocation of military resources in time of war? If I recall, Eisenhower was greatly impressed by the efficiency of the Autobahn and its usefulness to the German in WWII and pushed for our Interstate system to fulfill a similar task. In the 50s, we still expected there to be at least a fig leaf of fealty to constitutional limits on federal expenditures

And then they got stupid and ran the interstates through cities. This is why the feds can't run anything correctly; brains (if they existed) are sucked out the minute someone enters DC. Now the debate is whether roads are racist with no thought about whether they can actually work in the first place.
3/4 usually yields a more nicely rounded number than a 3 in the denominator, so all things considered it would probably be less taxing to the simple minds in congress. I have to admit I prefer 2/3 because it is more restrictive.

2/3 is more restrictive than 3/4??? Explain.
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We need a "strong" but streamlined federal government to do those few things that need be done at a federal level, and they need to keep their filthy hands out of everything else. You can understand the need for an Interstate Commerce Act to keep individual states from creating havoc or basic theft. We don't have to educate the same or think the same across the board, but on some things we do have to act decisively as a nation or we are Africa with a bunch of feuding tribes.

Shows how little you know.

Last balanced budget was by a Democratic President.

1980 election: Reagan points out that Carter has a $40 billion deficit that year and says that if he had a $40 billion deficit he would resign. Within 3 years he had a $250 billion deficit. In fact, he almost tripled the entire national debt from the previous 80 years.

Trump took us from $17 trillion to $26 trillion debt in 4 years.

You guys claim to worry about spending but you never do a damn thing about it.

We havenโ€™t had a President with the balls to Veto these spending bills regardless of party. Donโ€™t act like either party is better than the other anymore when it comes to spending
In the greatest of ironies, given that Democrats control the Senate, the "Republican" battle amongst themselves simply amounts to shuffling lounge chairs on the Titanic.

There is no pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow.
Are you sure about that? The house can pass bills all day that make the democrats in the senate reject. What if the house passes a bill to impose term limits? Those ancient artifacts in the senate are going to vote that down in a heartbeat.
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Shows how little you know.

Last balanced budget was by a Democratic President.

1980 election: Reagan points out that Carter has a $40 billion deficit that year and says that if he had a $40 billion deficit he would resign. Within 3 years he had a $250 billion deficit. In fact, he almost tripled the entire national debt from the previous 80 years.

Trump took us from $17 trillion to $26 trillion debt in 4 years.

You guys claim to worry about spending but you never do a damn thing about it.
.... and the majority of this was signed into law by Trump pre-Covid, during a booming economy, which did not need fiscal stimulus.
The solution is to vote better, to field better candidates in the future, and not expect the dogs elected won't behave like dogs.

They've BEEN behaving like dogs for a long time and we've kept electing them at the local levels. America works from the bottom up, not the top down.

Right now, we're wasting time getting started doing anything. Some positive effect from a GOP House is better than no positive effect (in fact a negative effect) by internal arguing. I get it. I'm disgusted but I'm also aware that I've repeatedly voted for a GOP Rep who is marginal, at best. I'll bet you have also.

We need to change that at the local level. Find somebody in the State Legislature or Local govt who actually will go to DC and do what we want. We haven't done that and here we are. I haven't done that and here we are.

We should work from the bottom up, but the unfortunate fact of life is that basically everything today works from the top down and is micromanaged. Our strength was the guy at the working level who understood the job and how to do it; that's been superseded. The concept behind "representative" government was to pick people representative of the people to keep the decision making by committee feasible. The larger the committee (congress/government) the less chance there is of reaching any reasonable and workable agreement. Congress is now like a husband and wife - the wife wants a new SUV, the husband wants a new boat, and they can't afford either. Instead of being reasonable and figuring out how to reach the goal, they just buy both - that's not sane, reasonable, workable, or a compromise.
Are you sure about that? The house can pass bills all day that make the democrats in the senate reject. What if the house passes a bill to impose term limits? Those ancient artifacts in the senate are going to vote that down in a heartbeat.

Quite. Certain.

Dems got the Senate and Presidency. GOP has the House... well, if they ever elect a leader.

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Are you sure about that? The house can pass bills all day that make the democrats in the senate reject. What if the house passes a bill to impose term limits? Those ancient artifacts in the senate are going to vote that down in a heartbeat.
While what you are saying is true, it's really only true in theory. We have WAY too many RINO's in the House for the Republicans to pass anything meaningful that would cause the Senate to reject the bills.

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