Will the honeymoon be over

Not for me.

I think Butch Jones is certainly going to get us back to respectability. SEC champions? I don't know about that yet, but I do think we're going to get back to looking at bowl games as automatic and not doing things like sweating games against the likes of Western Kentucky.

But it's not going to be this ryear and it's not going to be next year. That's okay. After the last five or six years, I've learned more about the virtues of patience. I'll wait. We've got the right guy IMO.
Nothing but negavols in this place. Tennessee wins 30 billion to three. Butch gets it. Honeymoon is still on. GBO, V4L, whooo.
I might question it if the Vols are up by 6 with 5 seconds left to play in regulation and stop Oregon short of the Tennessee goal line with time expiring only to find that UT has 13 players on the field. Otherwise no.
If people don't believe in Butch because we lose to the Ducks then they are ignorant to the core. The man knows what he is doing.
Well, it seems as if most posters on VN believe bUTch will get a pass if oregon blows out UT. However, I just have trouble believing it. We shall see............
It just is what it is.. Not sure Lombardi could have coached UT to within a 20 point loss yesterday... Outclassed.
The honeymoon is winding down. They are checking out of the hotel. It will officially be over after we get abused by FL, GA, Bama, SC. If we lose to KY or Candy, divorce papers will be drawn up.

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