Me too.
Grafitti and Mary Jane.
So, I guess that means twenty millions Americans deserve to be shot.
no it does not mean 20 million need to be shot
but it also means the cute lil pic of him when he was 10 isnt being 100% truthfull.
they are publicly lynching zimmerman and making it appear he killed this sweet, kind, lil boy
the fact shows different
if its murder its murder but the kid was not an angel
Maybe he did. Ever met him? You never did so you don't know him.
I know plenty of sweet kids that have smoked pot and done grafitti before. It's two of the most common things teenagers do. It's just another ignorant GS thread.
Oh, and if Zimmerman had minded his own damn business and never got out of the car, this tragedy never happens.
Not defending the dude, cuz I don't know what went down (and neither do you), but isn't watching people in your neighborhood and stuff part of Neighborhood Watch? Minding your own business is kinda counter-productive, no?
and maybe he didnt
gs is assuming the kid was a thug and was beating zimmermans ass for no reason
you are assuming (and yes it appears so) that zimmerman was hunting the kid down and was looking for a fight
i dont know if either is the case or if the truth lies in the middle but i am sure as hell getting sick of this being more about race than anything else.
somehow zimmerman represents all evil white people who want to kill blacks and the kid represents all oppressed black people in the country and is damn sickening.
if this was a white guy killing a white guy it wouldnt even be news and the ONLY reason it got major play is because the media thought zimmerman was white before they knew better.
I'm going to ask a very loaded question.
you see a black guy walking around late at night in a neighborhood where you know evryone and you (not you personally) automatically assume that the black person might be up to no good.
is that a stereotype or is it a logical thought process based on criminal statistics?