Will the Religious Right Rally Behind Biden?

Not saying anything about myself. Nobody’s perfect and neither am I. But there are plenty who want to tell you they are. And then they will try to justify support for a miserable human being like Trump. That is the definition of a hypocrite.
In your eyes.

Sometimes the choice is being caught between the Scylla and Charybdis.

Pick your poison.
He is, after all, God's choice. That is what they told me last time. They supported Trump because he was God's choice. He was not a perfect man, but he was God's choice to lead America...
I don’t mind answering this. I told my wife this verse. If he does win then yes it will be accepted by me because all leaders are appointed by YHWH. Does that mean I will support things I disagree with. No. Same with every leader we have had. Didn’t agree with trumps belief on homosexuality or bush desire to go to war to finish his fathers fight. However for what ever reason it needed to happen and was a part of YHWHS plan just like what’s going on now with the socialism, one world government agenda. It’s going to happen at some point.
The Religious Right needs to, IMO, scale back it's desire to do the same things the other side, and all other sides today do, which is, stop telling anyone to do anything or live any way.

Simple, be decent, civil, mind your business, cause no problems for others, do your part to help others when you can, be honest, sincere, respectable, honorable, righteous, and then we should all see nicer days. But, that in and of itself is the problem maybe.....just....people.....and their free will to be.... whatever........
If there is only one true God, there are going to be a lot of disappointed folks come judgment day.

As stated by The Messiah they claim to follow.
He’s talking to his supposed followers when he said.....

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 (S)Many will say to Me on (T)that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many [s]miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; (U)leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’
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Might care about abortion but the religious right evidently doesn’t mind a candidate raw dogging a porn star when his third wife is pregnant. My Bible says that is adultery. Or like grabbing random women by the crotch. Their righteousness must be a little more flexible on stuff like that. There’s the hypocrisy of the “religious” right. Can’t spew “Thou shalt not kill” and ignore the ones about adultery, bearing false witness (aka lying), etc. Both of which are Trump staples.

No, this approach makes perfect sense. Special interest groups are interested in policy. What Trump does in his private life has little impact compared to policy. Trump screwing around on his wife doesn't cause unborn babies to be killed. As for conservative policies, Trump has done better than any President in the past 50 yrs
No, this approach makes perfect sense. Special interest groups are interested in policy. What Trump does in his private life has little impact compared to policy. Trump screwing around on his wife doesn't cause unborn babies to be killed. As for conservative policies, Trump has done better than any President in the past 50 yrs

You just ignored every example of hypocrisy he just gave and shored up the deflection with a nonsensical statement about his conservatism. Tariffs, expanded government, ballooning deficit and handing billions to subsidize farmers and the list goes on. If you believe he's a "conservative", then you don't know what a conservative is. Try looking up what a populist is.

The idolatry of this guy is bewildering, especially for so called patriots.
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You just ignored every example of hypocrisy he just gave and shored up the deflection with a nonsensical statement about his conservatism. Tariffs, expanded government, ballooning deficit and handing billions to subsidize farmers and the list goes on. If you believe he's a "conservative", then you don't know what a conservative is. Try looking up what a populist is.

The idolatry of this guy is bewildering, especially for so called patriots.

I ignored his personal acts because it's irrelevant. It's what he does as our chief executive that matters. I guess I need to give you an illustration since you're not getting this:

I'd rather have a President who is a huge sinner that puts Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court than a Mother Teresa who puts a Ruth Bader Ginsberg there
Hog, in what way do you think it does?

Politicians will always solicit people of like minds to vote for them so I have no problem with a religious person proclaiming their faith while campaigning. When they come to making law the constitution and BOrs should be their only consideration, not their religious beliefs.
I ignored his personal acts because it's irrelevant. It's what he does as our chief executive that matters. I guess I need to give you an illustration since you're not getting this:

I'd rather have a President who is a huge sinner that puts Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court than a Mother Teresa who puts a Ruth Bader Ginsberg there

Sure you can cherry pick a few conservative traits. I could do that with just about anyone. Maybe you could give me an illustration of his conservatism that addresses his expansion of government, tariffs, balooning deficit and free money handouts.

He's a populist, not a conservative and definitely not a Christian.
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Might care about abortion but the religious right evidently doesn’t mind a candidate raw dogging a porn star when his third wife is pregnant. My Bible says that is adultery. Or like grabbing random women by the crotch. Their righteousness must be a little more flexible on stuff like that. There’s the hypocrisy of the “religious” right. Can’t spew “Thou shalt not kill” and ignore the ones about adultery, bearing false witness (aka lying), etc. Both of which are Trump staples.
Any of those things you can't ask forgiveness for?
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This is why I don't talk about politics or religion at work. It is opinion mixed with individual belief. I'm There to work. Everyone has a slightly different take or flat out a huge divide.
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Not saying anything about myself. Nobody’s perfect and neither am I. But there are plenty who want to tell you they are. And then they will try to justify support for a miserable human being like Trump. That is the definition of a hypocrite.

I’m sorry to hear about your accident, what odds does your Doctor give you for recovery?

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