Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
I'm simply throwing that out there because there have been reports of it being able to mutate. I'm not an immunologist.

All I'm simply saying is that there could be that possibility.

Just because it can mutate (practically any virus can mutate) doesn't mean it will result as a recurring seasonal disease. COVID and Influenza are two very different viruses symptoms aside. It is highly unlikely that it will become like our flu in that regard.
I think vaccinations are a good idea... so yes. I don’t think I’ll be signing up for the Russian one or anything like that though.

I also don’t think it should be mandatory. People can do what they want and asses the risk or benefits for themselves. I hope people choose to but I’m not their dad and can’t presume to know what’s best for anyone.
Well... where do we stand now?

Pfizer will be applying today for Emergency Authorization for use of its new vaccine. Others to follow soon.

Will you get the vaccination when it becomes available?
Well... where do we stand now?

Pfizer will be applying today for Emergency Authorization for use of its new vaccine. Others to follow soon.

Will you get the vaccination when it becomes available?

Yes. The sooner the majority of the population gets vaccinated, the sooner things get back to normal.
Doubt it, these blue state govs want that bailout money

Can’t like this enough . They are going to get it now to since Joe is in along with funding because of riots and according to him , when a state has to send out the national guard .
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Gladly without a second thought , I don’t fear the rona . Big pharma and government has a higher body count than Covid

You think it's only about fear?

If getting what will likely amount to a flu shot will help get the world back on a stable axis, sign me up.

Fight the power though, Flava.
You think it's only about fear?

If getting what will likely amount to a flu shot will help get the world back on a stable axis, sign me up.

Fight the power though, Flava.

I don’t do flu shots .. you got another point you want to make or do you just like bending the knee and being compliant?
I don’t do flu shots .. you got another point you want to make or do you just like bending the knee and being compliant?


Are all immunizations "knee bending" or just the ones you've decided?

Are all immunizations "knee bending" or just the ones you've decided?

How about just the one thats been created in world record time ? The fact that you are willing to “sign up “ for the fastest created vaccine known to man after knowing what you know about government and big pharma , leads me to believe that I have given you more credit that I should have , In the I’m an independent/ libertarian/ free thinker depts .
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I'll take it for a myriad of reasons. Number 1 is that I won't be let into Coachella without it.

Honestly, once the vaccine is widely available, I couldn't care less if people take it ir not.
I'll take it for a myriad of reasons. Number 1 is that I won't be let into Coachella without it.

Honestly, once the vaccine is widely available, I couldn't care less if people take it ir not.

That’s funny until we apply that to everything like not being able to shop or buy groceries without taking it , then it’s not so funny .
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That’s funny until will apply that to everything like not being able to shop or buy groceries without taking it , then it’s not so funny .
Dont get me wrong. I have no problem with people refusing to take it. I also have no problem with said people being prohibited from attending concerts, public schools etc. If you want to home school your kids because you won't inoculate them, have at it.

There's no way to police grocery stores.
How about just the one thats been created in world record time ? The fact that you are willing to “sign up “ for the fastest created vaccine known to man after knowing what you know about government and big pharma , leads me to believe that I have given you more credit that I should have , In the I’m an independent/ libertarian/ free thinker depts .

I'm less concerned with any credit you've extended me than I am in your inability to process that technology and sheer effort could exceed your personal expectations. Not sure what any of that has to do with by disdain for governmental overreach, or was that just the first thing that popped into your head?
That’s funny until will apply that to everything like not being able to shop or buy groceries without taking it , then it’s not so funny .

Why don't you wait until that happens before grousing about it? This sky is falling dystopia you've all created for yourselves because you've been asked to wear a mask is sad.
Saw something where these vaccines are made with cells from the lungs of aborted fetuses. No joke.
Why don't you wait until that happens before grousing about it? This sky is falling dystopia you've all created for yourselves because you've been asked to wear a mask is sad.

Why don’t you line up in the coral and take your vaccine dose and mine at the same time , my god man think of the good you could do helping society get back to normal . I’ll worry about the things I don’t trust ..big pharma , big government and people like you that are willing to do what you are told for the betterment of everyone . 99% survival rate for the healthy , 94% at the worst for the unhealthy .. this is what you are willing to bend the knee for .
I'm less concerned with any credit you've extended me than I am in your inability to process that technology and sheer effort could exceed your personal expectations. Not sure what any of that has to do with by disdain for governmental overreach, or was that just the first thing that popped into your head?

Did you hit your head while you were fishing ? You seem a bit more compliant since you got back and started posting again . I’m not judging , sheeple are needed for this grand experiment, I’m just curious why you are so willing .

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