Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
Congress will pass protections for the businesses.

On second thought, they probably don’t have to. You have a choice. Take the shot or quit your job. Ultimately, though the business required it for employment, you still made the choice.

This would be a terrible idea that will certainly have some unforeseen consequences.
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I’ve read articles over the years that said you should take a drug only after it has been in widespread use for seven years

Yeah it’s not that I don’t trust big pharmaceutical or our government to experiment with something on the public at large just so they can learn from their mistakes . I mean it has been a whole 50 years since Nixon made the military stop conducting open air bio experiments on uninformed populations and large urban cities here in this country .
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Come November 4th if Biden wins they could have a saline shot as a “vaccine“ and the media will proclaim him the savior. Sad thing is a bunch of our members will go get that shot.

And now it's political....

OP asked to keep politics out of the arguments.
I absolutely will get it mainly because I am a health care professional. I have an obligation to minimize the chances of my passing it on to my patients. In fact I expect health care professionals to be forced to get this vaccine much like we currently are for Hep B.

For those of you in different lives, I hope you keep open the possibility of getting it eventually. An incredible amount of effort and knowledge has gone into this. You might as well benefit from it.

Speaking as the adult child of a polio survivor, every day I see my father push a walker I thank my lucky stars that I benefited from a vaccine and I didn't have to suffer like he has.
Why would I put something in my body that some scientists had to guess if it’s going to be the right strain or not ? The “ flu shot “does nothing if they miss that guess .
You have a valid point but I don't see the downside. Honestly I don't know if flu shots work but I can say that I've never gotten the flu in a year that I've gotten the shot. As a patient you can't ask for more than that
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Speaking as the adult child of a polio survivor, every day I see my father push a walker I thank my lucky stars that I benefited from a vaccine and I didn't have to suffer like he has.
Are you aware of the chaos and damage that was done during the original polio vaccine roll out? Several people died and many more were exposed to cancer causing viruses.
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You have a valid point but I don't see the downside. Honestly I don't know if flu shots work but I can say that I've never gotten the flu in a year that I've gotten the shot. As a patient you can't ask for more than that

I’ve never had the shot or the flu to my knowledge . I can’t think of anything else I could ask for . My body seems pretty well equipped to defend itself so far . I don’t trust man , governments, or big pharmaceutical to not count me as just a statistic on their way to making money . 🤷‍♂️
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Are you aware of the chaos and damage that was done during the original polio vaccine roll out? Several people died and many more were exposed to cancer causing viruses.

1) Technology and research has dramatically changed since then.

2) I’m not justifying the deaths of several people, but it eradicated a virus that changed the lives of generations to come.
1) Technology and research has dramatically changed since then.

2) I’m not justifying the deaths of several people, but it eradicated a virus that changed the lives of generations to come.

Yes and to the people a new vaccine could possibly kill / damage in the short and long term , they will be viewed as acceptable losses for “ possibly / maybe “ a greater good . The only difference between an acceptable statistic and a non acceptable one is who is doing the counting . For example .. I would not consider my death and my families death as acceptable to work out any mistakes from a brand new vaccine , society at large would . I support everyone’s right to line up and be a statistic for the greater good of society . I’ll wait and watch .
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1) Technology and research has dramatically changed since then.

2) I’m not justifying the deaths of several people, but it eradicated a virus that changed the lives of generations to come.
And what would you say if it turns out that one shot of the vaccine only works on this particular strain? What if this ends up being a virus (which is highly likely) that you have to get annually?
And what would you say if it turns out that one shot of the vaccine only works on this particular strain? What if this ends up being a virus (which is highly likely) that you have to get annually?

Not sure where you are going with this.
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Yeah these fascists are trying to control the whole state . The good thing is there’s a bill trying to give us an out based on religious belief. The head Heath director or the fascist party of course is ardently against it .
Forget about religious beliefs. It shouldn't be mandatory, period. That bill doesn't go far enough.
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