Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
...and once enough people gain immunity, the virus can’t spread and things like measles and polio are effectively eradicated. I get how this works.

If you don’t want to get a shot, that’s your call and I’ve never said that it should be forced on you. I just disagree with the logic.
If we were talking about polio or small pox or something really serious, I may seriously consider taking the vaccine. But coronavirus, the flu and chicken pox, I don't believe are serious enough to be rolling the dice on a vaccine. The odds are overwhelmingly in you favor that you will survive even if you do get the disease.

It’s odd to me that I have a right to refuse the flu shot but I don’t have a right to refuse a brand new vaccine that nobody knows the Long term side effects Of , for a virus that is basically the same thing .
It is better for me to get the proven and tested vaccine rather than a lethal or damaging case of COVID-19. The vaccine will undergo trials and tests before it is released.

I said we needed to test the malaria drugs on COVID patients rather than take them on the President's advice.

So if Trump says the vaccine is 100% effective you won’t get it?
Will you willingly take the CCP Virus (aka Coronavirus, Covid 19) vaccination?
Why or why not
Should it be mandatory
How much testing before mass deployment
Who decides who gets it


What is the difference between USSR and CCCP?
Both the terms are informally used the term, but actually Soviet Union was the term used instead of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) whereas the term Russia was a statue in it. ... The Soviet Union was a union of 15 republican states. It existed from 1922 until its fall in 1991.
This is very theoretical since we don’t know anything about it. Generally speaking I get all vaccinations
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Never had a flu shot. Not gonna take a Dimwit flu shot, either.

My immune system is still factory, I have only taken antibiotics a few times in my life when I had serious injuries or surgery. I prefer to let it be.

By cell count, our body is made up of 50% bacteria/virii/pathogens of some sort. Our amazing immune systems coupled with the genius design of the human body by our Creator enable us to live long healthy lives despite constant infections. Big pharma can keep their garbage.
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Never had a flu shot. Not gonna take a Dimwit flu shot, either.

My immune system is still factory, I have only taken antibiotics a few times in my life when I had serious injuries or surgery. I prefer to let it be.

By cell count, our body is made up of 50% bacteria/virii/pathogens of some sort. Our amazing immune systems coupled with the genius design of the human body by our Creator enable us to live long healthy lives despite constant infections. Big pharma can keep their garbage.
That's some tough talk. I hope you are not put in a situation where you are backed into a corner.
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I have posted this in other threads but not here. I think. If you won’t take it prepared to be unemployed. Your employer will mandate it. Not saying that’s what I advocate. But it’s what will be done.

This is an interesting thought. From a legal perspective, aren’t they opening themselves up to a lot of liability should there be unforeseen side effects?

I have no plan on taking a vaccine that is new and was developed rapidly under high pressure. I think that is a reasonable position, especially when I can work from home if they were to be adamant about it.

On a different angle, I am wondering if airlines will allow you to travel without having the vaccine.
This is an interesting thought. From a legal perspective, aren’t they opening themselves up to a lot of liability should there be unforeseen side effects?

I have no plan on taking a vaccine that is new and was developed rapidly under high pressure. I think that is a reasonable position, especially when I can work from home if they were to be adamant about it.

On a different angle, I am wondering if airlines will allow you to travel without having the vaccine.
Congress will pass protections for the businesses.

On second thought, they probably don’t have to. You have a choice. Take the shot or quit your job. Ultimately, though the business required it for employment, you still made the choice.

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