Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
Because the side effects are minimal, more often than not they get it right and at minimum it will mitigate symptoms if you do get the flu. Study after study shows it greatly reduces hospital stays.

I drank out of a water hose , creeks , wells , asbestos and lead paint was a staple in my childhood , I grew up swimming in ponds and the Tennessee river , I worked at a plastic plant for 15 years , over half my family are nurses ( including my mom ) , my wife is an ICU nurse , as a truck driver ive touched more nasty things in truck stops from nasty people than most Drs. ... that’s a no thank you on the flu shot hit or miss , I think I’m good .
Burning your house down to get a little smoke in your neighbor's eyes is a tried and true way of demonstrating brilliance, congratulations. It's much more effective to bait someone into getting angry with facts and evidence, rather than looking like a goof. It's hard to look tough thumping your chest laying in the mud with a black eye and a bloody lip. You do you though.

That’s sure is a lot of words . You could have just said .. ahhh I see .
I don't think it's "understandable at all why nobody would want it" at all. Would you be OK with people not vaccinating their kids and sending them to school with your unvaccinated kids? Can you elaborate on your statement on why its "understandable"? Are you a anti-vaxer that believes vaccines cause autism?

Polio, Rotavirus, HIB, Measles, Rubella, Mumps, Tetanus, Hepatitis, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Pertussis have all been eradicated or severely limited in infection rates since they were introduced.

It's bewildering that anyone would not want a vaccine that could possibly prevent them from death. Given the "why not try it" hullabaloo about the hydroxyquinoline here last week by the same crowd, I can't help but be puzzeled by the irony.

A vaccine from a deadly virus, yes please.

Just to ask an obvious curiosity to me...Has this rampant deadly virus approached the death toll of our common seasonal flu yet...that we have validated vaccine shots for? Not saying I would NEVER take a CV vaccine, but not at the moment. I mean, I did try the flu shot one time. Sick as dog that winter. If I were still prone to bronchitis, which was my only nemesis, then I would strongly consider a vaccine against a potent respiratory virus. But, that has even gone by the wayside and haven't had Bronchitis in 3 years, and the flu in over 20. My kid had all his childhood vaccines. It wasn't worth it to me to research the occurrences of illnesses in kids that the vaccines are to prevent, and protest him having them. And at that age, how would I even know what type of immune system he will develop. Adult shots like the common flu shot, an this, etc., I think is more of an individual decision based on your years of experience with your immune system. Some will be fine without. Some should take it. If your in a high risk exposure profession, you should probably take it. If your job takes on much travel, should probably take it. Not everyone has the same circumstances, so it is not that hard to understand why some will and some won't.
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I drank out of a water hose , creeks , wells , asbestos and lead paint was a staple in my childhood , I grew up swimming in ponds and the Tennessee river , I worked at a plastic plant for 15 years , over half my family are nurses ( including my mom ) , my wife is an ICU nurse , as a truck driver ive touched more nasty things in truck stops from nasty people than most Drs. ... that’s a no thank you on the flu shot hit or miss , I think I’m good .

I've run with scissors, swam 30 seconds after eating, crossed a street without looking both ways and I've never gotten cancer.

Checkmate atheists.
I've run with scissors, swam 30 seconds after eating, crossed a street without looking both ways and I've never gotten cancer.

Checkmate atheists.

Sounds like you did a lot of stupid stuff and got lucky . None of which would build your immune system . Bark for us some more .. I like it .
If it is proven safe and effective then I'm getting one.

I'll do it for myself, for those around me that I care about and even for those I don't even know.

IIRC, back in the day we lined up for our polio vaccinations and then, when it came out, the oral dose, at grade school. I had kids I knew crippled in braces and one on a iron lung from that disease. TB was the source of many quarantines during that time as well. A lot of vaccinations now are mandatory to attend public school, at least it was in the state I grew up in.

As of July 18, 2018, all 50 states and DC require vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; polio; measles and rubella (49 states and DC also require mumps vaccination); and the varicella (chickenpox) vaccination. 43 states and DC require hepatitis B vaccination (Alabama, Illinois, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Texas do not) to enter kindergarten. Some states require Hib, PCV, flu, and Hep A vaccines to enter kindergarten. Connecticut is the only state to require nine vaccinations. Many states require more vaccines as the children age, for example West Virginia requires the meningitis vaccine at the CDC-recommended age (11-12 years old).

State-by-State: Vaccinations Required for Public School Kindergarten - Vaccines - ProCon.org
Just to ask an obvious curiosity to me...Has this rampant deadly virus approached the death toll of our common seasonal flu yet...that we have validated vaccine shots for? Not saying I would NEVER take a CV vaccine, but not at the moment. I mean, I did try the flu shot one time. Sick as dog that winter. If I were still prone to bronchitis, which was my only nemesis, then I would strongly consider a vaccine against a potent respiratory virus. But, that has even gone by the wayside and haven't had Bronchitis in 3 years, and the flu in over 20. My kid had all his childhood vaccines. It wasn't worth it to me to research the occurrences of illnesses in kids that the vaccines are to prevent, and protest him having them. And at that age, how would I even know what type of immune system he will develop. Adult shots like the common flu shot, an this, etc., I think is more of an individual decision based on your years of experience with your immune system. Some will be fine without. Some should take it. If your in a high risk exposure profession, you should probably take it. If your job takes on much travel, should probably take it. Not everyone has the same circumstances, so it is not that hard to understand why some will and some won't.

I believe the mortality for covid-19 is significantly higher than the seasonal flu, despite the morbidity being significantly lower. These aren't the same and shouldn't really be compared directly.
I believe the mortality for covid-19 is significantly higher than the seasonal flu, despite the morbidity being significantly lower. These aren't the same and shouldn't really be compared directly.
And the ability of it to be so highly contagious, that's the real danger associated with this virus.
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I've run with scissors, swam 30 seconds after eating, crossed a street without looking both ways and I've never gotten cancer.

Checkmate atheists.

What does religion have to do with this. That was stupid.
Sounds like you did a lot of stupid stuff and got lucky . None of which would build your immune system . Bark for us some more .. I like it .

I'm sure you think what you're doing is hilarious, but it's just getting awkward. Get up out of the mud and clean yourself up, I wouldn't want OC to come in here and accuse you of having a psychological disorder.
What does religion have to do with this. That was stupid.

It doesn't, it's just an expression used when a dumb point is trotted out as a show stopper. Lighten up.
I believe the mortality for covid-19 is significantly higher than the seasonal flu, despite the morbidity being significantly lower. These aren't the same and shouldn't really be compared directly.
From what I’ve understood, the mortality is predicted to be about the same as flu, problem is that it moves a lot faster and that compressed timetable stresses healthcare resources. We’re basically going to see Covid19 do in 2 months what it takes flu 5-6 months to do.
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Who said anything about mandatory compliance? That wasn't a variable of his question at all.

I was simply using common sense to answer it from a personal perspective. I realize how some Q thread folks might see a vaccine as a vector for a mind control, nano-bot injection to control their thoughts and actions.
That wasn't in the question per se, but that could definitely be something worth expanding on. It is kind of where the question leads partially.
Who said anything about mandatory compliance? That wasn't a variable of his question at all.

I was simply using common sense to answer it from a personal perspective. I realize how some Q thread folks might see a vaccine as a vector for a mind control, nano-bot injection to control their thoughts and actions.
That would only be true if Mr Trump recommended it.
I'm sure you think what you're doing is hilarious, but it's just getting awkward. Get up out of the mud and clean yourself up, I wouldn't want OC to come in here and accuse you of having a psychological disorder.

It’s only getting awkward for you . After your last example , id seriously consider just stopping . You use to be a lot sharper . I’ll just chalk it up to stress .
From what I’ve understood, the mortality is predicted to be about the same as flu, problem is that it moves a lot faster and that compressed timetable stresses healthcare resources. We’re basically going to see Covid19 do in 2 months what it takes flu 5-6 months to do.

I can't imagine what these mortality rate would be if the world hadn't decided to implement social distancing.
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Who said anything about mandatory compliance? That wasn't a variable of his question at all.

I was simply using common sense to answer it from a personal perspective. I realize how some Q thread folks might see a vaccine as a vector for a mind control, nano-bot injection to control their thoughts and actions.
That wasn't in the question per se, but that could definitely be something worth expanding on. It is kind of where the question leads partially.
Who said anything about mandatory compliance? That wasn't a variable of his question at all.

I was simply using common sense to answer it from a personal perspective. I realize how some Q thread folks might see a vaccine as a vector for a mind control, nano-bot injection to control their thoughts and actions.
That would be the extreme, but theres proof of Gate's vaccines causing a lot of harm in Africa and India. Causing more polio than from the vaccine than naturally occuring polio, that sort of thing. I dont think mind control and nanobots are the biggest concern. A mandated rushed possibly harmful for profit vaccine is much more realistic

I cant edit or type on this damn phone
Use your imagination to combine all that
I can't imagine what these mortality rate would be if the world hadn't decided to implement social distancing.
If we had conducted "business as usual", as we do during annual flu season, it's pretty scary to think what the totals would look like. We still don't really know what the real actual numbers are from China. I don't believe their "official count reporting" one bit. They make no logical sense when compared to the outbreaks in every other country around the world. It boggles the mind that anyone would believe those bastards.
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It’s only getting awkward for you . After your last example , id seriously consider just stopping . You use to be a lot sharper . I’ll just chalk it up to stress .

Again, thumping your chest while laying on the ground is a bad look for you. Perhaps you can share some more anecdotal evidence with the board on why you don't believe vaccines are necessary? I feel like maybe you left window licking out of your litany of examples. I'm game to shine the light on your ill advised shot at me as long as you are, as its apparent that your pride is getting in the way of your reason.
I believe the mortality for covid-19 is significantly higher than the seasonal flu, despite the morbidity being significantly lower. These aren't the same and shouldn't really be compared directly.

Maybe you do. Not correct. According to CDCs statistics, CV19 has yet to surpass inluenza total deaths in the US so far this 2019-2020 season. In fact the only flu season in the past 9 seasons that CV19 deaths to date have exceeded flu deaths is 2011-2012 season. Maybe it will turn out to be more deadly and fearful. Right now the real threat to America's public health remains the seasonal flu.
If we had conducted "business as usual", as we do during annual flu season, it's pretty scary to think what the totals would look like. We still don't really know what the real actual numbers are from China. I don't believe their "official count reporting" one bit. They make no logical sense when compared to the outbreaks in every other country around the world. It boggles the mind that anyone would believe those bastards.

I agree completely. No chance we're getting straight numbers out of Russia (which also appears to be getting overwhelmed) , China, DPRK etc.
From what I’ve understood, the mortality is predicted to be about the same as flu, problem is that it moves a lot faster and that compressed timetable stresses healthcare resources. We’re basically going to see Covid19 do in 2 months what it takes flu 5-6 months to do.

It's new and it's the 1st round. In time it will be akin to bronchitis or something, based on the path of the other viruses. I have a PhD in hope and practicality.
Maybe you do. Not correct. According to CDCs statistics, CV19 has yet to surpass inluenza total deaths in the US so far this 2019-2020 season. In fact the only flu season in the past 9 seasons that CV19 deaths to date have exceeded flu deaths is 2011-2012 season. Maybe it will turn out to be more deadly and fearful. Right now the real threat to America's public health remains the seasonal flu.

Perhaps. Seasonal flu rates were never affected by prior social distancing methods. The fact that this is novel, is the biggest variable - we simply don't know. What is known is that NYC has never dozens of freezer trailers to stack bodies due to the seasonal flu.
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