Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
Maybe you do. Not correct. According to CDCs statistics, CV19 has yet to surpass inluenza total deaths in the US so far this 2019-2020 season. In fact the only flu season in the past 9 seasons that CV19 deaths to date have exceeded flu deaths is 2011-2012 season. Maybe it will turn out to be more deadly and fearful. Right now the real threat to America's public health remains the seasonal flu.
So we are comparing deaths caused by flu in 12 months vs deaths caused by Covid-19 deaths in 2 months? Oh ok.
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Where's this kind of alarm for overdose deaths from opiates/oids? That damage is deeper than just deaths too.
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I am pretty sure I will have no other choice than to get vaccinated because I work at a trauma center. It will probably also be a requirement to be vaccinated if you intend on flying too. I voted yes.
Just to ask an obvious curiosity to me...Has this rampant deadly virus approached the death toll of our common seasonal flu yet...that we have validated vaccine shots for? Not saying I would NEVER take a CV vaccine, but not at the moment. I mean, I did try the flu shot one time. Sick as dog that winter. If I were still prone to bronchitis, which was my only nemesis, then I would strongly consider a vaccine against a potent respiratory virus. But, that has even gone by the wayside and haven't had Bronchitis in 3 years, and the flu in over 20. My kid had all his childhood vaccines. It wasn't worth it to me to research the occurrences of illnesses in kids that the vaccines are to prevent, and protest him having them. And at that age, how would I even know what type of immune system he will develop. Adult shots like the common flu shot, an this, etc., I think is more of an individual decision based on your years of experience with your immune system. Some will be fine without. Some should take it. If your in a high risk exposure profession, you should probably take it. If your job takes on much travel, should probably take it. Not everyone has the same circumstances, so it is not that hard to understand why some will and some won't.
Having had a flu shot and subsequently getting the flu is a terrible cause/effect analysis for not getting one in the future. I am trapped in an aluminum tube for many hours with people that are sick. Those that have not even tried are the ones I have zero sympathy for. If they are throwing up all the way to Japan, I would say it is Karma, and deservedly earned because you are being so selfish that you expose others to your sickness. IF you have the flu, stay the **** home and off my airplane.

I'm not throwing rocks at you GVF... just a general rant.
Is there currently a vaccine list required to fly?
I am pretty sure I will have no other choice than to get vaccinated because I work at a trauma center. It will probably also be a requirement to be vaccinated if you intend on flying too. I voted yes.
I am pretty sure I will have no other choice than to get vaccinated because I work at a trauma center. It will probably also be a requirement to be vaccinated if you intend on flying too. I voted yes.
While I am all for the requirement to be vaccinated before flying, who is going to enforce that? TSA? The airlines?

Hi, welcome to flight 123 to XXX. Please show your boarding card, passport and shot record when you approach the gate.
Where's this kind of alarm for overdose deaths from opiates/oids? That damage is deeper than just deaths too.
View attachment 271711

Though the opiod issue is real and deserves to be addressed, I don't think unintentionally contracting the coronavirus is the same as some willfully choking down a handful of oxy.
Again, thumping your chest while laying on the ground is a bad look for you. Perhaps you can share some more anecdotal evidence with the board on why you don't believe vaccines are necessary? I feel like maybe you left window licking out of your litany of examples. I'm game to shine the light on your ill advised shot at me as long as you are, as its apparent that your pride is getting in the way of your reason.

This is a thread to share the reasons why we wouldn’t or would take the vaccine , why would my answer not be anecdotal if I said I wasn’t going to you mouth breather? Don’t you have some some government article you need to be slurping up so you won’t miss your turn in line for the cure ? For the record , taking a shot at you is never Ill advised , I am starting to feel bad after that post about you running with scissors, it’s obvious you’ve lost a step mentally.
Mentally we probably all have better days than others. Proof is my post history. At all hours. 😉
While I am all for the requirement to be vaccinated before flying, who is going to enforce that? TSA? The airlines?

Hi, welcome to flight 123 to XXX. Please show your boarding card, passport and shot record when you approach the gate.

Unsure but the world appears to be moving in a different direction. This is just pure speculation from me.
Just spitballing but do you think that some the differences could be humans have been repeatedly exposed to various strains of flu and have built some tolerances?
Sure, "herd immunity". None exists for this virus which is another reason it's so dangerous.
They just got the ebola vaccine in 2019. A year is doubtful for covid19.
That's kinda what I was thinking. People talking like a vaccine is months away and then we can go back to normal. Never thought that was accurate.

My position hasn't changed. At some point people there will have to be a happy medium found in risk of infection vs functional economy. What we're doing now isn't a fix.
Perhaps. Seasonal flu rates were never affected by prior social distancing methods. The fact that this is novel, is the biggest variable - we simply don't know. What is known is that NYC has never dozens of freezer trailers to stack bodies due to the seasonal flu.

Personally, I don't think they are comparing apples to apples with the two viruses, but it's the only comparison there is when looking at annual death tolls. I may be wrong, but my understanding is CV is a respiratory virus. A strong one. (I guess the flu is also in way). There are a lot of viral respiratory infections that go around that doctors can't even prescribe meds for cause it viral. That Rhino virus is one of them. So, it stands to reason that a NEW and Improved respiratory virus that was unleashed will greatly affect the elderly and those already compromised. And also why some of us can tote it around and not ever show symptoms or get sick. It also stands to reason the decline will be as quick and sharp as the climb. It's here to stay. Can put it on the list of the other viruses. and afflictions. But, can't live in a cave either. Now whether this was an underground social attack on humanity can be argued by the theorists, but I for one do believe this has been out in the world since the fall, not January. If it is coming to pass that it was out in China before they claim, then it dang sure was already in the US in Sept/Oct/Nov when world travel was unrestricted. And I'm still questioning whether my wife already had it months ago. And if all this being the case is accurate, it has a slow ramp up, and we only became officially aware of it right at the top of the ramp.
This is a thread to share the reasons why we wouldn’t or would take the vaccine , why would my answer not be anecdotal if I said I wasn’t going to you mouth breather? Don’t you have some some government article you need to be slurping up so you won’t miss your turn in line for the cure ? For the record , taking a shot at you is never Ill advised , I am starting to feel bad after that post about you running with scissors, it’s obvious you’ve lost a step mentally.

Calm down champ, I enjoy your cement pond swimmin' hole rationale for ignoring medical advice. In fact, I support your choice to eschew scientific evidence in favor of your backwoods anecdotal imprudence.
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Having had a flu shot and subsequently getting the flu is a terrible cause/effect analysis for not getting one in the future. I am trapped in an aluminum tube for many hours with people that are sick. Those that have not even tried are the ones I have zero sympathy for. If they are throwing up all the way to Japan, I would say it is Karma, and deservedly earned because you are being so selfish that you expose others to your sickness. IF you have the flu, stay the **** home and off my airplane.

I'm not throwing rocks at you GVF... just a general rant.

Not all people are ignorant. IF I had the flu, I would stay home. And I would know IF I had it, being someone that never does.
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Herd immunity won’t happen if we continue social distancing and keep half of the economy sitting at home.
It will happen but maybe later than sooner if we keep the social distancing. The reasoning has been to keep the infection rate manageable so that we do not overwhelm our medical care abilities. I guess it all ends up depending on how you think things should go, as if we had a choice at the moment.
Sure, "herd immunity". None exists for this virus which is another reason it's so dangerous.

I don't think herd immunity works the same way with rapidly mutating viruses.
Having had a flu shot and subsequently getting the flu is a terrible cause/effect analysis for not getting one in the future. I am trapped in an aluminum tube for many hours with people that are sick. Those that have not even tried are the ones I have zero sympathy for. If they are throwing up all the way to Japan, I would say it is Karma, and deservedly earned because you are being so selfish that you expose others to your sickness. IF you have the flu, stay the **** home and off my airplane.

I'm not throwing rocks at you GVF... just a general rant.

My niece is a FA with AA. I've heard plenty of stories of the average American Joe. And met quite a few at the front counter of the bowling alley. I never conceded to just how stupid the average American is until I started that part-time job.

Edit.: And I still don't take the flu shot and still don't get sick, even with that job. I think I might sell blood samples to the CDC for testing.
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