Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

Will you take the CCP Virus vaccine? Why/why not

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 80 52.3%
  • Undecided (include why)

    Votes: 20 13.1%

  • Total voters
The needle part was tongue in cheek. But I sincerely hope I don't have needles as part of my daily life, either.
Surprised you continue to work since you have an "at risk" health issue.
All of us here are germophobes, we clean the office with Clorox wipes twice a day and I have no skin left on my hands from washing them too much.
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Calm down champ, I enjoy your cement pond swimmin' hole rationale for ignoring medical advice. In fact, I support your choice to eschew scientific evidence in favor of your backwoods anecdotal imprudence.

That's over generalizing. If I had an immune system that would benefit from the flu shot, I would take it. But, I don't need it, and my experience with it wasn't good when I did try it out. I would venture to say there is a significantly large portion of the population that do not take the flu shot and do not get the flu.
Herd immunity won’t happen if we continue social distancing and keep half of the economy sitting at home.

The balance is that with a slowly mutating Covid-19, herd immunity is plausible. However, the reason we need to keep social distance is to keep from overwhelming the healthcare system - as healthcare providers are stretched thinner and thinner and resources are depleted more rapidly the mortality rate will increase. The dichotomy is pretty stark, we can either have a better economy or we can have have a healthcare system that is capable of keeping up with the illness, perhaps there are other options - I just don't know what they are.
All of us here are germophobes, we clean the office with Clorox wipes twice a day and I have no skin left on my hands from washing them too much.

It's dangerous to over sanitize, OCD style ?? Doesn't that eliminate the good bacteria stuff you need on your skin and body to combat all this bad stuff ?? In moderation, sure.
It's dangerous to over sanitize, OCD style ?? Doesn't that eliminate the good bacteria stuff you need on your skin and body to combat all this bad stuff ?? In moderation, sure.

Right. So we all go wallow in the pig sty once a day to strengthen our immune systems.
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Right. So we all go wallow in the pig sty once a day to our immune systems.

Actually, that was a real question, notwithstanding the pig sty.

Is OCD sanitizing just as detrimental as none at all. And I'm speaking of everyday personal. Not situations where you obviously have to provide sterile medical rooms.
Just spitballing but do you think that some the differences could be humans have been repeatedly exposed to various strains of flu and have built some tolerances?
Sure do. But he’s still trying to compare 12 months of data vs 2 months. It’s a dumb comparison at this point.
Right. So we all go wallow in the pig sty once a day to our immune systems.

I recognize that as a shot to a misunderstood question. Cute and funny.

But, I would place bets on the immune system of kids that just grew up, verses ones that grew up indoors, and with mommy hitting them with hand gel every time they touched the door knob to the outside door. I'd actually like to see comparative data on normal kids verses bubble kids. That would be a better study than the one we helped fund in Wuhan.
Actually, that was a real question, notwithstanding the pig sty.

Is OCD sanitizing just as detrimental as one at all. And I'm speaking of everyday personal. Not situations where you obviously have to provide sterile medical rooms.

You have to admit pig sty wallowing is an absurd and funny image. No one is taking sanitizing to an extreme in our office. I do appreciate their conscientiousness, however.
As someone who is immunosuppressed and will be in some capacity for the rest of my life I will definitely be willing to take the vaccine.
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Im not saying the vaccine is worthless. It has its uses for sure, especially if proven safe and effective.

I am concerned about the solution for this problem being made by the same people who helped cause the problem.
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Unsure but the world appears to be moving in a different direction. This is just pure speculation from me.
things that were strictly verboten onto airplanes in the months following 9/11 are once again permitted. This too will pass. Americans will hit the snooze button and we will go back to whatever it is we did before. But the economy has successfully been reset. The desired reset the Chinese are aiming for is the replacement of Mr Trump. Hopefully that fails, and he doubles down with more tariffs.
will wait to hear:

1. How long immunity lasts - if I already have the antibody do I need it or is this an annual situation.
2. Effectiveness estimates - some years they get the flu shot right; some years not so much
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