Wish is granted

granted but you win it with 1000 other people and end up only winning 3.50

i wish i had a palm tree that grew in my back yard
granted but after clicking the ruby slippers 3 times you are now Dorothy

I wish the Dolphins would have another undefeated Superbowl season :aggressive:
Granted,but Saben won't talk about it to anyone.

I wish I was as fast as I was before I got old and out of shape.
Granted but now you hafta do subway sammich commercials

I wish I had a rich uncle that just kicked the bucket, and I inherit everything.
Granted, but you find out that your uncle hasn't payed his taxes in over ten years and now the irs is after you for their money.

I wish I could have the whole month off with pay.
Granted, but you will lose your job as soon as the month is over.

I wish that Tennessee would never lose another football game.
Granted, but they would never win another game.

I wish that I had all the money that I would ever need.
Granted. You own a Ford Excursion and drive 100miles each way to work everyday.

I wish I could golf, ski and hang out in bars year around.
Granted! I wish that too

I wish the Gallatin Green Wave, Tennessee Vols, and Tennessee Titans would all go undefeated and win their respective championships.
Granted, now you have to buy $500 worth of championship shirts and merchandise

I wish EA Sports Nascar game wouldn't suck and dissapoint every year.

BTW, It was hard to grant the Titans a SB win over my Colts but I'll make the exception since you included UT :)
Granted, but you now have to pay an extra fee...

I wish the stripers would start hitting earlier in the evening at the lake.
Granted, but now you have a wart the size of a lemon on your nose that cannot be surgically removed.

I wish I had season tickets.
Granted, but it's Putt-Putt...

I wish warm weather would hang around until really late in the year...
Granted, but it's Putt-Putt...

I wish warm weather would hang around until really late in the year...
Granted, but you would never be able to go outside and enjoy it.

I wish that I never had to hear another word or see another picture of Bear Bryant.
Granted, but then you wouldn't get any more laughs out of this:

I wish that a safe would fall on Barry Bonds the day after he hits his 753rd home run.


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Granted. You win a radio call-in contest and get to go to the game free with the Victoria Secret model of your choice. While there, you catch the magical, record-breaking home-run ball. Your slinky date is so impressed with how you handle everything that, the next day, shortly after Bonds signs your ball at the press conference, she announces that she'll dedicate her life to personalizing any other balls you happen to have on you for life.

Bonds, teary-eyed, leans over to hug you and tell you that until a few seconds ago he thought he was the luckiest man on earth, at which point the safe falls on both of you.

I wish that, instead, Richard Nixon had said, "Yeah I'm a crook! I'm the President you idiots, how do you think I got here?! You schmos going to actually pretend like you didn't vote for me because I was a better crook than the other dimwads I was running against?!?"

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