Wish is granted

Granted, but it's on a black & white tv and it's videotape from this year and 1988.

I wish Lexvol would be nice and not make me pay him half of my million.
Granted, but they reinstate the draft and you end up with a military career stuck in Fort Rutger, Alabama. You marry a Bammer (at a shotgun wedding) and have little Bammer kids.

I wish I could be moving to Tempe Arizona.

Granted, but the power goes out and all you have to play is candy land and gatoropoly.

I wish it would get below 75 degrees here so it can start to feel like the holidays.
Wish granted (no hitches, Happy Holidays!)

I wish all those little needles didn't get everywhere when you put up the tree.
Thanks man

granted, but he sap is twice as worse!

i wish Mr Miyagi and Chuck Norris would have gotten a chance to square off
granted, but mr. miyagi whoops charles norris

i wish mybloodrunnethorange would quit being so mean and let me watch the game in color on my front porch on the fifty yard line at neyland

Granted, but a fee has been instituted that makes it prohibitively expensive.

I wish I could get my instrument rating so I could fly in yucky weather.
Granted but all you can fly is a hot air balloon powered by Canadian Geese

I wish I had my own helicopter.
OK, but you've gotta get up at 4am to do morning traffic and then do it all over again for the afternoon drive every day.

I wish I had a beach house overlooking some blue lagoon on a tropical island
Originally posted by bigtime@Nov 29, 2005 2:07 PM
i wish mybloodrunnethorange would quit being so mean and let me watch the game in color on my front porch on the fifty yard line at neyland

Who says persistence dosn't pay off? Your wish has been granted bigtime. From this day on, your front porch will sit on the fifty yard line @ Neyland Stadium. Shields Watkins field is now your front yard. This coming season, all of the Vols games will be home games, and they will win them all by a score of 70-0. You will see every exciting moment played out right in front of your eyesin your front yard as you watch from your Lazy Boy recliner. Enjoy :thumbsup:

I wish bigtime would set up an extra recliner and invite me over to watch the aforementioned games, along with an endless supply of hot wings and Bud Lite served continuously by two super hot brunette Hooters Girls :naughty:
granted but the babes are invisible , the beer is warm, and they put a giant pole to hold up a billboard right in front of your seats

I wish I could fly
Granted, but the rest of the world only speaks Mandarin Chinese.

I wish I could get good seafood in Lexington
granted, but its at an old run down bout to be condemded restruant where the prettiest waitress is older than 70

i wish mybloodrunnethorange would come watch the game wit me on the 50 yard line in my other recliner with two hot brunnets for him and some ice cold bud and two hot blondes for me and and some vault and the college hooters girls from K-town servin us hot hooters wings with some curly fries
granted the hooter girls are dudes in drag

I wish big time would come up with a new wish
Granted, but it's a semi-replica of past wishes.

I wish I could give all the people I really care about EVERYTHING they really need.
Granted, but the genie is in a bottle and the cork has molded to the bottle.

I wish I lived in K-town...might have wished this one earlier...
granted, no twist cause i couldnt think of a good one

i wish i could come up with a new wish but nothings as good as livin on the fifty at neyland with hooters girls and wings

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